
Thursday 17 December 2020

An 80th Birthday Card


Good Morning Ladies,

Did you all get through the strong winds and rain unscathed?  We have a messy garden from twigs etc and the river had broken it's banks once again.  One of the worst issues is the water that lays on the roads, it covers the huge pot holes which is really dangerous, luckily the girls have memorised most of the ones around here.

Today's card is Paul's Dad's 80th Birthday card, I have been trying to decide on a theme or idea for a couple of weeks now but it was getting a little bit to near the date, so after a lot of deliberating I ordered a big bag of 'Scrabble' style tiles from Amazon and I sat and had a play with them yesterday, I decided on the layout of the tiles but had a large space that looked to bare to leave, so I had a quick look at some photos and picked one of him with his Parachute Regiment Beret on as this is a really important part of his life and he is quite rightly very proud of his Service.  So I thought a photo that symbolises that in some way was very apt!  I chose the card colour to represent there parachute regiment too.  I hope he likes it.  I was wondering about adding a happy birthday somewhere but thought it would look to cluttered so the greeting is on the inside, it reads

Happy 80th Birthday Dad,

Don't Panic 80 is only 13 in Scrabble

We hope you have a Great Birthday.

Today I am waiting for a die to arrive so that I can make a Wedding card for Becca's friend who is getting married tomorrow, she had no idea of what colour or style to go for so I asked her to show me the invitation. The wedding is a last minute reorganised wedding as their original date was cancelled in first lock down, the girl is 9 months pregnant but wants to be married before the baby arrives.  The wedding invitation features his and her wellies with flowers coming out of them, so I ordered a Pair of Wellies die by Sizzix, fingers crossed that amazon delivers.

I hope that you all have a good day, are any of you going to be crafting?

Sending love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is fantastic, I’m sure Paul’s dad will love it.

    We had very strong winds yesterday-no idea if the garden is ok as it’s dark when I leave for work and dark when I get home. The only time I see daylight is the weekend!
    Yesterday was quite stressful at work plus I was concerned about my Uncle & crazy friend I ended up having a massive nosebleed in the middle of the tearoom when I was having my break. Oh goodness-the mess!! I didn’t do much last night as I was really tired.


    1. Oh Michele I hope you are OK

    2. I hope your feeling ok today. It’s a stressful time at work for you, so it’s no wonder you had a nose bleed.

    3. Hope you are ok today and your Uncle will be alright. Take it easy back home and hopefully no more nose bleed x

  2. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday.I didn't realise until late last evening as I was on my way to bed.
    I really don't know where this week has gone so YES I will be crafting as I still need to do a CC.

    MICHELE- I hope that you managed to get a good night's sleep to help you after such a horrible day yesterday. I hope today is a better one at work.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in if you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

    1. Hope your day have been fine, I'm with you tho that this week have just gone way to quick and worse is when I thought it was Wednesday, oh dear x

  3. Your card is brilliant SANDRA and PAUL’s dad will love it
    I hope Amazon deliver your parcel today Sounds like the perfect idea that will match the invite
    I hope today is better MICHELE and that you get good news about your uncle and friend
    It is our Christmas lunch at work later today It’s a virtual one which will be interesting to see how that’s going to work
    Take care all I need to rummage around my wardrobe for a Christmas jumper

    1. A virtual x-mas lunch, I'm intrigued ? you must tell us about it 😊 Hope you had a good day x

  4. Morning ladies,

    Fiona came so early yesterday for our shopping trip that we were all finished and home with a bacon butty by 11.30. Used all the savings on my Nectar and Iceland cards which brought the final bill down very nicely. If you go into Iceland and their new Food Warehouses look out for their Profiterole Towers down half price to £2.50, a large 4.75kg block of Cheddar cheese down to £20 and a huge gammon joint for £20. Fiona's freezer now filled for Christmas and the New Year's meals. We share the block of cheese between us. The joint can defrost over New Year's Eve then cooked and again split up. I do so love my bragains.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Always love a bargain. Hope you now feeling ok now ?
      Take care x

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely birthday card today for Paul’s Dad hell love it.
    Hope your wellies die arrives in time, or you’ll need a plan B
    It looks quite bright out today. The rain yesterday was horrendous our rd was like a river. I can imagine what your fields were like Sandra from when I came over before when we had downpours. I have lightbulbs to pick up from Screwfix today. Why they want photo Id when I pick them up I’d beyond me.
    Stay safe & take care everyone.

    1. photo ID for picking up some light bulbs, what has the world come to hihi not like it was a chainsaw or an axe. Did you go for your walk today ? it was cold but sunny here today x

  6. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra, great idea with the scrabble tiles. I’m sure your father in law will love it.
    Great cards yesterday from Michele too.
    Better day here today weather wise, rained most of yesterday but wasn’t too windy so I think we escaped the worst of it.
    Well, Berkshire has been moved to Tier 3, no surprise there really as they been saying on the news that some parts have had a higher rate in cases than parts of London!!
    Hope everyone is well. Hope you’ve recovered after your nose bleed Michele and had a better day.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you for x-mas card today, love it.
      We are also in tier 3 from Saturday, so sad that people can't follow the rules so we can go back to normal again. Hope work is ok ? x

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love the card for Paul's dad, very cleaver idea using the tiles. Hope you got the die you need for the wedding card.

    we had a little trip out to Frost this morning and a nice walk around outside. Nice not to have another day of rain as it was dreadful and made the garden look pretty messy.

    I hope your day have been fine and you can all have a nice evening. Love and hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA your card is great I'm sure Paul dad will love it
    I've been writing my cards I've done all Terry's family all
    From Essex way.
    Have got all the one's from the café to do. I appreciate you all my writing is terrible as my hands are painful in all the joints.. We had the heating on all day. Have just got a cuppa. So all have a good evening I will say good night
    Love and Hug's Lynda xxxx
