
Wednesday 16 December 2020

Michele Masculine cards that she donated


Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at 'Hump' day again, don't the fly round fast!  Roll on Friday!! I am not sure what leave Paul has over Christmas yet, he finished the last of his 'rush' jobs yesterday, so he can relax a little now at least, I was missing sitting with him in the evenings, both Friday and Saturday nights he was working until after 11pm!  

Sophie finished her last exam for the Term too yesterday, so last night we decided to go out for a Celebration meal (only because Harvester were having a 50% off offer).  It was a real treat not to have to think about dinner.  Paul and the girls managed to get all the decorations out of the loft, Paul is still not supposed to be lifting so the worked it between themselves.  Hopefully we will get around to putting them up today.

I have shared some of the cards that Michele made to give to the Vicar at the hospital to give out to patients that maybe could do with a lift, such a kind and thoughtful idea and a great way to use up some of the excess cards that we make, I make one most days on a normal week for the blog, so the stack of cards soon starts to build, I guess you have to think about leaving sentiments as neutral or 'speedy recovery type cards.

I love the designs that you have created Michele perfect for Men of all ages really and left blank they could be used for a Birthday or Get well soon. 

Thank you so much for sharing your great idea and your inspirational cards Michele XXX

Ladies it is supposed to get super windy and wet today so please so stay safe,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Just lost another message!!

    Sandra-thsnks fit sharing my cards tod. I might see if they want any Christmas cards.

    Crazy friend has left her will with me for safe keeping. Me & Hubby are witnesses on it.

    Woke to a message from my Uncle to say he’s back in hospital (Royal Berkshire) as he’s had a few falls. I might message my cousins wife later furnsn update.


    1. I hope your uncle is OK and that your friend is recovering OK
      Your cards are lovely and such a great idea

    2. I hope your uncle is ok Michele. It’s a worrying time isn’t it with Covid cases rising. Hope your friends pre op will be ok.

  2. These are a lovely idea I don’t go out and can’t really expect OH to do an unnecessary journey to the hospital to just deliver some cards
    Good luck with decorations SANDRA I love your saying today So very true at the moment
    Wednesday’s are busy for me as I have to run a lot of reports AND it’s changing my Glucose sensor day which is a bit faffy - don’t worry LYNDA It’s part of the insulin treatment I am on
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi Sanda & ladies
    Lovely cards Michele that you’ve taken into the hospital. I had an email from the home yesterday to say that all presents must be sanitised & stay in quarantine for 72 hrs. Margaret whose Doreen’s husbands niece has asked me to get a plant from her and her sister Hazel who lives in Broadstairs, so she’s sent me a cheque. I expect Margaret will be having her vaccine jab as she’s in her 80’s and it’s been delivered to a surgery in Chipping Norton where she lives. Plus Doreen wants me to get something for her friend Mary whose a resident. So both of those could be tricky. She’d also told me she didn’t want any presents this year ages ago. I told her good luck with that as Karen & the girls always buy her something for Christmas. Plus Amy is always dropping little goodies for her to have throughout the year. I hope you enjoyed your meal yesterday Sandra. My friend rang me last night saying that her & her daughter went to Yarnton & the cafe was open so could we meet up today. I said that of course we couldn’t as it was ok to go with her daughter but not with me. I was hoping that we’d go down to tier 1 but I don’t think that’s going to happen as numbers are rising.
    I was waiting for the ladies from the school to go home before I went for a walk but it’s now raining.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  4. Hello All, what a night, the wind was so noisy, a lot of banging and crashing, luckily no real damage, roads near us flooded, but we are on a hill so ok here.

    Michele love the cards you have done for the hospital, such a lovely idea.

    Had my appointment has come from the pacing clinic, almost a year late, still I have one of the first ones. Jan 5th, so good start for the new year.

    Hoping to clear up the tip which is my craft table after doing my cards, R just told me that stamps are going up again, which means even more for next years cards.

    Going to make some more masks after I’ve finished putting the paper craft stuff away. Thought I’d make some for the girls who do my cleaning.

    Hope you all have a good day, Lilian

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Fingers crossed this works 😏
      Lovely cards Michele, perfect for all occasions x
      Sandra, I hope you enjoyed your meal last night and that you get your decs up today. Hope to do ours later on. I like the saying, I definitely agree with it xx
      It’s not too bad at the moment. Just a bit wet and windy. Hope you all stay safe. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Love the cards you made Michele, very nice.
    I hope you all have had a ok-ish day with whatever you been up to today.
    We did some swearword first this morning then after brunch I spent the day putting together the calendar, one problem was when I was going to take the photos it's gone too dark so will do it tomorrow now in hopefully some daylight. It is so dark outside and raining with a blustery wind.
    Lilian, you said the other day about roast beef not going right. I use the topside or silverside and making boiled beef with horseradish sauce, that's what we having for dinner tonight and it is lovely (if I can say it myself)LoL
    Many warm hugs to you all xxx
