
Monday 3 May 2021

My First Messy Background card

Good Morning Ladies,

Great news knee felt a lot easier yesterday, the swelling has gone down and stiffness has eased a little too, it still feels a little unstable and I am still being very careful but I am really relieved. We had quite a relaxed day yesterday, I kept thinking that it was Saturday not Sunday, I have no idea why, maybe because we didn't have a roast?  Paul managed to get another Compost heap built using leftover pallets, it looked fantastic and was big enough to take a lot of the weeds and tree branches that we have trimmed over the past few weeks.  We then go on to emptying the greenhouse, as the glass /potting shed is full to overflowing and I potted on a load of marigolds and coriander plants which created another 5 trays that still need the protection of a greenhouse, just an hours work (95% Paul) we had it cleared and ready to fill, it's great to have the extra space too.

We are going to be a bit nervous today as it's the last day for Sophie's Kickstarter project, I got blocked for a bit yesterday for checking too often! 

What did you all decide to do?  I hope you had the good weather that we did, I wasn't bright 🌞 sunshine all day, it got a little bit cloudy a couple of times and did rain a little at around 6pm, it was actually perfect weather to garden, not too hot, not too windy, hopefully we will get more done today, (when I say we....)!

Today's card is the result of a bit of a messy play session, on Friday I thought that I would get my Alcohol Inks out, I used a combination of 'Raspberry, Peach Bellini and Sunshine yellow' Alcohol inks on this piece, I used glossy card to drop the inks onto like photo paper, I did add some Pearlywinks Glitter spray over the inked background just to give a bit of sparkle.  I will add a photo at a different angle below.....

 I then trimmed it at an angle and added a sentiment stamped in black, I mounted the piece onto a 4 1/8  X  5 1/2 inch card base.  I have to say I was amazed at the illusion of depth that you get when you play with alcohol inks, it's so great to see the pieces go from a bit of messy play to quite a good looking card. 

Now if you are struggling for idea's for this challenge, I know some of you aren't keen on 'messy', you could just create a mixed media style background or use a stencil with distress oxides or any other medium, just have some fun with it xxx

I hope that you all have an enjoyable Bank Holiday Monday,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great card, love the background. Glad to hear your knee isn’t as painful. Your garden sounds like something from the Good Life TV programme.

    We did some gardening yesterday and I did all the usual housework . Skype session with my in laws and we saw photos of the house my Mother in Law is moving to. Phoned my Dad in the evening then read my book.
    Today I need to clear everything out from the cupboards under the sink as hubby is replacing the taps-fingers crossed there’s more problems.


  2. Your card is lovely I love the effect and the bright colours The simple sentiment is all it needs
    I do hope SOPHIE is successful She deserves it So much thought has gone into it
    I’m pleased to hear the knee is improving I think you’ll need to rest it for a few weeks No running any marathons just yet
    We just collapsed onto the sofa after the boys went home! We had a lot of fun though I think I was grinning like a Cheshire Cat all of the time My heart bursts with love and pride But you all know that feeling
    I plan to do a bit of sewing today - a cushion cover I am beginning to enjoy my sewing machine I was a little scared of it at first and managed to break a couple of needles and got the old bird’s nest at the back But I think I know why now So I will be able to just get on with it
    It looks pleasant enough outside So a brisk walk is on the cards too
    Enjoy your bank holiday Take care x

  3. Morning everyone.

    Love the colours on this card, it's look amazing and I love the font on the sentiment.
    Glad to hear the knee starting to feel better but please do not do anything extra for at least another weeks rest.
    Good luck and fingers crossed for Sophie x
    Michele-mind your head under the cupboard, hope it's no big problem. Have some R&R today.
    Wonderful you had some fun with the grandsons Karen. Are they good with eachother and playing nicely ? Molly and Louis are like cat and dogs😐 but thankfully they also can play nicely or it would drive their poor mother up the walls
    Had a lovely time with my friends/neighbours in our garden for a good 3 hours chinwag 😃 Wonder what nextdoor thought, oh no I don't, anyhow they seem to be on their way out for it been a lot of movement and a van is parked outside. Pity they only going to rent it out and not sell so you never know what you get next but don't think they can be any worse 🙏 Sadly tho I heard a friend from Sweden who live in America had to flow home for her mum passed a way very suddenly and my husbands barber the last 25 years or so also passed in November last year and non covid related and then we had a chat Sandra and I am so sorry to hear about our friends who are really struggling at the moment so it feels a bit stupid to moan about a broken thumb and aches and pains. Sorry ladies. Have no plans today other then think of making a cc and what medium to use. Looked at the teabags and wondered........?
    Sending many hugs for you all and extras for our Lynda, Margaret and Sue, Lilian (hope your back is better) and Cheryl. Have a nice day everyone xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card and a lovely colour combo 😊
    Pleased to hear your knee is getting better, take it easy.
    Good luck to Sophie.
    Off to see my brother this afternoon, unfortunately that’s when the rain is forecast to arrive! So will be wrapping up warm and no doubt huddled under his gazebo 😂
    The garden is nearly finished - and it’s looking lovely. Just need to wait for the Astro turf to arrive sometime this week, and the decking will be done at a later date, but I’m pleased with how it’s turning out.
    Have a lovely day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello, it’s just started raining, first time in almost a month, doesn’t look as though it’s going to be much. The wind is battering all the new growth in the garden.

    Sandra love your card, I should really try to use ,my alcohol inks.

    Not doing much today, as had very little sleep last night. Hugs to all Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely colours on your card today.
    Very cold and very windy today. We’ve had showers on and off as well.
    Craig & Romilly popped over yesterday. They were going to the car boot sale in Ducklington which is the other side of Witney. Romilly had just got her pay so was itching to spend it. She also wanted to go into Witney to buy some chocolate. Unlike her cousins she has to spend her money as soon as she gets it. We sat outside and had a cup of tea. Good job he came over yesterday instead of today.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love your card Sandra the colours are so vibrant but your eyes are also drawn into the sentiment, the balance is perfect.

    We had another lovely surprise today, daughter and SIL who live in Essex came over, it was really lovely to see them both.

    Karen what a lovely treat to have the grandsons stay, it’s such a treat having them and you just keep going, it’s not until they go home you realise how tired you are. I’m sure you have recovered now and are looking forward to the next time. xx

    It has been a very blustery day and has now started to rain (it was forecast) just pleased we are nice and snug indoors.

    Enjoy your evening everyone, love Brenda xxx
