
Saturday 9 January 2021

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you well, I really can't say anything about being glad its the weekend, as until I write the blog post I have no idea what day of the week it is!  I guess I'm not the only one. 
We didn't really get any snow, I was a little disappointed I have to say, I awoke really early as I was excited to see a white covering but not a flake was visible!  I was hoping we would get a good covering (a) Just to have something different to look out on and (b) to stop Paul from going into the office!!  He did go, I was on edge all day, I made him strip off and shower as soon as he got home,  you just can't be to careful,  particularly as there were record breaking deaths (1,340) and new cases (68,000+) which is absolutely terrifying!


Cheryl very kindly shared photographs of the absolutely stunning wreaths that she made.
The first wreath was for Giorgina, Cheryl she must have been absolutely over the moon when she saw that gorgeous wreath, the colours are just so beautiful, I do love natural look with  the pine cones and berries but those gorgeous flowers just give it tha touch of luxury. 

The second wreath was made for Lucy & Milly-May, this wreath is in traditional Christmas colours,  I live the combination of the baubles and greenery qith the pine cones in between.  I think you could make a fortune selling these Cheryl,  maybe an idea for you Cardiomyopathy Charity table.  
Thank you so much for sharing your wreaths with us. XXX 

That's all for today Ladies, 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-two stunning wreaths, they’re just gorgeous. You’re very talented.

    We did have snow yesterday and I wish we hadn’t-it’s horrible to drive in and scary because you never know what other drivers are going to do. Hubbys return journey from Newcastle took almost 7hours due to the bad weather so the hire car is being collected this morning.


  2. Morning Everyone
    CHERYL= what can I say- two absolutely gorgeous seasonal wreaths. Definitely keep-sakes and tobe cherished.

    MARI- I'm reporting in after my excursion with the bean It wasn't too bad. The new bag has a much larger zip than the old one so I didn't have too much trouble transfering and adding new beans.

    It's a quiet day on the cards here. We have yet another coating of the white stuff on the pavements etc and our paths are looking very shiney.


  3. Your wreaths are gorgeous Cheryl Real works of art
    We haven’t had any snow which I am pleased about as I hate the thought of people driving through anything treacherous like snow, fog, black ice etc
    Going to have a lazy day today and just catchup on the shows/films I have recorded over Christmas
    As the numbers of covid are frightening Please take extra care xx

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Two beautiful wreaths that the girls will all treasure Cheryl x
      Sandra, I had a giggle to myself too when I saw what challenge you have set forth this week 😂 oh I do miss seeing you so much and us laughing at the daftest things which we both think of at the same time! Yet another reason for everyone to obey the rules so we can get back to seeing each other and catching up on all of the postponed occasions. I hope you manage to get a date sorted for your Mums internment my lovely xx
      I hope to get a card or two finished today for the challenge. I hope you all stay safe. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Two fabulous wreaths Cheryl. Thanks for sharing. No white stuff today. But it is quite dull. I have some washing on so I’ll hang it on the line in the hope it dries. I didn’t go to see Doreen as something was falling a mixture of snow & rain nd it was much too cold to sit outside. But I did ring her.
    I didn’t get my parcel yesterday as they had changed the hours from the one on their website so they’d shut at 10.00. I’ll pick it up today.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. Hello All, very cold with frost again. I can’t ever remember so many days of frost here, usuall get a couple of days at most.

    Cheryl two lovely wreaths from you today, I’m sure they will be treasured for a long time.

    Not much going on at the moment, so I hope you all have a good day. Lilian

  6. Afternoon ladies,

    Lovely surprize to see my wreaths on show, thank you Sandra.
    And thank you all for such lovely comments. Giorgina's wreath was made to match her wallpaper décor. Teal with black but you can't see much of the black ribbon covering the ring until you hang it up
    I only make these for family and close friends, my Dad tried hard to get me to set up a website to sell my products but for me that would take the pleasure out of making them, I don't want to be tied to an order book. Previously I had made toys when my children were little to make ends meet after my divorce and it just snowballed and I felt so constricted with people clamouring for them. It was only when a collapsed lung saved me from a breakdown that I realised all the pleasure had gone in making them. 3 months in hospital later (due to in-house infections) I finally said enough is enough I cannot put myself and my health last, my children had to come first.

    Weather here is cold and it is a very grey day. Our local weather forecasters keep saying snow is on the way but it hasn't appeared yet, and to be honest I wish it would come. Being snowed in would be a welcome distraction compared to the enforced lockdown due to Covid, I never mind the snow it covers the ground in a lovely white blanket (I can't see the weeds) and I don't need an excuse for the hot chocolates with cream and marshmallows and mugs of piping hot Ribena cooling down to drink whilst wrapped in a blanket with the fire and TV on, feet up on the stool and dozing whenever I feel like it. Simple pleasures that I love the most.

    Hugs to all in need of them, I hope your weekend is enjoyable.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Love the wreaths our Cheryl have made, they are both beautiful. I love also your idea Cheryl how to spend the day if any snow would come ,it can look so much lighter somehow. Today we got heavy fog,-1c and I don't seem to be able to get warm, not even during our walk I got too hot today.
    I hope you all have a good day . Many hugs for you all xxx

  8. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous wreaths Cheryl, love them both.
    Busy day back at work today and so cold, couldn’t even warm up after rushing around. Turned very foggy here now too, so I shall be spending the rest of the afternoon/evening snuggled up in front of the tv in the warm.
    Hope you’ve all had a good day. Stay safe and warm. Hugs to all xxx
