
Tuesday 9 February 2021

My second stamped (one layer challenge ) card.


Good Morning Ladies,

We had another bitterly cold day yesterday, it tried snowing at various times during the day but at the time of writing this post nothing has settled, we had a very light dusting overnight, I was kind of sad, I am a big kid at heart and love to see the snow, I used to think it was because it meant the children would be able to stay off school to enjoy it and Paul would stay home too,  but these days that isn't the situation but I still get so excited to see a lovely covering of snow!!  My sister had a load more snow through Sunday night, her garden looked beautiful, she was just as excited as me, my girls are the same, they love it too. 

I hope that you got to have your Covid Vaccination Janet as I saw on Sunday that a lot of the stations had to close because of the weather, such a shame for those that were relieved to be getting it at last.  I saw a news report that said the over 50's should get their vaccination by May, I had hoped it would be sooner but we will have to wait and see.  It certainly doesn't look like we will be going anywhere this year, Europe seem so far behind us with vaccinations etc that I think I would still pose too great a risk to travel, that's if borders are even open by late August.  The down side of all of this is that we now have to start the battle to get our money back from out holiday company, they have had over £2000 of our money since last May, the suggested last year that they just swap the booking to this year at the same cost, which at the time we agreed to but with the situation as it is now I think that we are entitled to a refund, I certainly don't want to carry it over for another year, so watch this space, we will see how they respond.

Today's card is my second 'Flat' card for this weeks challenge.  I simply masked a band of my card off with scrap paper and low tac tape and used a combination of tiny floral stamps from various stamp sets to create a simple pattern, the lighter pink isn't showing up that well on camera but it does with the card in your hand.   A really simple card that took only a few minutes to stamp, I did however spend about half an hour choosing (A) the stamps and (B) the colours !!!  I matted the stamped piece onto a similar coloured piece of card to make the pinks 'pop'!!  Finally I adhered the whole lot onto a square base card.

I hope that you all stay safe and warm while the temperature stays so low,

Sending love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                        xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your card, it’s so pretty. I think you’re right about traveling abroad-I know the government have said we won’t get vaccine passports but I think other countries will and will insist on it before they allow any visitors.
    We had hoped to go to USA in June for my sister in law’s 50th birthday but there’s no way we’d risk that now.
    We had a very cold day yesterday & it tried to snow a few times but luckily nothing stuck. There’s a hard frost on the cars this morning so I’ll need to set off early.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A lovely card this morning SANDRA.

    Well the gods were kind to us yesterday morning in that there wasn't a problem driving to the surgery and back as the roads were clear and we just had a layer of the white stuff on paths/gardens/fields etc but oh boy just after lunch things changed and the snow came and covered everything. We have a good white world this morning and no-one is going anywhere.

    I didn't have to wait outside(which I had worried about)as the morning session was just for our surgery (they are covering around four other surgeries)so we were not waiting too long before I had the injection/waited for fifteen mins and back home. I was also pleased that they let Jim in with me(he had his jab four weeks ago) I suppose it meant that if I needed extra help he was there and the staff wouldn't have to.I have to say they were extremely organised and efficient. I now have to wait twelve weeks before my second.

    I have one or two things I need to do today.The washer is churning away and I need to do a little crafting.

    The CAFE is OPEN- kettles etc are ready and waiting and there is hot veg soup today to warm anyone in need.
    PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for dear friends not feeling too good.xxxx

  3. Pretty card SANDRA I know what you mean We probably all spend hours choosing what stash we’re going to use and the card takes minutes to assemble
    It sort of snowed all day here It was just like icing sugar! The roads and paths look clear with just a sprinkling on the grass etc
    I agree with you SANDRA about the risk of travelling We have let our passports run out We thought what’s the point of having a valid passport if we can’t/don’t want to go anywhere
    I don’t know for sure but I think the card we are given when we have the jabs will be our proof So look after them ladies! But in my opinion it’s got to be a global thing
    I need to look for a staple gun today and some fabric I might look at upholstery tacks ... I don’t know We have ordered some super thick foam to turn a couple of ottomans into benches for the summer I may be calling on your help later ladies
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card today, I love the tiny flower stamps.
    We had snow all day yesterday, only light, but left a sprinkling. The bitter wind is still here today and it’s so cold. Roll on the Spring 🌷
    Stay warm everyone and enjoy the rest of the day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello, no snow, but bitterly cold.

    Love your card today, cute little flowers, and pretty colours.
    Not done a thing today, just sat watching the tennis from Australia, lovely and sunny over there.
    Keep warm and take care if you have any snow, I absolutely hate the stuff. Hugs Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a lovely card Sandra, it looks so dainty and feminine, the colours are beautiful, I can see the pale pink flowers when I enlarge the picture, they give depth to your lovely card.

    We had more snow overnight and today have had a continuous flurry. Just hope it doesn’t freeze overnight. Just checked the forecast the temperature is -1 with flurries. I’m sure this is not as cold as most of you have, but to a townie like me that’s cold!!!

    Stay safe and keep warm ladies, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi everyone.
    A very sweet card Sandra, like the little flowers used.
    Hope you all have had a good day and take care if going out. Very cold but no snow here, had a bit of sunshine around lunch time.
    Many warm hugs for you all ! Maria xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight.
    Love all of the cards both today’s and last weeks cc’s too.
    We haven’t had more than a light layer of snow that was all gone within a few hours on Sunday. I don’t think it’s too bad temperature wise here but am in bed with some sort of flu type bug. My temp is up and down so I’m not sure if it really is warmer or not outside 😄
    I hope you are all as well as possible. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
