
Friday 20 August 2021

Your Next Challenge

 Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Well the day is upon us,  lots to do before we leave,  it's funny because I have this thing about leaving the house super clean before we leave so that it's nice a fresh to come back to,  bleached kitchen & bathrooms, fresh bedding you get the picture. There seems little point as the girls are staying behind and I'm pretty sure the house won't look like i leave it when we return, they are pretty good but they don't have the same attention to detail. So we will leave it clean and tidy and hope for the best.  

Your Next Challenge 

I thought that we would revisit Embossing for our next Challenge,  I don't think we have done it for a while either.  It's something we can use for Christmas or Birthday so a versatile challenge too.  I tried a new technique for this challenge too that I am looking forward to sharing with you next week. I hope that you enjoy the challenge, I am looking forward to seeing your cards. 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,  

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    A really good Challenge for this next week SANDRA.
    I'll have to dig out and dust off my E Folders which haven't seen the light of day for ages.

    Have a good Holiday and take care.

    Well here we go again another 'swear' day. I'm sure there's more of these days than any other in the
    As usual Mr Tesco will be delivering too so I'd better get my skates on.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN as usual.
    Loads of HUGS to all with extras for LILIAN and MARGARET today.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Beautiful card SANDRA which really showcases an embossing folder I must admit I forget to use them So a great challenge for me
    Enjoy your holiday SANDRA You and PAUL have earned it It will feel strange not having the rest of the family with you at first Will your crafting friend be there? The girls will do a sterling job looking after the house
    We had a lovely day at Waddesdon Manor Stunning gardens and the house is beautiful I have never seen a wine cellar before So the highlight for me was seeing all this expensive wine AND on commemorative occasions the guests signed the bottle So one had Princess Diana, the Queen, Prince Philip etc signature on
    Of course the chandelier made with broken crockery and cutlery is stunning No photograph does it justice Lunch was a bit disappointing but we had some fabulous tapas at a restaurant when we got home and a bonus visit to see the boys
    Hair appointment today after work OH might go dancing So I will have the evening to myself I wonder what I will do …🤣
    Enjoy your break too MARIA
    Fingers crossed you don’t have to wait too long for your results LILIAN
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A great challenge for next week. I love your card and the embossing folder is beautiful 😊 I too rarely use my folders, so a great challenge for me.
    I know what you mean about leaving the house clean and tidy before going away. It’s always a relief to know you don’t have to come back and do housework straight away.
    Have a really lovely, relaxing time. You and Paul both deserve it 😊
    James Birthday today and Marks off on a gig weekender. We’ve got family round tomorrow evening for drinks and cake. Apart from that - and the dreaded housework - nothing else planned.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Sorry about my mistake on yesterday’s comment - I seem to have been a day ahead of myself thinking you were going yesterday afternoon ☺️ xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card and a good challenge for next week 😊
    Have a nice journey, drive safe and we looking forward to seeing the photos during your time away.
    Sending lots of hugs to you all and wish you a nice day 🤗 Maria Xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I guess by now you will be well on your way to Folkestone, hope the traffic isn’t to heavy, it is going to feel strange not having the girls with you, they will miss you both, it’s ok when they go away and leave you, but the house will be strange without Mum and Dad, I’m sure they will take care of everything while you are away and are only at the other end of the phone if you miss them. xx

    Beautiful inspiring card for next weeks challenge, loving the colour combo, as others have said I like them don’t often use my EFs. They are within easy reach of my work area so no excuses for not using them.

    Have a good evening everyone, take care and stay safe. xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sandra I love your pretty love the embossing folder.i must try & look through mine
    Hope you all have had a nice 👌
    SANDRA Hope your journey is going's the new car
    Hope it's more comfortable.
    Take care.
    Love 🤗🤗 xxxx

  7. Hello Everyone, Sandra lovely card and good challenge for next week.

    Hope your journey is going ok, and not too much traffic.

    Hope Maria you have a lovely few days away.

    Going to watch gardeners world now, so I’ll wish you goodnight.
