
Sunday 20 December 2020

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I was sorry to see that some of you have had the hopes of a Christmas with family taken away yesterday,  it's so worrying to see that this hideous virus is developing new 'variants' that seem to be spreading even faster than the original virus strain.  Its frightening to see the figures rising so quickly.  I sat thinking yesterday how awful it would have been trying to communicate with Mum over Christmas,  her not being able to hear over the phone and being alone on Christmas day, so although I miss her desperately,  i take comfort knowing she is with my Dad and her family, having the best Christmas in years! 
Thank heavens for technology,  I hope that some of you can connect with your families by zoom or facetime as you will be having your first Christmas without your family, sending an extra ❤ hug to all of you.  

Now I am excited to share some amazing Bit Box cards with all if you...


Oh Michele the papers that you have used are gorgeous, I love them both , you have created two stunning designs.

Michele's Description:

''Two challenge cards. The background card is what I used from my “bits box” and some patterned card I wanted to use. All I’ve done now is create more “bits” though!!" 

Thanks so much, never mind you will be making even more now you have more 'Bits' X❤X


Karen has made 3 incredible Christmas cards from her 'Bit Box'

Karen's Description:

Card 1 :  

"Here’s another cc using bits
I had a piece of splattered blue card and cut the stag and sentiment from bits of white card"

Cards 2 & 3 :

"Here’s a couple of cards using bits
The pattern paper was left over
I tore a scrap of white card in half to create the snow which I have glittered 
The stag cut from bits of white card and the bark is a piece of corrugated paper that I gesso’d using a brayer"

Thanks so much Karen, I love the effect of snow on your first card and those corrugated trees are just genius, thank you so much for inspiring us  X❤X


Brenda I really love your Challenge card, that candle die is so lovely, it looks amazing in red. Such an amazing Christmas card 

Brenda's Description:

"I think this candle cut out has been in my pit box for at least two years so it lasts it has its day! Sorry can’t remember the company who made it."

Thank you so much Brenda for a lovely Challenge card X❤X


Wow Maria,  you really have made the most of the 'Bit Box ' Challenge, you have created 3 amazing Challenge cards,  each one completely different to the next.  Your first card is just amazing, so bright & vibrant and would really brighten someone's day.  I love the geometric design of your second card too, again the colours you have used are bright and cheerful.   Your third card is beautiful, every part of your card is beautiful,  I love those papers. 😍

Maria's Description:

Cards 1 & 2  '' Had enough making x-mas cards now so found bits of papers in sunnier colours. One is with diamond shaped die cuts and the second one

,Hello, Being sent separate as the file to big  Hahaha
is made with swirly circle die . Both from China. Hope you like them.

My 3rd cc, I used some x-mas papers in my bit box to cut into 
strips and stick sideways onto card with some cone decoration 
and greeting plus some beads ? forgot what they are called. :/

Maria I love all three of your amazing challenge cards, 3 gorgeous designs, thanks so much for taking part X❤X


Oh Lilian,  I just love 😍 everything about your Challenge card, are those flowers from your new Poppy dies? They are beautiful so much detail down to the detailed centres, that colour is gorgeous too.  

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks Challenge X❤X


Janet's card  is a fantastic Masculine card, I love the vintage/ steampunk style of your card.

Janet's Description:

"I used a scrap piece of a small Christmas Gift Bag for the backing paper - you can see the cut out for the bottom of the bag - V shapes. I then found the small picture of the Owl for the top corner and to finish off the figure of the man.
All are LABLANCHE. The figure of the man was from the VINTAGE set."

A lovely "Bit Box " challenge card thank you so much Janet  X ❤ X 


Ladies,  what can I say?, thank you so very much for taking part in my challenges throughout 2020, there have been some tricky challenges along the way and you have conquered them all!! 

I look forward to challenging you a lot more in 2021

I hope you can enjoy the rest of the weekend, 

Love and extra hugs,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Hello All, it’s dry here which good with so much flooding locally.

