
Wednesday 19 May 2021

Another Silhouette card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope you are all well,  we got home last night after a lovely couple of days with Danielle and Simon, we talked non stop, got excited over craft stuff and we have planned to have them come to visit us or we will go back up there in a couple of weeks,  we stayed in a lovely hotel that was literally 5 minutes from their house, it was so lovely for me to get some quality time with my lovely friend. 😍

I think that the next couple of days are going to be 'take it easy ' days, mentally and physically!  Sadly Paul is at work the next couple of days but I'll be ok, then Friday I have my 2nd Vaccination (which I am dreading) I am going to prepare for the worst and anything less will be a bonus!! 

Today's card is a 'different' take on silhouette card, who says Silhouettes had to be black?!  I used Tim Holtz Wildflower dies to cut the flower silhouettes.  I made quite a few 'messy' backgrounds for the challenge a couple of weeks ago, I didn't love them as a card background but didn't want to throw them away!  I know you know what I mean! So I took a couple off of my scraps pile and strategically placed the dies to get good colour variations, I die cut a pile then chose the purple card for the background as there were quite a few purple shades in the background.  For the background of the card I took an embossing folder with a subtle pattern and matted it onto the purple card mat, I arranged the flower stems loosely attaching them with glue and foam pads to give variation in depth. I used a small label die in Purple Posy and stamped 'thank you' on it, I put foam pads in the centre of the label die and added glue to the edges,  so that the die is almost domed to cover the flower stems.

Quite a simple card, I used Pearlywinks Vibe inks to colour the card that I die cut, finishing with their Glitter spray to give some shinmer, Which you can just see.  I hope you like my card and maybe it might inspire you to try something other than black silhouettes. 

Sending Love and huge hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Third attempt to comment!!

    Lovely card today Sandry, perfect inspiration for the challenge. Glad you enjoyed your trip Up North to see Danielle (despite the long journey & bad weather you encountered). Wasn’t Paul lucky to get the time off work at short notice.

    Yesterday was busy & I was glad to get home. It had been sunny all day so i watered the plants to put in the border at the weekend & what’s in my greenhouse. Must remember to do the same tonight as it’s meant to be sunny all day again.


    1. I hope today isn’t to bad Michele work wise. One of my strawberry plants called Ruby Ann ( I’ve never heard of it ) has red flowers. I’ve never seen a strawberry plant with red flowers before.
      Take care.

  2. I love your card today A lovely take on a silhouette
    I am glad you had a lovely time with Danielle and that you’re planning to meet up again in a couple of weeks time
    I actually went “browse” shopping yesterday for the first time since March 2020 I only went to John Lewis for some baby yarn and a nose at the haberdashery etc I was shocked at how little stock was on display but that’s to be expected- less things for people to touch and contaminate It was great though to actually see items in the flesh! I bought a zip and binding for a crochet bag I have made out of left over cotton yarn
    Weather looks just as changeable today So I won’t be venturing far
    Take care all I hope they can sort this second infection out for MARGARET and they can get it treated xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love the colours of this Silhouette card. I always think of them as black & white though.
    We’ve had very odd weather like everyone else I think. We’ve had torrential downpours then sun. Most odd.
    I haven’t ventured into any shops as yet. Well apart from food shopping. I might have to venture into M & S as Doreen is desperate for some new vests.
    Hope they find the cause of Margaret’s infection Sue.
    Hope the clinic helps with knees Maria.
    Take dare and stay safe everyone.

  4. Morning
    A gorgeous card Sandra, wonderful colours.
    Glad you had a nice time away and that you might do it again in a few weeks.
    Weather can only get better right ? will have to hang the washing indoors tho for it's raining here again.
    Have a nice day everyone whatever you are up to, hugs xxx

  5. Hello, dry at the moment, washing on the line.

    Sandra, glad everything went well with your visit to Danielle, and your home safely.

    Lovely card today, I have those dies but have not used them much, it’s great when you use your dies, as it reminds me of things I haven’t looked at in years.

    Hospital today, always before R came in with me for moral support, but at the cardiology clinic you are not allowed to bring anyone, don’t know why I get so nervous about these appointments.

    Hope you all have a good day and the weather stays fine for you. Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I’ve just lost a comment, don’t understand why. I then started to type it again, almost finished it when I realised I was on Tuesday blog...... think I should go back to bed and start my day again!

    Lovely card today, great inspiration, thank you. I also have these dies, last time I used them I cut loads out using up bits from my bit box. Waste not want not as they say!

    So pleased you enjoyed your time with Danielle and Simon. It sounds as if the trip was a great tonic for both you and Danielle. I’m sure Simon was pleased to have Paul’s company as his home life sounds female dominated. Great you are planning another visit in a few weeks time it will give you both something to look forward to.xx

    Lillian hope the hospital visit went well, sorry R can’t go in with you. It’s times like this we all need moral support. Thinking of you xx

    Karen great you were able to go and browse in John Lewis. I can’t remember the last time I did that. I’ have got used to browse shop online these days. SAD 😔 maybe one day - hopefully soon.

    Take care everyone and stay safe, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Love today’s card and the colours you’ve used.
    Glad you had a lovely time with Danielle and that you’re planning to meet up again soon 😊
    Sue, I hope they soon find the cause of your Mums infection. Sending extra hugs xx
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Sending hugs to you all xxx
