
Sunday 2 May 2021

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

We had a very varied range of weather yesterday,  from heavy hailstones and rain to bright warm sunshine 🌞.   I desperately wanted to do some garden jobs but I was too restricted,  I potted on some Marigolds and courgette plants and sowed the second lot of Sweetcorn, the first ones are about 6 inches tall already,  we wanted to plant at 2/3:weekly intervals so that we didn't get them all ready at the same time.  We are going to plant the sweetcorn in with the French Beans this year leaving a lot more room in the main vegetable plot.
After about 45 minutes I was in too much pain so had to leave Paul to it and go and lie down, I cannot express how frustrated I was, I had a few tears at the time but Paul always manages to make me smile,  that man deserves a medal, well he has a good few but he is so patient and loving and kind.

Maria I hope your thumb is on the mend, hopefully it will improve quickly now you have the dressing off, I think that treating yourself to some new craft goodies will help you feel so much better, I would love to see what you bought. 😀 XXX 

Michele how lovely that they let you know who benefited from your donated Blood, it makes you feel quite special which you 100% should, you should be so very proud of every drop that you have given, I know that I have had many blood transfusions since being 2 years old right up to my last hip surgery, I remember thinking about the person that donated as I watched every drop go in. Thank you for your incredible kindness ❤ XXX

Karen I hope 'Wreck it Ralph " & Oscar didn't run you too ragged last night, I know you will have enjoyed every minute of having them XXX

Pat, now I can't believe you didn't go to that party that you were invited too!! Hahaha! You sound like me, I chat to anyone behind me in the queue in shops, thats how I ended married to Paul XXX 

Let's look at your incredible challenge cards...


Brenda's Description:

"Here is my challenge card I have used John next-doors Gerbera background die, the separate flowers are also from John next doors small flower collection."

Oh Brenda I love the frame on your card, in Classic Navy & White it really works.  I really like that scribble sentiment is lovely too. Thank you so much for taking part XXX 


Lilian's Description:

"Here are my cards for this week, they all use my new set of tab dies. Love these, so useful for plain and simple cards. I was going to say quick, but they still took me ages."

Oh Lilian thank you so much for 3 stunning Challenge cards,  the paper on your first card is so pretty.  Those Label dies are so decorative and totally make the card. XXX 


Michele's Description:

"My challenge cards all made using the same wreath die. I had this idea that it could be used for just about any occasion."

Thanks so much Michele for 6 beautiful Wreath cards, I do love a wreath card, I love how you have made a card for every occasion XXX 



"Here’s 4 cards for you
1st two using SueW dies
The 40th I’ve done before The second is one I thought quite masculine but can see daughter liking it too 
Card 3
Here’s a last minute quick card I have made using the leftovers from making the 40th (I did have 4 attempts!)
I have inked the “HAPPY” with Cracked Pistachio Salty Ocean and Broken China DO Inked a spare piece of white card with CP and BC Cut both layers JL butterfly The inked layer being covered with CE Glitter Jewels

The last two are using the stamp set from the Indigoblu magazine"

Five cards, thats incredible Karen, I love them all ! You have made something for everyone with selection,  you have inspired me to get my Indigo Blu magazine out too.  Thank you so much XXX


Janet's Description:

"My CC cards are all made using STAMPERIA PAPER PACK CALLED 'IMAGINE - and the embellishments are from their set called 'PASSION'."

Thank you so much Janet for 4 amazing Challenge cards, those papers you have used, so much detail in each card, they really need little embellishments. I love them XXX 


Sonia's Description:

"Here are my challenge cards
After much deliberation I decided to use Tim Holtz’s Floral layering stencil. For my first two cards, I used it as a normal stencil - inking through with inks. I decided to cut the piece in half to make two smaller cards, adding the die cuts.
For my other two cards, I was excited to try a technique I saw on Pinterest to create the backgrounds. I dabbed two colours of distress ink on the back of the stencil then spritzed with water. Then I layed the inked side of the stencil on watercolour card and pressed it down with kitchen paper, the pattern gives a beautiful watercolour effect. I love it and was so pleased with how they turned out. Love this colour combo too. I inked the die cuts on the first of the two cards and stamped the sentiment (part of a larger stamp which I cut down) The second one I’ve used with Kraft card and one of the printed watercolour effect papers."

