
Monday 17 May 2021

Karen's second 'New Technique ' Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies, 

As you are reading this we will be on our way 'Up North' 🤣 to Barnsley to visit Danielle, its so odd to think it's been almost 2 years since we were last together,  probably because we talk every day it doesn’t seem that long, with the lockdown last year we never got to meet up, thank goodness restrictions got lifted,  I was so looking forward to seeing her that we decided to go for it on the 1st possible day!  We have booked a hotel for tonight so that we can spend some time together tomorrow too. 

Today's card is one of Karen's challenge cards that I missed, we obviously chatted too much this past week and I didn't scroll back far enough, I 100% remember you showing me and then when I was writing about Sonia's challenge cards I even remember thinking 'I'm sure Karen did this technique too", frustratingly my mind is not my own right now so please bare with me.

Karen's Description:

I’ve had a little play after watching Jenny McGuire doing heat embossing with an embossing folder You can use all sorts of embossing powders She used gold,clear,sparkly etc You ink the background part (smooth part) of folder She used a brayer with a 3D folder and then ran it through machine Any missing bits can be touched up with an embossing pen and then heat emboss I used CE Frosty Dawn powder In my case the butterflies stand proud A JL butterfly and JH sentiment on cream card to match the powder.

Karen I love how you card turned out, I'm not sure if it comes under 'faux letterpress ' or 'embossed faux letterpress ' either way I love how it turned out, adding the embossing powder helps to highlight the detail in the folder I think.  The interference colours in the 'Frosty Dawn' also work really well with your card colour! 
A truly lovely card Karen, thank you so much for taking part XXX

I hope that you all have as good a day as possible,  I'm not ready to make any changes regarding distance and hugging just yet, I'm sure you ladies are all proceeding with caution too, especially with this Indian variant going around. 

Take care my lovely friends, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your card is beautiful, so pretty. I find Jennifer maguire easy to watch and interesting.

    No Skype session Winthrop my in laws yesterday as each time M in L sent a message we we’re doing something-gardening as the weather wash much better than the forecast then we were eating so we gave up. I’m sure we weren’t popular!

    Can’t believe it’s Monday morning already and I have to go back to work-fingers crossed it’s not chaos.


  2. Thank you for sharing my card This was such a quick and effective technique I will definitely try it again with other folders and embossing powder
    We had a lovely day yesterday as it was OH’s Birthday and had daughter around We were able to sit in the garden for most of the time
    I am off work this week not that we plan to do anything I just needed to book time off We both have an appointment at opticians this afternoon I definitely need new glasses I was all ready to choose some before the first lockdown
    I will be thinking of you SANDRA as you travel up to Barnsley
    Take care all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card Karen. I didn’t even think of using embossing powder, what a great idea, will give it a try 😊
    Thinking of you Sandra on your trip to see Danielle. I hope you have a lovely time under the circumstances xx
    Hair cut done, and I’m so happy with it. A great price too! Think I’ve finally found my forever hairdresser 😊
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone in the cafe' today
    Gorgeous card Karen, love the EF you have used.
    Must try to do some of your techniques on Sunday cards for they were all wonderful and I love how Janet done her book,so clever.
    Will be thinking of you all Sandra this weekend.
    Waiting for phone call with physio, not sure what he can do by not seeing me ? After that we will shoot into town and I will have a haircut ! hihi so looking forward to have it washed and cut by someone .
    Hope you all have a nice day and many hugs are sent for you all xxx

  5. Hello All, wet again, only a few weeks ago we were desperately wanting rain for the garden.

    Karen love your card today, might have to have a go at that method.

    Sandra hope the journey goes well, I’m sure it will be a very emotional day, but such a lovely thing for you both to do. Please pass on my best wishes to Danielle.

    Lack of sleep is making me very lazy, so not doing much.

    Hope you are all enjoying your day, so far. Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Karen your card is beautiful this is a totally new technique for me so I will certainly be having a try. Your results are so impressive. Pleased you were able to get out in the garden yesterday with your daughter and grandchildren.

    Sandra I hope you had a good journey up to Barnsley, Your visit means so much to Danielle and I know you’ll find it difficult, I’m sure you’ll be pleased you were able to go and visit her. Sending hugs for those of you. xx

    Another wet afternoon here, I did the housework this morning and was planning to get outside this afternoon.... best laid plans!!

    Have a good evening, take care and stay safe, love Brenda xxx

  7. Sorry Sandra I am SENDING HUGS for both of you.
