
Tuesday 18 May 2021

A Traditional Silhouette challenge card.

 Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well, we had a very wet journey up to Barnsley yesterday, the roads were so busy too, maybe it was full of people that were returning to work now that many more places are opening up.  It was worth every long moment of that journey to see my lovely Danielle, who was as equally excited as I was!! 
Paul and I felt very nervous staying overnight at the hotel,  we took antibacterial wipes and spray on all surfaces, just in case.!! Would you all be nervous too?

Today's card is another simple watercolour background card, I am loving playing with my watercolour paints, I had almost been too nervous to use them but then gave myself a talking to, it is after all just paper and paint!!  This piece was made by using the same colour blue paint, it maybe hard to see but it does have an 'ombre' effect, I started with white paint and then added a little touch of blue, then added more and more , I found that the secret for me was to spritz with water, just a light spritz but it does help the colours to blend more.  I set my watercoloured piece to dry on the Aga while I prepared dinner, it was dry in no time so I popped it in my platform and stamped the birds on a branch stamp from an old SU set called Serene Silhouettes, because I was stamping onto textured watercolour card I did have to go in with a black fine liner to fill in a couple of spots that wouldn't stamp. I cut down my piece and added it to a black mat, I then placed it onto a white card base that I had matted and layered with a narrow black border and added some black twine to, I stamped the 'Thank you' under my focal piece and I felt that I needed something on top of the twine so I used the tiniest tag from Tim Holtz Tag Collection and just popped three hearts on from a Julie Hickey stamp, I popped a bit of black twine through and added a foam pad to the back and placed it over the crossover part of the twine on the card. that was it, very basic but I like how it turned out and you can never have enough 'Thank you' cards in your stash, particularly ones that work for both Men and ladies.

I hope that you all have as good a day as possible,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-whAt a gorgeous card, I love the colour you have used. Sorry to hear your journey was wet-you must have missed the sunshine as it was here in Southport all d.
    I’d be very nervous about staying anywhere and I’m concerned every time hubby goes away but I have to accept t he at it’s necessary as it’s for his job.

    Yesterday was hard, let’s just say I’m glad it’s over! I’m dropping some magazines off at a friends tonight so no doubt we’ll chat on her doorstep.


  2. Sorry to hear your journey was awful but glad to know you arrived safely and that you were able to spend time with Danielle
    I’d feel exactly the same about staying somewhere and disinfect everything within an inch of its life!
    Enjoy today and a safe trip home xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA.One of my favourite colours too.

    It's still damp and chilly this morning and the forecast isn't getting any better for the rest of the week.

    I would be exactly the same. I'm so bad that just going to M&S foodhall on a Saturday morning just exhausts me as I'm on edge the short time we're there. I still will not venture into any other shops.

    The CAFE is OPEN - usual hours so pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are on their ay to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends in need. MARGARET hope things are going well for you.xxxx

  4. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card, perfect silhouette on the watercolour background.
    Pleased you had a lovely time seeing Danielle, despite the bad journey. Safe journey home today.
    Terrible weather here too yesterday, rained on and off most of the day. Dry here at the moment, but very cloudy. Been out for a walk with Barney already to try to avoid the forecast rain! Am going to carry on with some crafting in a bit.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi. Just want to say thank you for the lovely birthday cards, I received some more this morning 😘 xx

  6. Hi everyone
    Pretty thank you card Sandra and I love the ombre effect.
    Hope you have a nice day with Danielle and her family and that the rain stays away for your journey home again.
    I ventured into some shops yesterday and felt quite good about it for the centre had loads of antibacterial stations and the walkways only one way and different entrance and exits, just a handful of people who still don't understand or they are not bothered which I hate. Going away some days in June, not sure about the hotel but if we want to see the middle one then that's what we have to do.
    Got a phone call from the clinic and they wanted to see me about the hips today. Must have been a cancellation so didn't say no to that.
    Have a good day everyone and hugs are just inside the door to the cafe' so help yourself to as many as you need xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    So glad you had precious time with Danielle. Sorry the journey was in the rain. It’s horrid driving in it isn’t it, especially when you get the idiots driving far too fast and close. We would be just the same with “antibacing” everything too. It’s going to be a while before visits start again and hugging will feel so good but very odd when it starts again. I hope you’re not suffering too much my lovely xx
    Karen, I love your card we saw yesterday. It is gorgeous. I must try the technique xx
    Mum’s cellulitis is improving each day but the other infection is still undiagnosed so still in hospital until it is known what treatment it needs. Both her and Pop are missing each other so much, especially during the night. She sends her love and thanks to you all xx
    This rainy weather is not nice for our sore joints is it! We did have a few flashes of lightening yesterday and the thunder was so loud and long going from cloud to cloud for over an hour at one point ( I didn’t know it could go from cloud to cloud )
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Maria and Sonia. Glad you have had haircuts at long last 😊xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra, I can also use Thank you cards all the time.

    Sorry your journey was so awful, but you arrived safely - thank goodness. Yes I’m with you on the antibacterial wipes and sprays, I have them everywhere at home so if we went to a hotel I would have to cleanse everywhere.

    Goodnight ladies, sleep well, love Brenda xxx

  10. Hello, terrible day here today, with rain coming down like stair rods.

    Sandra love today’s card, the background colour is just right.
    Hope your journey home is not too bad and that you are not totally exhausted.

    Sleep well everyone. Lilian