Wow Sonia what a stunning collection of cards, all made using one stencil, you are so very inspirational my lovely XXX


Ladies I was totally blown away by your stunning Challenge cards, so many beautiful designs, our display Boards are going to look amazing today.  I am so grateful to all of you for taking part.  XXX 

Maria I hope your hand is better so that you can take part again next week my lovely,  sending hugs XXX  

I hope that all of you enjoy the rest of the weekend,  I keep forgetting it's a Bank Holiday, but it doesn't make so much difference these days.  Hopefully,  fingers crossed aftet the 17th we may be able to see our family inside. I can't wait.  

Love and huge to all of you lovely friends,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today. Some really interesting alternatives.

    Sandra-might be time to contact your GP on Tuesday about your knee. Hopefully it will have improved though by then.

    Yesterday was sunny but chilly so I didn’t stay too long chatting to my friend but it was nice to have a catch up.
    I watch some YouTube videos in the afternoon then decided to have a sort out in my craft room. It’s still in a state of chaos as I just left it when it was time to eat then I read my book.


  2. Morning Everyone
    First thank you for all your lovely comments on my 'tote bag yesterday.They were really appreciated.

    MICHELE-sorry I didn't thank you for your Mag Review yesterday. You always do a fantastic job and I always want to go and have a look. Fingers crossed that I'll pluck up enough courage to venture into other shops soon.

    Love love all today's CCs and once again extra boards are needed this week.
    Not sure what's on the list for today. At the moment I'm not in the mood to do anything other than sit with my feet up.

    The CAFE is of course open to all who wish to visit.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Well done ladies, so many fabulous cards. I love them all x

    Hope you all have the same blue sky and sunshine that we have here in MK this morning. Hope to go for a walk and then this afternoon I have two ladies over for coffee on the patio. So long since we saw eachother ,even if we are neighbours, will be fun to catch up properly.
    Have a good day everyone. hugs Maria xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Another lovely collection of challenge cards on display today ladies. They are all lovely. Well once again nothing on the cards for me to do today. We ladies do leave such exciting lives don’t we.
    I hope you enjoyed having wreck it Ralph ( such a lovely nickname Karen ) and Oscar over to yours Karen. I bet you all had a whale of a time.
    It looks quite sunny out so fingers crossed it’s as warm out as it looks.
    I hope your not doing more damage to your knee by not having it seen to Sandra, as you’ve had this trouble before if I remember rightly.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.
    Take care & stay safe.

  5. The boys have just gone home Both OH and I thoroughly enjoyed looking after them They make us laugh so much We couldn’t be prouder either
    Love the makes today Just shows how versatile one set of something is
    We are both off for a snooze now! I, for one, am exhausted
    Take care everyone xx

  6. Hi everyone
    Lovely selection of cards on display today, all beautiful 😊
    Busy weekend at work, but day off tomorrow. Popping over to see my brother as it’s his birthday today - fingers crossed the forecast rain holds off.
    Hope everyone has had a good day, enjoy the evening.
    Hugs to you all xxx

  7. Hello, dry but cold.

    Super cards today, so many different styles.

    Sandra pleased your knee is a little better, remember rest is the best medicine.

    Have managed to gesso the cover of my new art journal, so I have made a start, just have to decide what to do next.

    Hope you have had a lovely Sunday, hugs to all , Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What an amazing display of challenge cards, each one a work of art. Ladies you are all so talented.

    Had daughter and Ciara visit us today, it was lovely, starting to think one (hope it’s soon) life will be back to normal.

    Sandra your garden planting sounds very organised. Pleased you were able to get outside and help Paul. BUT Please take and recognise your limits.

    Take care everyone, enjoy the bank holiday.
    Love Brenda xxx
