
Saturday 19 December 2020

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope the weather is being kind to you all this weekend,  we have had a very wild couple of days, the wind has been blowing a gale! Rain too, the Thames is flowing freely through the fields, it must be so disheartening for the farmer.  The tree is up at last, I was going to say that I am probably the last one but I know Sue has been known to leave it later than us!!


Maria has finished her Calendar and just look how beautiful these floral images are (including the one that opened the blog today). 

Maria's Description:

First up today, I have finished the Calendar. Flowers from a book
(don't know the name) but pretty and it also have a bit of decoupage 
on so had to keep the other months in a separate place.The other 2
photos showing the months from left to right , January - June and
July - December .

Thanks so much for inspiring us with your beautiful Calendar Maria XXX 


Janet has shared her beautiful handmade Christmas Gift Envelope with us, what a beautiful way to gift wrap a voucher or cash for someone for Christmas,  a lot of Children these days ask for a voucher or money towards something bigger.  I am not a fan of giving money,  but we do do it for Paul's Nieces and Nephew as we have no idea what to get them and when we asked the answer is generally money.  We had bought those All4one vouchers from post office but this year with so many companies closing down,  its too risky.  

Janet's Description:

The first picture is of MONEY WALLETS for this year. The dies are TONIC which were released two years ago and the card used is also their Mirror Card/White Glitter Card.

Thanks so much for sharing Janet, I might look out for that die. XXX 

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies 

Diecutting Essentials has a really pretty die this month as the free gift.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine .

Here’s the first of a few features using the free gift. This just shows you how versatile this die is.

Non card ideas using the free gift.

More inspiration & ideas.

An article from Christina Griffiths who designed the free gift.

Another idea.

I was featured again! My Clean + Simple cards.

Lovely inked shaker cards here-definitely different from Christmas colours.

Die cutting off the edge-this technique will make your card stand out.

Floating panel cards-these look stunning.

How amazing is this? Hard to believe it’s made from card!

Sneak peek at what’s on offer next month.

That’s all for this week so
Happy Crafting.

Love Michele

Thanks so much Michele for another amazing magazine review,  so many features that draw my eye in the edition, I might just have to buy buy one!  Enjoy  couple of weekends off now my lovely XXX

Have a lovely weekend my lovelies, 

Love and hugs to all,




  1. Morning Ladies

    Maria-wow!! I love how you have decorated your calendar. It’s sio pretty -are you keeping it or is it a gift?

    Janet-I love the gift envelopes, they’re so lovely.

    I’m off to the hairdressers this morning then delivering a Christmas card-hopefully I’ll get to speak to my friend (only on the doorstep, wearing masks) as she wanted some card from me so I’ve made up a goody bag.


  2. Morning Everyone
    MARIA-What a glorious calendar.I just love those sumptuous papers you have used.

    We had another dark/rainy/windy day yesterday and I think the forecast is the same for today.
    I have one or two crafty things to do today well this morning and then make sure that the Santa Sacks have everything in them ready for collection this coming week.Thanks to my Posties all the little ones' parcels have arrived.

    The CAFE is OPEN and looking quite festive with the little tree in the window and your cards dotted around.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Your calendar is beautiful MARIA I hope you enjoyed making it as much as I did making mine I’m going to order more cases to make gifts for 2022!
    Your money wallets are lovely JANET and you’ve personalised them too
    Once again thank you MICHELE for the magazine review I have a SueW die that’s similar- remember SueW’s striplet dies I do like the look of the different techniques So I may treat myself
    Do you feel more Christmassy now the tree is up SANDRA
    I must finish making gift tags and wallets today I need to hand deliver a few cards too
    Take care all

  4. Hello All, rainy again, poor garden is saturated.

    Maria what a lovely way you have done your calendar hoping to do mine after Christmas, going to use my new stamps and dies, to do mine.

    Janet your gift envelopes are sensational, our young ones all have gift cards now, luckily they want Amazon ones, which came in a gift tin this year, so looked more of a present. Alway spend more as I like to give something to unwrap for under the tree.

    Michele great review as always, looks a really good deal.

    Doing some wrapping this afternoon, so that will be my day finished, hugs to all Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Thank you for liking the calendar ladies, yes Karen it was real fun to make and Michele ,this one is for me hihi. I thought first to do like you Lilian with using stamps and doing some colouring in so it could all stay together but when I saw this block of papers to decoupage up, that's what I used this time even if the little bits took some time to cut out and stick down.
    Janet- love your gift envelopes. So much prettier then just a normal one for something special.
    Thanks Michele for the magazine review once again. Love the die that's come with and so many ways to use it on. Well done for being in the magazine yourself once more.
    I'm sure you all busy with one thing or other but remember to enjoy the days with whatever you are doing and take breaks inbetween. Careful with your back Lilian.I took the washing basket upstairs this morning and felt a twinge, so easily done.
    Special hugs for our Lynda and Margaret and to anyone who need some. I have plenty of virtual ones to give so help yourself.
    Love to see you tree Sandra when it's dressed 😃

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love the papers you’ve used on you calendar Maria. I will start mine after Christmas. Great money wallets Janet. I did make boxes one year to put some money in for the girls.but I don’t remember how to do those now.
    Great magazine reviews as usual Michele.
    I’m glad you managed to get your tree up Sandra. We’ve had a big heavy shower but now that it’s stopped I’m going to pop out for another walk. I have washing on the line but I’m not to sure how that’s going to fair.
    Take care f stay safe everyone.

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. I’m still struggling to comment, but didn’t get in yesterday or the day before! Here goes.
      Sandra, yes you’re right we haven’t got our tree up yet. We are late again but tomorrow night or Monday is the rescheduled plan now!
      I love the gorgeous cards, and Paul’s dad will love the amazing personal card you made for him. Such a great idea. Your bits box cards are wonderful. I’m not good at using the bits. Yet another “ must try harder” area that I would love to change next year!!!
      I think it’s a lovely idea to use the same challenge as the very first one 5 years ago. It would be good to see those first cards too so must look back to have a look. You certainly deserve a couple of weeks off as I know it takes you a good while to set, make samples and do the write ups for each of our cards. I know I don’t enter each week , that’s another “ must do better” for next year, but I sm always really appreciate all of the time and effort you put into not just the challenge each week but also the daily posts too. Thank you so much my lovely. I hope you manage to get the presents needed. Hard for you to shop for them but on the other hand also lovely that they don’t have long lists of expensive gifts. Ours are all the same too. And the grand children are getting to be the same, especially Paige who only asked for slippers a pencil case and new felt tips! Xx
      Maria your calendar is so pretty. I keep changing my mind about what to use on mine but must decide soon mustn’t I 😏
      Janet, love those pretty envelopes, so much nicer than just a plain envelope x
      Michele, another great review to end the year and a special one too with your cards being featured along with a pretty useful die so I think I will have to get this one. A big thank you for taking the time each month to do these magazine reviews x
      Lynda, please don’t even think about your writing. Receiving a card from you would be wonderful even if you didn’t write in it but most of all we just want you to know we are thinking of you and your lovely CU x
      Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I hope you have had a good day, MARIA your calendar is lovely. Thank you Michele for the magazine review. As always you it’s brilliant.
    Take care everyone, Love and big hugs, Brenda xxx
