
Tuesday 15 December 2020

One of Pat's latest Groovi Designs


Good Morning Ladies, 

I was so sorry ro read that some of you had trouble posting comments yesterday,  I did see a story on line about Google abd a couple of other Social Media platforms had issues yesterday morning so it may have been something to do with that. (Fingers crosses).  

After a couple of hours recuperating I got on with some chores which included washing everything that could be washed that we bought from Mum's as most things were covered in a thick sticky orangey brown layer of nicotine mixed with dust! It was gross, oddly I hadn't noticed it at Mum's but boy you could certainly smell it when we bought it in our house!  I only washed about 12 things and changed the water three times,  everything ended up a different colour,  a few crystal pots took on a whole new sparkle. The girls were so excited to fill up the Dog Biscuit Barrel from Nanny's house. (It was full of jammie dodgers but they had definitely had seen better days). 

Today's card is one of Pat's latest Groovi designs  it is absolutely Stunning!!! There is so much work in this design from the Embossed detail on the baubles to that intricate lattice work. I love the soft pastel shades too. Some lucky person is going to receive an absolute gift, what could be more special than receiving something that someone has poured hours of their precious time into.?!

Thank you so much Pat for sharing your beautiful card with us. XXX

I hope that you all have a good day,  it was a very wet abd miserable day here yesterday so fingers crossed for a brighter day today.

Love and huge hugs all round,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-glad you had a restful day yesterday.

    Thank you all for your lovely comments on my card yesterday. My goodness was it busy at work. I ended up doing a 10 hour day including traveling so I was shattered last night. I’d called at my Dads with Christmas gifts for him to wrap, told him there was a note inside the bag explaining the prices. He phoned me in the evening telling me I hadn’t said how much he owed me!!!
    My crazy friend had her pre-op appointment yesterday. They’re taking away a reasonable amount of her large bowel and some of the small bowel. She just had to do a Covid swab 48 hours prior to going into hospital which will be delivered & collected by Amazon!

    I’m already prepared for another busy day so I won’t be doing much again this evening.


    1. I’m sorry to hear you had a long day yesterday. Fingers crossed that today isn’t the same. Hope your friends pre op goes ok and her actual op doesn’t get cancelled.

  2. Morning Everyone
    PAT your card is just amazing.So much work and patience.

    Is there anything that 'Amazon' doesn't have it's fingers in these days? It's as though their aim is to take over the world.

    We had another day when all lights were on again.It's beginning to feel as though we're joining the most northern regions where they don't have daylight for six months.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the mince pies are fresh.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Stunning card PAT All That work It must take you ages I expect you find it quite relaxing and therapeutic Like JANET does with her embroidery and I do with my crochet
    Sorry to hear you had a long busy day MICHELE Are you able to claim the extra time back?
    Take care all xx

    1. Yes it does take quite a bit of patience. Just like yours and Janet’s hobbies. I was following a design but sometimes need to get my head around working back to front. The lattice work is done on a piece of extra parchment. It a shame the picture was grainy.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    My Mums things that I brought home with me when I cleared my flat were the same as your Mums as well Sandra. The front of my Mums hair which was pure white had a yellow but in the front. She also had a yellow patch on the ceiling. Mind you according to my Mum she didn’t smoke, as she didn’t inhale it.
    I’m glad you liked my card. It was one of Maria Moorhouse’s designs. It’s a very grainy picture though. That’ll be a card for next year though.
    It’s a bit brighter today but rain is supposed to be on the cards, so I’d better get our for a walk.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. Morning ladies,

    WOW! Pat, a stunning card, so much detail in the workings makes it luxurious to look let alone touch. Your parchment work really shines out.

    Not much going on in my little corner of Somerset. I still haven't got all my Christmas cards finished and the clock is ticking down. My inspiration has disappeared again with the bouts of exhaustion that swamp me completely.

    I've ordered all my meat from a local butcher last week and received a call 10 minutes ago cancelling the delivery today until Thursday which is a bit of a nuisance as I have arranged my shopping trips around today. He has a very good reputation so I have trusted him to deliver. Hope this does not happen again.

    Is it tomorrow when we learn what tiers we will be in? I'm getting a tad fed up now with all this chopping and changing. I think we will all be glad to see the end of this year.

    Hugs to all in need of them. Stay safe

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone in the cafe' today.

    Wow Pat, a wonderful groovi work.The card is a work of art x

    Sorry to hear your work is so busy Michele, hopefully it will slow down a bit soon. Hope your crazy friend be alright, tell her we thinking of her.
    I wish and hope you all have a nice day. The sun is shining and we had a nice walk but it felt like I took one step forward and two back but I did it.
    Many hugs for you all and extras for anyone who need some xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies

    Fingers crossed this will publish because I’ve noticed next to comment as: my name has disappeared again!

    0MG Pat what a fantastic card you must have put so many hours into completing this, it must be so difficult to part with your fabulous pieces of art, having taken time and patience to complete your masterpiece. xx

    I’m going to keep this short just in case it doesn’t publish.
    Love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

  8. Hello All, very heavy showers here today, but battening down ready for the storm to come.

    Pat ,what a wonderful card, it must take you hours of work, love the lattice centre.

    Finished my cards and R posted them today, sorry not to my usual style, but have no energy to concentrate for very long, must do one a month next year at least.

    Shame about your Mum’s knitting needles, they would have taken them in a charity shop, if they didn’t think you wanted them.

    Hope you are all having a good day, hugs Lilian.

  9. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Pat, love the detail. It’s stunning.
    Thank you Sandra for the gorgeous Christmas card 😊
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Enjoy your evening.
    Hugs to all xxx