    Love all of the cards today, so glad not to have to make any more Christmas cards.
    When I made this background I didn’t like it very much, so it was destined for the bin, but found it in my bit box and used these wonderful Stamping Up dies.

    Hope you all have a good Sunday, I have to get presents ready to post , as my family will not be here. Hugs to all Lilian

  2. I love looking at everyone’s makes on a Sunday and look forward to what you set us next year SANDRA
    I’m not going to say anything about the “new” Christmas arrangements It’s just awful
    Like you SANDRA we spoke about it a couple of weeks ago that we are glad our parents (although my dad is still alive) aren’t here anymore because they would never have coped or understood what’s going on
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Evreryone
    Love everyone's CCs.
    The bit boxes have really done their 'bit'.

    We have a dry start here today so fingers crossed it will stay that way.
    I'm hoping to make a start on putting all the wrapping paper etc away this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN and serving Sunday lunch for the last time this year. It's Roast Chicken with roast veg and for afters there's trifle so place your orders if you wish.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.XXXX

  4. Morning Ladies

    Once again Blogger won't let me log in via my phone.

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards again. My cards were very last minute but I like how they turned out. All I managed to do was create yet more "bits" though.

    We have more rain although the forecast says its meant to stop soon. Hope thats correct as I'd like to go for a walk. I don't see daylight all week and I only get 30 minutes lunch break so no time for a walk then.

    I'm hoping to have a play or at least a tidy up in my craft room as it's become a dumping ground!


  5. Morning everyone.
    Love all the cc's and it was a good one even if it only did a smidgens of a dent in the bit box so might make some more.

    We are also now in tier 4! ,where did that come from. So sad for you all who won't be able now to see family at all.
    I've arranged to have a facetime with mine on Christmas Day evening. My Niece and our Son are working Christmas Eve but I'm hoping Son can get off a bit earlier so we can have dinner together on x-mas Eve.
    Dry outside so going for our walk and then it be tidying up in the kitchen where it once again look like a small bomb gone off .
    Have a nice day everyone and I see you later for some lunch. Many hugs Maria xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Some lovely cards made from all your bit boxes. I do think that Maria’s 2nd card looks like a 3D card. Doreen is having her 1st vaccine jab on Wed. They’ll take her up to the Churchill to have it done. My surgery will be starting this week. But I’m quite a way down the list. As far as I know I’ll still be going up to Karens on Christmas Day, as I’m in a bubble with them. It was lovely f sunny here this morning and I went for a longish walk. Then it rained for a couple of minutes and then sun is out again. Good job to as Karen, Keith & Amber are supposed to be building a shed up the horse field for the other goats to be moved from where they are at the moment.
    Yes please for lunch Janet.
    Take dare & stay safe everyone.

  7. Hi everyone
    Lovely selection of cards today. Fantastic what you can do with leftover bits!
    A great selection of crafts along with Michele’s magazine review yesterday too. Unfortunately all my crafting stuff has been packed away until the new year, as we needed the space. Thank you Sandra for all the wonderful challenges and inspiration from you all xx
    Tier 4 for us too, and I have to admit I did panic as still haven’t finished present shopping yet. There will be a couple of IOU’s going out for some people 😔 I was frantically wrapping the presents last night that I had got for my brothers, who done the rounds doing doorstep drops before midnight.
    Hope you’ve all had a good weekend. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies i have just lost two comment so this will short.
    Just finished my card's ready to post. Terry is getting shop
    Bought cards 😭 still some ones will be sent shop bought but better than not sending any.
    I hope every one has a good week. Sending everyone Big Hug's Love Lynda xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    One message came to mind when looking at today’s challenge cards which are all amazing, save your bits that just don’t work out for the project in mind. When I looked into miy bit box(s) yes more than one - but they are shallow! I have managed to made a few more Christmas cards from my bits.
    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Take care and stay safe. Love Brenda xxx
