
Friday 8 January 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the end of our first week of being back to 'Normal' (as in not Festive Holidays), I fully appreciate that everything is far from 'Normal' but you know what I mean.  I wonder if this is going to be the New 'Normal' for 2021.  There is a tiny part of me that thinks that this year will be for the most part written off, which is a shame as we have so pretty big family occasions this year, Sophie and Lucy will be celebrating their 21st Birthday 🎂 in lockdown, which really saddens me, their birthday is only about 3 weeks or so away so things will definitely not have changed by then, we are trying to think of ways to make it special.  Then later in the year Paul and I will celebrate our 30th Wedding Anniversary. I know that some of you have big anniversaries this year too, Paul's parents had planned a big event to celebrate their Diamond Wedding Anniversary too, they have invited the whole original wedding party, Bridesmaids, groomsmen etc, but being at the beginning of April I really doubt it will go ahead, such a shame.  Before any of that I still have to organise getting Mum's ashes interred, it was hard enough finding a date that suited everyone that we wanted to attend, we were hoping to be able to have more of a 'Celebration' of her life than we were able to have at and after her funeral but it seems unlikely that that will be a possibility so I think I am just going to arrange a date within the next few weeks that will just be for our close family, we can maybe plan something bigger later in the year that Mum's siblings and friends can attend.  

Your Next Challenge

I thought that we needed something cheerful that would 'lift our spirits' for our next challenge, so I have decided to go with one of our old favourites 'Things With Wings' challenge.

My inspiration card uses butterflies 🦋 as the 'winged subject' , I wanted a card that gave a little bit of hope that Spring is just around the corner, so the colours represent those first little leaf tips we see poking through the soil, letting us know that nature is preparing to give us all that stunning display of colour and beauty in the weeks ahead, I think Spring is the one season that we all look forward too the most, don't get me wrong I love, love love Autumn with the trees looking their absolute best as their leaves turn and give us the most beautiful display of colours, Autumn also brings the promise of cosy nights in front of the fire, warming stews, casseroles and roasts and the promise of Christmas just around the corner.  But Spring to me symbolises hope, new life, a fresh start, with the added bonus of seeing Paul get really excited as he plans the layout of the vegetable garden.                                           Do you all have a favourite Season? 

Now there are so many different things 'With Wings' that you could choose for your Challenge card/s....

Bee's, Birds of all kind from Robins (for those getting a head start on their Christmas cards) Owls, Kingfishers, Red Cardinal, the list is endless.                                                                                             Dragonflies, Beetles, Fantasy creatures too.. Pegasus etc,  Fairies, Angels, Aircraft of course, from vintage planes to modern day, they all make for a good 'Man card' image.                                               While I am sitting writing this I have a huge grin on my face thinking back to the last 'Things with Wings' challenge, Sue didn't actually manage a challenge card to display on the blog, she did make a card though, it featured an item that most of us women are familiar with, not something that would obviously jump into your mind straight away, but for most of us that have the occasional 'Tena Moment' (more than occasional for some) 😂 !!  It was a totally legitimate Challenge card as it certainly featured wings, to say I had tears running down my face was an understatement, Sue and I have very similar sense of humour when it comes to those kind of things!

So with that very long winded description of the challenge I can say that I am very much looking forward to seeing your cards. xxx


We are forecast to have snow today, yesterday was the coldest day for sometime, the trees in the garden looked beautiful, it was like they were crystallised, each blade of grass kept its frosty jacket on all day, the cars stayed iced over, as morning disappeared the fog got heavier and heavier, the sun just didn't have the strength to break through, so I am hoping that if we do have snow it will settle, for a few hours anyway. I will let you know.  

Please stay wrapped up warm and cosy and more importantly stay safe,

Sending you love and warm snuggly hugs,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge & a really lovely card

    We have a severe weather warning today, just hoping Hubby can get home safely from Newcastle.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a pretty card SANDRA.Love the colours.

    We had a covering of the 'white stuff' last evening and this morning it looks very 'slushy' outside on the pavement and road. Fingers crossed that we don't get any today.

    Well the normal is back in this house after the holidays so as you all know today is my 'swear' word day.
    The washer is already churning away but my biggest challenge is going to be emptying an old bean bag and filling a new one. If I don't appear sometime tomorrow I shall be in need of rescuing lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you allto pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Very, very cold here in my little corner of Somerset, yesterday was freezing fog all day. Yet still idiots thinking to take a short cut through the village were speeding past. How they can see in fog defeats me? There are 22 drives and 2 roads along our little stretch from the end of the bridge to the fist chicane, of which any one of them potentially could have had a vehicle turning onto the road which could have been hit. Thank goodness everyone home.

    Felt like I was going a bit stir crazy too, so packed all the decs away whilst watching Terry Pratchett's Going Postal. Very good to watch, funny and serious at times. Can recommend if you are into the unusual.

    Hope you are all keeping warm and safe, comfort blanket hugs to those in pain and discomfort. I hope your day becomes kinder to you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today.
    Well we had the white stuff overnight and it looks pretty cold outside. I have something to collect though from our sorting office in Witney. Apparently it was to large to go through the letterbox. Now why he didn’t ring the bell or knock ( I was in ) or leave it with my neighbour as they were in I’ll never know.
    It’s also Doreen’s 90th birthday. I’m hoping to pop up and wish her Happy Birthday but I’ll have to stand outside so if I go it’ll only be a fleeting visit. It’s much to cold to sit outside.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card today, and great challenge for next week. I remember the story about Sue’s last ‘things with wings’ challenge card, lol 😂
    Just back from a walk in the woods with Barney. Seems milder today, so don’t think we’ll be getting any snow. We always seem to miss the worst of the weather here, be it snow, thunder storms or gales. Quite lucky in some ways, but I do love a good thunder storm and love the snow when I don’t have to go out in it! ☺️
    Hope you all have a good day. Hugs to you all xxx

  6. Morning again ladies.
    Sweet card Sandra and yes even if I like winter and autumn, for the spring to come with new life and flowers is something to look forward to.
    Janet, we send the rescue team out if not heard anything by noon tomorrow that's a promise. I have just hovered up lots of little crystals that went on the floor in the night, should have gone to bed instead Lol
    Still achy so no walk today and its pretty freezing outside. Thinking of Son who is cycling to work later, he had -3 to cycle home in last night, brrr!
    Happy Birthday to Doreen ,Pat wish her a nice day.
    So many celebrations that have had to be put on hold to a day when all this is over with the covid Sandra. UK and rest of the world will have a good party for sure. One day.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are up to, take care.
    Many warm hugs ,Maria xxx

  7. Beautiful card and it’s a great challenge I think Spring is my favourite season It’s beginning to get warmer and brighter But I do love the colours of Autumn Summer can be far too hot for me and my skin allergy
    Once this is all over I think there’ll be some gigantic parties A friend had a birthday card yesterday that said “You’re not a year older ....2020 didn’t exist!”
    Some buttons arrived yesterday so I can finish the little cardie I have and finish some sewing up of a crochet animal Hopefully I will do that this afternoon before it gets dark
    Off for a walk now
    Take care xx

  8. Hello All, another blue sky day here, very cold and showers forecast for later.

    Sandra lovely bright fresh card, finished this weeks challenge card, so now to sort out something for this weeks.

    Hope you are keeping safe, I’ll see you tomorrow, hugs Lilian
