
Friday 18 December 2020

Some Bit Box Cards


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, can you all relax this weekend or do you have last minute Christmas shopping to do?  We unfortunately do have last minute shopping to do as 2 of our Children have no idea what they would like for Christmas!  
We had a busy day yesterday, Paul managed to get the Outside lights up, so the house looks festive from the outside at least, not so much on the inside though, yes you guessed it, still no tree up!  The die didn't arrive until after 5pm and Paul and I needed to go to the supermarket,  we also had the Chimney Sweep, I don't know why I worried about mess, the hearth was cleaner when he finished than it was when he started. Such a lovely man, I was desperate to shake his hand but I was too cautious of the Covid thing and I didn't want to make him look awkward, I was hoping for a bit of extra luck!

Today I have to confess that it feels so strange not posting a Challenge for next week, you all deserve a break, I know that most of you will be busy next week too, we will be back with Challenges for the 
5th Anniversary of the Weekly Blog Challenge, how incredible is that, I am thinking of using the same Sketch as we used on that very first Challenge.

I have shared two cards today that would be perfect for using up those odd bits of card in your Bit Box(es) in my case. 
The first card I used up lots of little bits of paper to create the flowers and foliage that make up the wreath.  
The second card I took pieces of card from last years Christmas card leftovers, I cut them all to the same width and created the Herringbone pattern.

Well I best go and finish the Wedding card that is needed for later today,

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    I've given up trying to comment on my phone and switched my laptop on instead!
    Two lovely cards Sandra, I have to confess that I've not even thought about a challenge card yet.
    All I can say is I'm very glad it's Friday.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Oh it's Friday again and so as you all know by now it's 'swear'words for me today not that I'm doing any extra because of Christmas (there I've said it!!!!)next Friday. We shall be on our own no visitors as neither of us feel that as we have been in lockdown for most of the year and still in Tier 3 we're not tempting anything.

    Mr Tesco is delivering two week's shopping sometime today so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours so you can pop in when you want to.HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. I love your bit box cards It does feel a bit strange not seeing a new challenge but you deserve a break from trying to think of challenges and then having to make extra cards for inspiration
    The card for the wedding you showed us is lovely and couldn’t be more apt for the occasion
    Good luck with the tree decorating
    We are seeing daughter this afternoon (our bubble) She would like us to help take photos of the boys holding the letters DAD She has done this every Christmas since 2016 and it’s lovely to see how Iscar has changed and of course Charlie is on the scene now
    We move into tier 3 tomorrow but it won’t affect us particularly
    Take care all x

  4. Hi ladies.
    Love the cards Sandra, must try a herringbone card one day ass it look fun.
    You have a break now and spend the day decorating your tree etc. and then we all be ready again for the new challengers in the new year. Good luck for getting something for the girls, you don't just give them a present card ?
    Still got the neighbours cards to make up but then I will take a break and hopefully make up the crystal art I got laying around, not a massive one but full so might take a few days . Got back from our walk which took us today to pick up meds. not very nice outside but got home before the rain started.
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs Maria xx

  5. Good afternoon Sandra and ladies. Very dark today and cold not raining but black sky.
    I've almost finished writing the Christmas cards. I did say last night about my hand writing my hand writing is very bad fingers ache they are really bad so I apologise.
    SANDRA your bit box card's are all really stunning.
    Wishing everyone love and Hug's
    Lynda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Not to sure what happened but I thought I’d commented this morning.
    Great cards Sandra.
    Loved the card you made for Beccas friend as well.
    Rather wet & dark here today. I’ve been to see Doreen. She told me that the residents who’d like the vaccine before can have it done on Wed. Which she’ll do. Then rest will have it done after Christmas all will be done at he Churchill Hospital
    Take care & stay safe everyone..

  7. Hi, rain, rain, and more rain, also windy again.
    Sandra two great cards, love the flower one, the chevron looks really fiddly.

    Not done much today, decorated the tree after which my back was killing me, so had to sit the rest of the day. Will try and get a card done tomorrow, it will be great to have a break, good idea using the same challenge as the first one.

    Just this time next week Christmas will be nearly over. Hugs Lilian
