
Wednesday 10 February 2021

Sophie's Birthday card from Brenda


Good Morning Ladies,  

Well I am hoping that this morning will be 'good' as yesterday's certainly wasn't!  Between sciatica, my heart reacting to me being upset by my sciatica and Milo being restless I got absolutely ZERO sleep, not even one minute, so yesterday I kind of felt 'odd ' all day, like I was inebriated,  but obviously I hadn't had even a sniff of alcohol,  although by 4.30 am the thought did cross my mind!! My ears ring constantly when I don't get a good night's sleep so they were ringing extra loud.  Paul didn't have a great night either, Milo considers Paul as his companion, its funny to watch, if we aren't getting ready for bed by 11pm hr comes trotting in the lounge and starts to be a pest until one of us says 'come on then, lets go to bed' he then happily trots out behind you and sits and waits while you get ready for bed, once in bed he has to lay either completely on Paul or at the very least he likes to have his paws across Paul's legs or chest.  Paul had no time for cats prior to us getting Bella and Milo, now he is like the cat whisperer, I'm surs Milo could sense that Paul wasn't keen and set out to change him. 

Today's card is the absolutely gorgeous card that Our Brenda made for Sophie's 21st Birthday, both girls let out a 'WoW' when they opened their cards and I can see why!! 

Brenda used Distress Oxide inks and applied them with the make up style brushes, looking at it up close Brenda had acheived the most perfect smooth blend, I honestly thought it was a printed paper. To embellish the card Brenda has added a beautiful Gold die cut shoe, that has been adorned with stunning little flowers that have been kissed with glitter and catch the light beautifully.   A perfectly matched ribbon has been tied to one side with the Happy Birthday layered upon it.                                 Brenda thank you so very much, the girls loved their cards ❤ XXX 

I hope that you all stayed warm yesterday, that winf was biting and is set to be the same today,  we did have some lovely 🌞 sunshine throughout the day.

Sending warm hugs and lots of love to all of you,  I hope that thosr of you that had their vaccinations aren't suffering any side  v   effects, 

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-WOW! What A stunning card you made, no wonder the girls lived their cards.

    Sandra-sorry to read you weren’t feeling great yesterday, how you managed to get some sleep last night.

    Yesterday was extremely busy at work, it kept trying to snow but luckily nothing stuck. . We’ve had a hard frost again overnight so I’ll be out early clearing my car.


  2. A beautiful card BRENDA No wonder the girls loved their cards
    I do hope you feel better today SANDRA I know how zonked I feel on little sleep let alone not having any sleep at all
    I started a Valentines card yesterday and it’s one of those “looks great in your head” but I’m not sure I might just have to go with it though
    We did have snow yesterday evening/night but it didn’t settle
    Must crack on I have an earlier start at work today
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Brilliant sunshine again here in Somerset with still no sigh of the threatened piles of snow, they must have been dumped. somewhere else. As I look out side my craft room window the sun is glinting on the tight white Magnolia buds just waiting for the right time to burst into their glorious star flowers.

    I've had a productive Christmas card session the last couple of days and have made 30 altogether now. Only small 4x4" and A6 ones, I find they take longer as I'm searching through my 2 Christmas boxes for the smaller elements then I make patterns with my score board to add more texture. I also found a partly used strip of tiny snowflakes and trees so these have been added to the envelope V's. With the verses inside later today they will be ready to pack up in bags of 5 or 6 with a recycled Christmas card bag topper to close.

    Love your high heel card Brenda, just perfect.

    Hope you catch up on your zzzzz's today Sandra, I know full well the feeling of exhaustion after a bad night's sleep.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I bet your magnolia looks lovely when it’s out Cheryl.

    2. Cheryl, brilliant you have made so many Christmas cards in such a short time. xx

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies
    Another fabulous card from our Brenda for Sophie's 21th, very nice.
    Hopefully you can get some catch up on sleep later today Sandra and the pain is easing. I do hate sciatica for it sadly takes some time to go. 😢
    Cats are funny and Milo sound like a real character. OH is allergic to all animals so of course they all go to him first if visiting friends who have pets 🐱
    Well done Cheryl for making up so many x-mas cards, you are on a roll 😊
    Take care if going out today and dress warm. The sun trying to come out but the clouds are very dark grey so something will be here later today, not sure tho if it be rain or snow. Hope the day for our working friends is fine and not too long. Have a good day everyone and warm hugs for you all, extra hugs for our Lynda and mamma Margaret. xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely card 21st card for Sophie from Brenda Sandra. No wonder they both loved their cards. Love the shoe.
    Hope your feeling a bit better today Sandra.
    We have snow flurries falling today. It’s very light and stops a couple of minutes after it starts, so it’s not laying. But it’s still freezing cold and quite windy.
    I’ve been doing a lot of gridwork around the edge of some parchment. I had to go around corners to make a square so quite a bit of matching up, then all the outside embossing needed to be done. Just need to do all the picot cutting now, before deciding what to put in the middle.
    Take care and stay safe everyone. Hmmm the lighter snow that was falling has got heavier. Fingers crossed it doesn’t decide to lay.

  6. Hello, no snow, R is very disappointed, as they keep warning us for snow. Bitterly cold , bird water frozen 2” deep. It’s just so unusual for here.

    Brenda, what glorious cards, just perfect for the girls.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a surprise I had when I open the blog to see Sophie‘s birthday card, I’m pleased they both liked their cards. I love this to die I think it’s so feminine. If anyone would like me to cut some for them I’m happy to do it just let me know what colour(s) to use And how many you would like. We crafters are always happy to share. XX

    Well we still have snow it’s a good thing is the Sun has been shining so hopefully most of it will melt. In the early hours of this morning the council Gritter came and gritted our road, it’s a main Cut-through so it needed to be done.

    Sorry to hear your sciatica has been playing up Sandra I hope to be able to relax and get a bit extra sleep today.

    Have a lovely day everyone take care love Brenda XXX

    1. Forgot to say the small flowers on the card came from Hobbycraft.

  8. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card Brenda, love the shoe with the flowers 😊
    Sorry to hear you had such a bad night, hope you’re feeling better and can catch up on some sleep today.
    Another bitterly cold day here, but sunny. Had more snow last night, again leaving another thin layer on the ground.
    Hope all having a good day. Sending hugs xxx
