
Saturday 7 August 2021

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

What are you all up to this weekend,  we have a few jobs to do in town today, you know I was so shocked that our 'new'ish car didn't come with car mats fitted!  I did call the dealer and ask but apparently thats normal these days, so we have had to order some,  we collect them today, they seem to get every last penny they can out of you these days!  I sound like my mother 'you don't get anything for free these days" πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

I have a great little craft tool to share with you today from Karen and of course we have Michele's Magazine Review, which has coincidentally some great ideas for our last two Challenges and even some inspiration for our current challenge, check out the lovely 'Geometric ' cards 


Karen's Description:

I have just finished this project which I started yesterday It’s called a stamping press pressure tool or chuckie 
I will try and describe how I  made it......

I watched something on YouTube where they were making using baby food jars and filling them with M&Ms
I ordered felt and a mdf disc not knowing what I could substitute for the food jars
I painted one side of mdf with a cheerful yellow acrylic paint and stamped a few Aall and Create stamps and used the circle stencil with Wilted Violet DO Should have used Versafine, Momento blurred/smudged I made a base out of yellow card to match - didn’t bother with the curved sides
Stuck about 4 layers of felt onto mdf and then stuck it to the lid
I filled mine with an emergency supply of jelly babies!
I was going to use a moisturiser pot but that’s square and more difficult to hold but the weight of it may have been better instead of my hair product jar 
All sorts of jars could be used that have flat lids and are comfortable to hold.

Thanks so much for sharing your 'Chuckie' with us, it's a great idea, especially if you don't have strong hands and wrists.  I have just about finished a jar of face cream and I have some MDF circles in a selection pack I bought from Ali Reeve, so I might have a go, it might save me struggling to stand to put enough pressure on my stamp platform.
I really love your design,  that lovely teal green with the purple Yellow,  I love the stamps you have used too.  Thank you so much for sharing this great tool with us XXX 

Michele's Magazine Review

 Hi Ladies, 

Papercraft Essentials has a fun free gift this month. A Picnic themed pop up cardmaking kit.

Here’s a look inside the magazine.

Here’s lots of ideas & inspiration using the free gift-not just to make the pop up card either.

These card ideas are great for boy’s birthday cards

Lovely “Clean & Simple “ style cards-stunning.

These card ideas could be used for  any age & men too.

Lovely background ideas.

WOW-these look just stunning. Who knew Kraft card could look so pretty.

Cute ideas for children.

Monochrome ideas, I’m sure we’ve all got stamps similar to at least one of these.

More ideas.

Great ideas to use up that stash of ribbon.

That’s all for this week so
Happy Crafting

Love Michele

Thanks Michele for another amazing review,  I have really appreciated your contribution to the blog each week.  This magazine has some great features,  how funny that there are cards that would work perfectly for both the aperture challenge and circle challenge!  Make a note of those for next time!  I also think the Floral Kraft cards are stunning,  they are made using a technique called 'white washing'.  The Geometric mens cards are Perfect for this weeks challenge too, I am sure we all have dies/stamps similar to those used on the cards shown, watch this space, I might have s play.  So many great ideas, thanks again Michele for giving us so much inspiration ❤ xxx

Ladies I hope that you all have a chilled and relaxed weekend,  the weather forecast isn't great but we can also hide out in our craft room. 😊

My love ❤ and hugs πŸ€— to all of you,



  1. What a terrific saying SANDRA So so true I wouldn’t mind printing it off and hanging in my craft room!
    Thank you again MICHELE for the magazine review You do such a sterling job preparing it all
    I thoroughly enjoyed making my chuckie I used it last night and it works! So instead of using the heel of my hand covered by my sleeve I use chuckie and it glides over the top I still need to add a bit of wellie though
    Night 3?of the bed and I can honestly say I slept better! No getting up and pacing the floor It might be that OH was out all night too 🀣
    I am going out tonight on my own for the first time in over 2 years It’s a work colleague’s birthday So it’ll be nice to meet the “team”
    Take care everyone

  2. Morning everyone.
    Thank you Karen for the instructions for making the pressure tool.
    The Magazine have some wonderful ideas, I love how they used the craft card, it looks lovely. Thank you Michele for doing the Magazine review.
    Didn't get anytime to craft yesterday because our visitors stayed long into the evening so must get some done today or it wont be a cc from me this week. Have been up since the early hours, 4am so feeling a bit blurry eyed right now :/

    Have a nice Saturday everyone and wonderful news Sandra about Paul's job, something to celebrate today πŸ˜„
    Hugs Maria xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love the quote 😊
    Karen, your ‘chuckle’ looks fabulous, thanks for sharing. A great idea and glad it’s helped. Might have to make one myself…..and to have a small stash of sweets to hand too, brilliant πŸ˜‰
    Great magazine review Michele. I love the Kraft card ones, they’re beautiful and lots of other great articles too. Thanks for sharing 😊
    Just starting to brighten up now after torrential rain!
    It’s Barneys 1st Birthday today. Unfortunately couldn’t get out to buy him much, but ordered a couple of new things from Amazon 🐢😊
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Sorry that should be chuckie, not chuckle ☺️ Xx
