
Sunday 22 August 2021

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

Hello my lovelies,  as I am writing this post we are cruising through central France, taking our time and enjoying the journey,  we just had a break at a pretty picnic area.  I felt a strange nostalgic moment yesterday at breakfast,  the couple on the next table to us had twins in highchairs, they looked like they were around 1 yr to 18 months,  the were so cute, the couple were chatty and Paul and I said that we didn't envy them their 5 hour journey, we explained that we always drove through the night when the children were little,  it was so much easier when they were all asleep in their car seats, the couple said that they hadn't considered that but thought it made sense, Paul  and I were talking about it later saying that there was nothing relaxing about holidaying with little ones, especially if they outnumber you, especially around pools and on the beach.  Paul used to take Matt and Becca and had the girls to entertain, we were as exhausted as the babies come bed time!  They were fun times though, it got us really thinking about how different this holiday will be!  We are currently about 2 hours from our hotel, this one is somewhere totally new to us, it's a lovely looking  'Boutique hotel '.  Our usual hotel that we have stayed at for past 4 holidays closed down,  we were booked with them but they emailed to cancel, I imagine it's just to quiet for them to be financially viable, especially after last year.  I will let you all know tomorrow what we think of this new one. 

Now let's look at your fantastic TicTacToe Challenge cards........


Karen's Description:

"Here’s a cc

Birthday- bling-gold

Inspired by Tracy Evans The bling is gold dots and the gold is gilding flakes

It’s for a very special friend whose favourite colour is green. 

Karen I am really loving your Tracy Evans inspired cards,  I can tell that you add your own little touches to make it your design too. For me this one is extra special as it features my favourite colour 😍.   THAT SPECIAL FRIEND IS VERY LUCKY 😍

Infact the background that you have created looks very much like SU's sell out papers that I used recently (the one that looked like alcohol inks background in green and gold). You have created what looks like many layers of detail and interest.  Thank you so much for a stunning Challenge  card XXX


Sonia's Description:

'I’ve used. LOTV image from one of the art pads. The papers are ones I found on the web and downloaded for free - they’re so pretty for a freebie. The sentiment is from LOTV. The scalloped border is a tonic studio’s punch, and the little heart on sentiment is also a punch. The flowers are Becca Feeken, Amazing Paper Grace.

Categories - flowers/die cut shape/punch.

Aww Sonia I absolutely ❤ love this 'Lilli Of The Valley' image,  such an adorable little couple too. As with all of your cards,  the design and attention to detail are perfect, I actually thought that you had used an Anne Marie Designs Backing paper, her latest release has a lot of the whitewash wood effect papers.  Becca Feeken’s (Spellbinders) dies are all so lovely, the flowers you have used from her line are simply beautiful and work beautifully with your design.  Thank you so much Sonia for supporting this weeks challenge. Enjoy the rest of your weekend of celebration James birthday XXX


Lilian's Description:

This is my card for this week, sorry it’s a bit late, I used bling, paper and flowers, hope that’s right. Flower stamp is one which came for a online project, I have enhanced the paper with stamps and perfect pearls. First card I have made for weeks, you should see the mess."

Oh I love this card Lilian 😍,  the flower is just so bold and beautiful,  I love how you have coloured it too, the perfect pearls give such a lovely shimmer.  The combination of stamped foliage and Die cut foliage gives a real sense of depth.  The genius part of this card is the clever use of a lattice die cut to create the effect of the flower being in a vase or pot.
Thank you so very much my lovely, such a lovely card XXX


Brenda's Description: oh

"My categories are embossing/ribbon/punch ( I used my small SU flower."

oh Brenda what a beautiful card, Simple in Design but stunning, the ribbon is such a pretty colour and matches the flowers perfectly, I absolutely love that embossing folder, it really needs very little to embellish it as it is beautiful just as it is. I bet it would look pretty with some colour added into the folder too, to highlight those pretty flowers.  You could maybe use this folder for next weeks  challenge too.  Thank you so much for supporting this weeks TicTacToe Challenge XXX


Janet's Description: 

"My first CC for this week was made using the Backing Card printed by 'Dolly Dimples'. The Apron I cut from a Designer Pad I have had for years and is decorated with gold Peel Offs.

I used BIRTHDAY/GOLD/DESIGN CARD(paper) from the TTT grid.

