
Thursday 20 May 2021

Another Silhouette Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Wow I think that this week is going to go fast with Paul being off Monday and Tuesday.  Yesterday was a very flat day for me, I was in a lot of pain from travelling and felt emotionally exhausted too, I just feel like I don't want to engage in conversation, which as you all know is not like me at all !!

After a slow start to the day I ventured into my craft room and wanted to play with something different so I reached for my Brusho's which I haven't used for months, for this card I used Lemon and Ost.Red, I used watercolour card which I spritzed with water and then lightly sprinkled the Brusho powders over the whole card, the key to using Brusho is 'LESS IS MORE'!  Literally add a tiny sprinkle from a whole that you have punctured in the top of the Brusho pot with a push pin, NEVER take the lid off, believe me, its disastrous!! Don't let that put you off playing with them though, they are so pigmented and so much fun to play with. I made a few different backgrounds at the same time. 

I allowed my background to dry naturally and then before stamping I dusted with an antistatic bag before I stamped the 'Meadow' stamp using Versafine Clair, I did use my stamp platform as I was stamping onto Watercolour card.  I covered my stamped images with clear embossing powder and heat set.  So as you can see below it leaves a nice shine which adds to the interest of the card.

I edged my card with Black Soot Distress Oxide and matted onto Black card and then onto a white Linen card base.
I really thought that the Brusho background looked like a Sunset, this was what inspired the card.

I am looking forward to seeing your Silhouette cards at the weekend.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a stunning card you made whilst in your craft right Sandra. The background is gorgeous & reminds me of the colours you get in a fire.

    Yesterday was a busy day-I had 2 meetings in the morning then I spent all afternoon marking NVQ work for one of our students.
    I got home to a card from Postie saying my order was too big to go through my letterbox so I need to collect that this morning on the way to work. Hopefully threats my new Pixie Powders…!!!!


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very dull and grey start to the day here. Chilly too.
    Lovely card SANDRA. The background is amazing.

    Hairdresser coming this morning and I want to Photo my CC so better get a move on.

    CAFE is OPEN so pop in anyone.HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA It reminds me of a sunset I like e the sentiment That’s what I need to buy - sentiment stamps on their own because if they’re part of a set I forget what they are I don’t like splitting up company’s stamps but I might have to so that all of my sentiments are stored together
    We had a lovely walk along a towpath near us It was lovely to see ducks and a pair of swans with their cygnets I was surprised to see so many wonderful canal boats and barges
    OH is at work today so I hope to finish a cc I started the other day and have another idea in my head - I wonder if it’ll work?
    I need to de clutter my craft room a bit too!
    Take care all of hugs to Margaret and Lynda xx

  4. Morning everyone
    Gorgeous card,love the background Sandra. It's fun to play with inks and colours but I still can't get them right, mine just look blaaaa Lol
    Michele - hope today at work won't be too stressful, take care.
    Karen- have a good day. It's lovely is'n it to see all the new being born this time of the year. Wonder if Sandra will have to have a lamb at home again ? it was so sweet.
    Janet- have a nice day and enjoy the hairdresser coming.Do you have short hair ?
    Lilian- hope yesterday was not too bad for you. Shame though that R could not go in with you. I asked my surgeon to write what we spoken about because my memory is not very good these days and OH wants to know what been said so that was easier for by the time I got to the car I forgotten some.
    Started a cc yesterday but got frustrated when it didn't go my way so will have a another go today.
    Have a nice day everyone and hugs for you all, extras for anyone who need some are being sent ahead xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I had my byopsy done on Monday very strange the analysis wastal talking about just giving me a small amount. Amount I woke up & this man was asking questions I said am going to have my procedure soon he said I have already had it done. Back on the ward and got in the bed I was in a deep sleep next & I was home.
    I was so dropsy I slept the
    all day. & all day next day
    Now have to wait for 8 weeks for follow up appointment
    Take care love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Lovely to see you in the cafe Lynda. Hope you be alright, just take it easy and sleep as it is good sometimes the best. Sender you a Big hug xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love this card Sandra, the background reminds me of a beautiful sunset - it just perfect for your silhouette card.

    Snap Janet I (we) have been to my hairdresser friends today and had our haircut, it was so lovely to see her and catch up with her and her family news. We go back to when our younger daughter was in playgroup. Must be about 50yrs + now.
    I hope you also had a good chat to your hairdresser, also you feel better having your hair done.xx

    I bought a few more bedding plants on the way back home so hopefully the weather will hold and I can get them planted.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hello, it’s just like autumn here today, heavy rain and very strong wind, pulled the garage door right out of my hand and slammed shut, quite scary when the wind is so strong.

    Love your card today, spent all day looking for my Brushos, thanks to your inspiration, didn’t find them but found my Christmas dies and stamps which have been missing for two years. My room looks like a bomb has hit it. Will have another go tomorrow.

    Hope you all had a good day, hugs Lilian
