
Sunday 10 January 2021

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

Welcome to our first Sunday Challenge card Showcase of 2021,  this is our favourite Blog day of the week, you all love seeing each others cards for inspiration as well as admiring each others work.
For me it's definitely inspirational, I love seeing how you all make the challenges work for the cards that you need to make.  I am also so proud to share your work, a lot of our Challenge cards end up on Pinterest,  I will be casually looking for a particular category and up will pop our Challenge cards which really makes me proud. I am so genuinely grateful that you all make that possible 🙏 ❤ XXX 

So without further ado here are your amazing first challenge cards of 2021.........


Two amazing cards from Karen for the Sketch Challenge this week, these two cards are completely different to your original designs for this challenge 5 years ago.  

Card 1: I made the flower one in late Jan19 so it obviously missed the deadline (I think) It’s a Wish Die with some blended colour in behind image and a totally stamped background 
Sentiment is SueW

Card 2:  The second I adapted a card I was doing 
The image is a stamped DO using elastic bands and a StampinUp splodge stamp
The image and sentiment is SueW
The ribbon is supposed to replicate Chelsea colours It must be really cheap ribbon as it kept fraying that’s why I tucked it underneath and the footballs cut on ScanNCut

Thanks so much Karen for two amazing Challenge cards. 


Oh Sonia straight in to 2021 with a fantastic 'Masculine ' Birthday card!  Such a cute image, although that bear looks way to cute to be drinking beer! 🤣😉  You have some lovely Sentiment stamps in your collection my lovely.  

Sonia's Description:

The digi papers were purchased from The Lovely Studio. I love these as there are so many different colours to choose. James the Bear is also a digi image from LOTV. The stamped sentiment is from LOTV too. The hearts die cut from card in my stash.

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks Sketch Challenge my lovely XXX 


Two beautiful Birthday cards from Janet for our Sketch Challenge this week, both are gorgeous,  I am guessing Stamperia papers before I even check Janet's Description because of the incredible detail featured in both designs, so many layers, their papers are stunning and you have bought the best out of them with your designs Janet. 

Janet's Description:

My first card is made using STAMPERIA 'HOUSE OF ROSES' and LABLANCHE.

My second card is made again using STAMPERIA 'HOUSE OF ROSES'.

Thank you so much for taking part XXX 


A gorgeous birthday card from Maria for this weeks Sketch Challenge,  oh Maria I love that image of a beautiful cottage in the country  it's like a jigsaw puzzle photo.  I love how you have layered it onto blue background as it looks like a continuation of the clear blue sky in the image. The piece of checked card really works too as a contrast.  This card would be great for both men and ladies.

Maria used her 'Bitbox' to create this card, it certainly doesn't look like a card made from leftovers!! 

Thank you so much Maria, I love your card XXX 


Lilian has designed a gorgeous Birthday card for this weeks Sketch Challenge.  I absolutely love the layers of detail you have created Lilian,  that stencilled background is lovely,  edging with the stencilled area with a fine liner (i think) was a brilliant idea as it creates another layer. I would love to play with these stamps and stencils! 

Lilian's Description: 

Here is my card for this week, oxide inks, and Lavinia stencil and stamps.

Thank you so much Lilian,  I hope you enjoyed getting back to your craft desk,  your first card of 2021 is amazing XXX


Sue's first Challenge card of 2021 is a cute/funny birthday card, Llama's are one of those animals that you just can't help smiling at, I love this stamped image and the greeting that goes with the Llama is "Another Birthday,  No Prob-llama" 🤣😂
The layers really work to make the Llama stand out, the green layer looks like Distress Oxide with water spritzed over to give texture and interest. 

Thank you so much Sue for taking part in our first Challenge XXX


Thank you all ladies, another amazing showcase of cards ❤ 

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday, stay safe my dear friends,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a lovely way to start a Sunday morning looking at all the beautiful cards on the board.
    Each one so different too.

    The CAFE is OPEN and of course as it's Sunday the lunch menu is Roast Beef with Apple Pie for afters. Place your orders if you wish.

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today.

    I had 2 phone calls (late & very late) on Friday evening from work which left me feeling unsettled so I hardly slept. Popped to the village as I needed to go to the butchers & the Post Office to pay in 2 cheques. Had a lazy day after that. Housework this morning then I’m hoping to get in my craft room.


  3. Lovely cards ladies All are so so different You’ve really inspired me to twist and turn the sketch for a different perspective
    I hope to craft after I have done the ironing but as my craft room is next to the bedroom I don’t like to craft until OH has got up .....that won’t be until much later!
    Take care all Stay safe xx

  4. Hello , lovely blue sky day here again, the horrible freezing fog has gone thank goodness.

    Super bunch of cards today, I have to say how much I am enjoying my Lavinia products, trouble is since Sandra persuaded me to buy the oxide inks I want them all, plus more Lavinia stamps and stencils.

    Not sure what I will be doing today, we are having fish for dinner, ( Sainsbury’s line caught fillets, thoroughly recommend)) it seems we have been eating too much meat since Christmas so more fish this week.

    Hope you all have a pleasant day, hugs to all Lilian.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    As always another wonderful set of challenge cards on display today. As always each one is different. We had freezing fog yesterday, none at the moment but looks very dull out and cold outside . I’ll probably need a trip to the shops either Mon or Tues but other to that I’m not going anywhere.
    Yes please to roast beef and apple pie Janet.

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies in the cafe' today.
    Very nice cards on the board, love them all.
    Karen's wonderful colours on the first one, Janet's gorgeous papers, Lilian's stamping, Sonia's cute bear and Sue's Llama, he is lovely 😊
    I had a bit of a rough week pain wise and when it is like that I can't function very good so thank god for the bit box it came in handy once again. Now I'm thinking of next weeks cc but can't decide on what to choose wing wise 🐦🙈😊
    Minus 1 c but no frost or snow so going for a little walk as soon hubby is ready. I wish you all a nice day and hopefully some happy crafting. Oh before I forget. Janet I'll see you later for some lunch , some apple pie sound good before the healthier eating starts again tomorrow :P
    Many warm hugs for you all, xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a lovely collection of challenge cards to start the year.
    I wonder what they will look like in January 2026?
    Maria, I can’t decide whether to go for butterflies, birds or planes either 😊 I hope you have a less painful next week x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards, I love them all, they are so inspiring. I’m sorry I didn’t make one this week, life has been a little upside down this week.

    I hope you are all managing to keep warm and safe in these uncertain times. I wonder if we will ever get back to life as we knew it before Covid. Part of me thinks it will never be quite the same.

    Take care everyone, stay safe and well. Love Brenda xxx
