
Saturday 21 August 2021

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well and are ready for a relaxing weekend. We will mostly be in the car this weekend,  luckily I have the best company! 
I will update you along the way with some pics too!

How true is today's quote, I have used many embellishments to hide little accidents! 

Karen's Waddesdon Manor Highlights

These chairs reminded me of Charlie and that the backs look like buckets

Look at that ceramic pot too The flowers may have been punched/cut but to then to have to stick that many onto the pot!

Karen has kindly shared some of the Highlights from her trip to Waddesdon Manor. 

Obviously the chandelier,  it's stunning and one of the things that stayed in my mind from our visit a good 10 years ago.  Here is Some information about it:  
This chandelier is made of broken porcelain and cutlery and was commissioned for the Blue Dining Room in 2003. Its energy and irreverence make it particularly popular with visitors. Its appearance is the result of both accident and design. Maurer and his manufacturing team dropped the ceramics on the floor or smashed them with a hammer, further broke or smoothed some pieces, and then arranged and mounted them, with cutlery, onto the metal armature and light source.

Those chairs are so lovely, so different too. So unusual in style. 

Now only a crafter can appreciate the work that went into that vase, just look at all those individual flowers. 

I wonder how much that bottle of Wine is worth, especially with Diana's autograph on!  Their Wine cellars are just something else.  I have had the privilege (? Not sure I would have classed it as that but hey) to taste a couple of different wines from Rotheschild Wine Estate, Chateau Lafite & Chateau Mouton, when I worked in a fancy Wine Merchant in Colchester, I'm pleased that we were allowed to spit it out!!  Clearly my palette wasn't 'refined' enough!  I am no Wine snob, but I was proper amazed by the sheer size of their wine cellars.  

Thank you so much Karen for sharing the special parts of your day.  XXX 

That's all for today Ladies,  I hope that you all have a lovely weekend. 

Sending Love and hugs to you all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Love looking at your pics KAREN. Brings back happy memories of when we were members of the NT many years ago.

    It's a very grey/dull and wet start to the day here.
    We start our ten day isolation today so it really doesn't matter what the weather is like.

    The CAFE is OPEN for all.HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. The saying is so true Many times I have had to place a flower or a butterfly on a smudge etc
    Waddesdon Manor is beautiful and massive To know that Ferdinand Rothschild had it built as a place for entertainment and as a treasury for his many items collected over the years I do not drink alcohol and so an expensive wine would be wasted on me I imagine a lot of it now might taste like vinegar! It was lovely to be out in company too
    New printer delivered yesterday- a really cheap one Juat going to set it up and have a play
    Take care everyone Special hugs for LILIAN MARIA and MARGARET
    Hope the journey is going smoothly SANDRA

  3. Hi everyone
    Love the quote, so true 😊
    Karen, thank you for sharing your photos. Those items look stunning and the chandelier and vase are beautiful. I’m glad you enjoyed your day.
    Grey day here, and rain is forecast, was hoping to be able to sit outside later when family come but we’ll have to wait and see.
    Enjoy the journey Sandra. I love a long journey and being able to see all the lovely scenery.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello All , wet and humid here, makes me feel so tired.

    The saying is SO true, I manage to smudge ink almost every time, usually when I’m stamping my sentiment.

    Glad you had a lovely time Karen, we used to love visiting there when we lived in Oxford.

    Heard from gynaecologist today have a telephone consultation on 22/09/21, so not too long to wait, apparently the lining to my uterus is abnormal, not sure what they will do.

    First card in weeks done for tomorrow’s challenge, not great but at least it’s a start.

    Hope you are enjoying your journey Sandra, and it’s not too tiring.
    Have a good weekend all, Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What lovely photos of Becca and Adam. She looks beautiful. And I think the older they get the more Lucy looks like her. Sophie dies too of course but I think Lucy and Becca have the same eyes. It’s good to see her and Adam having a good time. Wow, I love your hotel room especially the wooden coat hangers and rack. The shaggy light shade is great fun too. I hope you are both starting to relax a bit. I am the same about leaving the bed with fresh linen, clean bathrooms etc. too. I know you have a long way to go yet but at least you are on your way. Enjoy yourselves xx
    Great saying. But I thought butterflies are only made simply to cover smudges etc. on cards! Only joking but I have spoiled many pieces with a smudge or fingerprint which sometimes can be salvaged with a butterfly or something.
    Karen, thanks for the great photos of Waddesdon Manor. And Sandra for the info on that crazy light shade, it is brilliant isn’t it. The bucket back chairs are great fun too aren’t they. I can see why they made you think of your cheeky little Charlie Karen 😍 Once you start creating items yourself you do notice other people’s hard work a lot more I think. It must have taken hours and hours to make and apply those tiny leaves mustn’t it? It’s interesting to see the names on that wine bottle. I wonder what it tastes like though? I don’t drink any more but in the past have had some very so called good wines that cost ridiculous amounts that I would rather use to clean the drains so I’m with you Sandra with my unrefined palette xx
    Mum is still in hospital but should be home later on in the week. It turns out she does have a chest infection which they are treating with high doses of intravenous antibiotics to “knock it on the head” as we say. She is eating quite well again but still struggling a bit with her breathing.
    Lilian, you are in my thoughts. Now the doctors can decide the best way to treat you so try and keep your hands busy while you wait to hear what they are going to do xx
    Maria, I hope you are having a relaxing time Enjoy your break away xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love the poster, Very True.

    Karen Love your photos, the interior of Weddestone Manor suggest the designer had a great sense of fun.

    Sue lovely to hear Margaret is eating, at least she will be builder strength up again.

    Maria hope your weekend is relax.

    Had a lovely surprise today, eldest daughter text this morning could she pop over with Samuel, not long after our other daughter sent a text , Julie said she is coming over to you can Tierney and I pop over? It was lovely we had both daughters and two grandchildren they were here Fromm lunch time until late afternoon.

    Hope you have had a lovely day. xxx
