
Saturday 1 May 2021

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review


🎈💛💚💜Happy Birthday Sue💜💚💛🎈

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

First up today Ladies please join me in wishing Our Lovely Sue a Very Happy Birthday, I hope that you have as fun a day as possible, I hope that you get to see your lovely children and grands'! I cannot wait until we can celebrate your birthday with a nice mean out together (not that that always goes to plan!) XXX

Our hedges are looking very neat and tidy after the visit from the 'Tree Man', he didn't get around to 'Pollarding' the Willow or removing the branch overhanging the greenhouse as he had other work elsewhere!  Paul and I were both very surprised at the extra light created from losing about 3ft from the top of the Leylandii hedge, they trimmed two big fir trees too that are way too big for being so close to the house. Now that is done we can get on and weed the worst of that overgrown wild border, its a mass of the hedge roots and years of neglect so it's not going to be a quick job, we have bought a load of wildflower seeds to scatter in amongst the shrubs already in there.  Not that I will be able to participate, as I am writing this I am on a 1 hour up/1 hour laid with leg up rotation, it's very frustrating but that's all I can manage right now!  Fingers crossed for it being a better day today!

First up today is the second part of Sophie's University Module that I shared last week, I have posted the 'Brief' that she was given to work to below, the main 'prop' this time was the car (that Sophie has drawn/designed herself) pictured below.....


Wow Janet your tote bag is just beautiful, I absolutely love the fabric that you have used and the pattern is lovely too, you are really inspiring me to want to have a go at quilting/patchwork or any sewing really.  It is something that Sue and I keep saying that we want to start but apart from a mask making session we haven't done anything else, watch this space......

Janet's Description:

"My tote bag is made once again using  JUNE TAILOR 'QUILT AS YOU GO' TOTE BAG."

Thank you so much Janet for sharing your Tote bag with us, I love seeing your sewing projects XXX

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies 

Simply cards & Papercraft magazine has a great freebie this month-Little Birdies stamps & coordinating dies.

Oops-sideways view of what’s inside the magazine!

First of 3 features using the free gift.

Next feature-some different ideas here.

More inspiration.

Great project-pity the description doesn’t match the photos!!

All things circular. Great ideas here.

See through Diecut cards-don’t they look great?!

Calligraphy is something I’d love to try...maybe when I retire??

I’m sure we’ve all got a stash of wrapping paper to use up?!

Framed focal images.

Instructions on how to create a frame stamped image.

What an amazing craft room!!!!

Six ideas using one die-I just wish they’d show you the die they’re featuring.

More ideas.

Last one on this feature.

That’s all for this week so
Happy Crafting.

Love Michele

Fantastic review Michele with some great features,   like you Michele I would love to be able to do Calligraphy but it looks way too complicated.  I would love to try most of the other techniques,  the sample cards are amazing.  
Thank you so nuch for making time to write the review my lovely XXX 

I hope that you all have a lovely long weekend,  

Love and huge hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE. I hope you have the best of days and that you can have a meet up with as many family as you can.

    SOPHIE-what another fantastic project.So intricate and clever.

    My injection went OK. I had an upset tummy yesterday afternoon but other than that nothing.
    Off to M&S foodhall in around half an hour and so will be back before 09.30.
    Thank you for showing my latest project SANDRA. I really enjoyed this one.

    The CAFE is OPEN and cream scones will be available this afternoon.HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.Have a good week-end.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sue-Happy Birthday, hope you have a lovely day.

    Sophie’s artwork is amazing, so much detail.

    Janet—WOW. Your bag is lovely, so pretty.

    Yesterday was a milestone day for us at work-we had NO COVID patients in the hospital.

    I also found out that my last blood donation had gone to a patient at Guys hospital-it’s nice that you know where it’s been used.

    We have glorious sunshine again-it’s not thst warm though. I’m off to do some food shopping soon then I’m seeing a friend for a coffee. We’re sitting outside of course-I’d better take a blanket with me I think!


