
Monday 8 February 2021

A single layer stamped Challenge card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,  

Oooh it's chilly!! I hope that you are all wrapped up warm.  Did you all have any ❄ ❄ snow?!  We haven't so far, my sister did over in Suffolk yesterday, here it was cold and windy.

I had a fun afternoon playing with different stamps to create backgrounds for this week’s flat card Challenge. I did some masking too to create a void in the stamped background to add my sentiment.  I think flat cards are becoming more popular with postage prices being so high.  Remember those big 8 x 8 cards we all used to make, with loads of layers, I used to make boxes because mine didn't fit in envelopes, can you imagine the postage today?!. 

Today's card is one of my Sunday afternoon stamping session cards.  I used my Concorde & 9th 'Peek Through Patterns' stamp set.......

Using the stamp with three stripes I built the background to my card, stamping 'Peacock Feathers' Distress Oxide ink for the first set of stripes, then the second colour is Shaded Lilac.  Let me tell you that lining everything up took me a good while and patience!  I wish thst i had taken the opportunity to photocopy it beforw I went on to stamp the sentiment and flowers,  I would have had a couple of backgrounds to use later then, I will try and remember for next time!  To finish the card I stamped the sentiment in Versamark ink and added White Embossing powder and heat set, I then found so flowers and leaves in an old magazine free stamp set that worked perfectly size wise, so I stamped those and heat embossed the same as with the sentiment.   Quite a simple card but I am quite pleased with it. 

I hope that you all stay warm, dry & well, gentle hugs for those of you that are struggling. 

Love and hugs to all of the, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is beautiful, I love the colours.

    I did try to snow here yesterday afternoon but luckily nothing stuck. Yesterday was a blur- after doing all the housework in the morning we managed a quick Skype session with my in-laws. We had a bracing walk down to the beach. I sorted out yea once we were home then it was time to phone my Dad. By this time it was 8:30 so we watched a programme on Chocolate that Hubby had recorded then it was time for bed!


  2. Morning Everyone
    Lovely flat card SANDRA.

    We have a slight covering of the white stuff this morning and it's bitterly cold.
    I have my Jab this morning so we'll be going out around08.20 and I'll be really glad to get back. This will be my first 'outing' since 6th Sept other than going to the dustbins. We were put into Tier3 and then of course complete lockdown.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in for a warm and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to youall. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. I love this card Although it took a lot of patience, it was definitely worth it Such a good idea to photocopy or photograph the end result Afterall that’s what the “big boys” do
    We have a sprinkling of snow and very fine icing sugar snow is still falling
    Hope the jab goes OK JANET
    I attempted a flat card yesterday but I’m not happy with it Hopefully I will be able to rescue it later
    Some cotton mix yarn arrived over the weekend and it’s had its 72 hours quarantine so I will be crocheting more boobies later
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning everyone
    Love your flat card Sandra.
    Hoping to make some stamping later but also fancy getting my pixies out to play,they haven't been out for a looong time.
    Snowed during the night and still some flakes are falling and it's cold enough for it to stay on the ground.
    Janet, hope to getting the vaccine goes fine this morning. Wrap up warm everyone if going out.
    Many hugs for you all, Maria xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Lovely card, great use of the stamps 😊
    Have had a covering of snow and still snowing lightly here now.
    Hope the jab went ok Janet.
    Have a good day everyone, stay warm. Hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely flat card Sandra,
    We had snow overnight. Just enough to cover the ground. The sun keeping popping it’s head out so it’s melting. It’s very cold and very windy.
    Hope your jab went ok Janet. I saw on the news that places that were vaccinating had to close due to the snow yesterday.
    Fingers crossed we don’t get any more.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  7. Hello , lovely and sunny here, but ooh so cold and windy.

    Sandra good card today, great use of stamps, and colour. Watched Tracy yesterday she did a great background, might try something like that.

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, simply forgot. Wonderful amount of cards, all very different.

    Must go and do something, haven’t stirred myself yet, been on Pinterest, such time waster.

    Have a good day all, take care if icy near you. Janet hope your jab went ok, and you have no side effects. Hugs to all , Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Your afternoon working on the background for this card really paid off, the results are great. Love the completed card.

    We still have snow, in fact it has been lightly snowing most of the day, now it’s freezing so the roads and paths are going to be dangerous. Not sure if the council will be out gritting the roads as they are bankrupt.

    Hope you have all had a good day, stay warm and safe.
    Love Brenda xxx