My second CC this week is of course made using 'Tonic Die Cuts' and Glitter Card. The Ribbon etc are from my stash.

Two lovely cards from Our Janet for our TicTacToe Challenge,  the cards couldn't be more different, which shows how versatile this challenge can be
Your first card is lovely, I love the vintage script paper you have used and the ribbons compliment it perfectly. 
Your 2nd card is beautiful, I really love the Tonic ribbon cards,  weaving that pretty ribbon gives a real touch of class to the card. 
Thank you so much Janet for supporting this weeks challenge XXX 


Thank you all so very much for making time to take part in this weeks challenge, as always I want you all to know that I really do appreciate it ! ❤😍

Enjoy what's left of your weekend Ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous cards on display today 😍 They’re all fantastic.
    Karen, I’m loving your Tracey Evans inspired cards 😊
    I hope you had a good night at the hotel and a comfortable sleep before setting off on the next leg of your journey.
    We have wonderful memories of family holidays when the boys were younger, but my goodness it was tiring trying to keep them occupied. We always slept well though 😊
    Hopefully do some crafting today, and make a start on this weeks challenge.
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Thank you Sonia I am enjoying the “ride” trying to emulate Tracy and Jo Rice
      I love your LOTV image Are they still in business and I’m intrigued where you got your backing paper from

    2. Thanks Karen. LOTV have an online Etsy shop now, the majority of the images are digi stamps or prints. The image I used is from one of the old art pads 😊
      I found the backing papers when doing an online search for ‘free backing papers’. Bear with me and I’ll have a look to see if I can find it and I’ll let you know xx

  2. I hope you had a pleasant night If it was at the place you showed photos of it looked very nice indeed
    Holidays with the children were the happiest ones Exhausting yes, but just lovely doing stuff altogether
    Your cards are beautiful ladies Each one is so completely different
    We had an almighty storm in the night The rain was ferocious and one huge loudest clap of thunder!
    I know they play bowls in the rain but I am seriously wondering if the will cancel today’s match
    Take care all Hope the rest of your journey is good SANDRA

  3. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful array of craftyness this week.
    All very different but show what a good Challenge.

    SANDRA-Hope the hotel came up to scratch and you had a good night. I am interested to know how your crossinng/customs etc went.

    Not a lot happening here today. So all fingers etc crossed it stays this way.

    CAFE is OPEN to all who wish to have a look.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  4. Hello All, very humid here today, a bit of sun but mostly cloud.

    Sandra glad to hear journey going well.

    Super cards again this week, love your Tracy Evans card Karen, I love the look but end up in a terrible mess.

    Going to try and make some Christmas cards this week, if my backs not too bad.

    Hope you are all having a lovely Sunday, hugs Lilian

  5. Hi everyone.
    Wonderful cards ladies. Love Lilly of the valley, so wished I bought their books more. Love the new style Karen that you make, it's super. Glad you feeling up to make cards again Lilian, it's beautiful.
    Love the items at Waddesdon Manor Karen. Beautiful and amazing things to look at.
    Very humid the last three days but think it is blowing up to a storm and actually I wouldn't mind if that cleared the air a bit.
    Sending many hugs to you all and extras for Margaret, Lynda, Lilian and anyone else who need some. Have a nice day Xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies

    So many lovely Challenge cards this week ladies, they are all so inspiring. Sundays are always a day to look forward to because we get to see all of your CCs.

    Sandra the hotel you stayed in last night looks beautiful. Hope Paul is feeling fine after the long I’m sure you will both be ready for your bed . Sleep well.

    Sue give Margaret a hug from me. I really feel for you and the family it must be so difficult seeing Mum as she is now. The changes have happened so quickly. With My Mum everything happened much more slowly, she was also able to talk until she died.

    Lynda hope you and Terry are ok. I’m sure you are keeping him under control. I always remember him at Ally Pally he is such a joker. He always used to love Margaret’s cakes, on one occasion she said I’m saving the rest for Terry. Wish we could have those days back. Lovely memories, no one can take them away from us. xx

    I’ve spent most of the in the garden, it was so relaxing, in fact I never thought about lunc until after 2pm I was totally engrossed.

    Will say goodnight everyone, sleep well, Love and hugs xxx