    1. That is such good news and long May it continue Our local figures have gone down but some areas in the county are rising

  3. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE I hope you have a lovely day and get to see some of the family at least
    SOPHIE- you inspire me Your artwork just takes my breath away I thought the image of the car was a 3D model
    I keep promising myself to try patchwork/quilting I even have a load of paper hexagons to start paper piecing Your project is so pretty JANET
    Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review I really would like to do calligraphy I try and copy Palace script but love to try others
    We’re looking after the boys tonight Charlie aka Wreck it Ralph will definitely be keeping us on our toes I cannot wait!
    I might do some crafting this morning My favourite time to do card making
    I hope the knee is continuing to improve SANDRA and that your hand is improving MARIA
    Take care all x

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE. I hope you have a lovely day today.
    Janet I just love your tote bag.
    Thanks for the magazine reviews Michele.
    Like you we have no hospital Covid cases. We’re now in a yellow zone apparently. It means we have less that 9 cases in one hundred thousand. Fingers crossed we can keep it that way. All of Oxfordshire has very few cases now. I went to Sainsbury’s shopping yesterday evening. I was chatting to the cashier re Covid. She said to the young lad who was behind me, looks like your having a party. I’m have a couple of friends round for a few drinks he said. We both said that we hadn’t been to a party as such in years. So he very kindly invited us. We both laughed at that. 8.00 sharp he said and laughed.
    Sophie your car is amazing. It’s like one of those dune buggies you see.
    Hope your hand is improving Maria, and hope your knee continues to improve Sandra.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE ! Have a wonderful day and hope you get to see the rest of the family xx

    Sophie's art work is amazing, well done young lady.
    Oh Janet, your tote bag is fabulous. I love it
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review, always fun to see.
    Sandra- hope your knee gets better soon but please do take it easy the next few days.
    Hand clinic was happy with my thumb so don't need to go again. Bandage is off but still so sore, felt sorry for myself and ordered some things from Craftstash. We went to Frost and had breakfast, it was really nice but sitting outdoors got a bit chilly. We bought some flowers for some pots and borders so that's a job to do today.
    Have a nice day everyone and enjoy the Saturday. Hugs xxx

  6. Hello from a very cold Cornwall, hats and gloves needed today.

    We are expecting our Covid-19 nos to go up this weekend due to the influx of visitors, who think because they have been vaccinated they don’t have to wear a mask.

    Many happy returns of the day SUE, hope it’s a super one.

    Sophie, your artwork is amazing, congratulations on producing such great pictures.

    Janet love your bag, is it quilt as you go, I have some of those kits, but haven’t started them yet.

    Michele very useful mag review again, I would love to be able to do calligraphy, but my hands are too bad.

    Have a good day, Lilian

  7. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Sue, I hope you’re having a lovely day xx
    Janet, love your bag, very pretty.
    Great magazine review Michele, thanks again for sharing.
    Fabulous artwork by Sophie.
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE I hope you’re having a lovely day XX

    SOPHIE Another WOW - your art work is brilliant, thank you for sharing with us XX

    JANET I love your Tote Bag The panels are so pretty.
    MICHELE great magazine review, thank you so much for taking the time in your very busy week.

    In another family day of phone calls which is lovely, I get to catch up with everything they are doing, wish I could see them face-to-face, one day-hopefully.

    Hope you all enjoy the long weekend.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry it’s late but I’ve just remembered that I haven’t looked in yet.
    A great big THANK YOU for all of my gorgeous cards. They all look so pretty xx
    We spent the afternoon sat in the garden at Tim and Roz’s and as we have little Chris for the weekend it was wonderful to watch all of the grands playing together for the first time in so long. I have been spoiled well and truly and have enough chocolate to start a small sweet shop! My family know me far too well 🤣🤣🤣
    Sandra, I’m glad the tree surgery went ok. And I hope your knee continues to improve my lovely xx
    Maria Its good to hear that you don’t have to go back to the hand clinic. Please be careful though xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Lynda, Mum and Maria and all in need. Take care xx
