
Monday 14 December 2020

Man Card Monday


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you all well and had an enjoyable weekend.   Ours was exhausting but I am relieved that the whole Mum's house is empty and everything sorted, its like a weight lifted off our shoulders, It will take me a few days to recover,  by Saturday afternoon I could barely put one foot in front of the other.   It surprised us all to see how much stuff there was, we filled two big skips, it felt harsh but we had to be a bit ruthless, you can attach memories to almost anything if you try hard enough, we kept the important sentimental family things and photos, I have all photos and we will scan them in and put them onto a disk so that everyone has a copy.  

Today's 'Man' card was kindly shared by Michele for today's post as I was in no fit state to even sit in my craft chair when we got home last night. 

I love the clean and simple style of this card that Michele has designed.

Michele's Description: 

"Layers of grey & white linen card on a 6x6 card blank. A tattered lace Tuck  In die plus a Diecut sentiment. Card candi added to the corners"

Thanks so much for today's card Michele, really appreciate your help XXX 

Well I am going to have a recuperating day today, 

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                            xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-so glad you completed the sorting over the weekend. Hope you both slept well last night.

    I haven’t used my tuck-in dies for some time now so after sending this photo I’m tempted to have a play with them. It will have to wait until next weekend though.

    Early start again as I have a Covid vaccine meeting at 8:30 so I want to get a few things done before that.


    1. I hope your Covid vaccine meeting went ok Michele.

  2. Great card MICHELE lI love the clean lines
    I am so glad that you have managed to clear the house Very upsetting and quite traumatic but at least it’s done now
    The weekend went very quickly for us but it was great fun
    Off to work in a mo and I haven’t had a shower yet So need to get s move on
    Take care all x

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card Michele. I remember you sending me some of those die cuts.
    I’m glad you had a productive weekend and managed to clear your Mums house out at last. You really have to be ruthless with throwing things out don’t you. Perhaps I ought to take my own advice and go through the house. The window cleaner is coming today. I might ask him if he does inside as well. Well at least downstairs. I can’t get to the window over the sink nor at the bottom end of the kitchen. I can’t be climbing onto worktops to do them. Upstairs I can do as mine are quite low and I don’t have to climb onto anything. Being short is a bummer when light bulbs etc need changing which one does, plus the lampshade in the bathroom needs to come down for a wash. So I’ll be pleased if we go into tier one so at least someone can come in and do that for me. Keith borrowed my foot pump yesterday so I asked Karen to remind him to bring it back, which he did this morning. He’s a terror for not bringing things back.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely selection of cards yesterday 😊 Sorry I didn’t get in.
    Great card today Michele, love the tuck in die.
    Glad you got everything cleared Sandra, and a lovely idea to do a photo disc for everyone. Hope you slept well last night and have a relaxing day today.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hello, a nothing sort of day here, still put sheets out and hoping for the best.

    Michele love your clean and simple card, perfect for those pesky males.

    Hoping to finish my cards today, have a good day all, Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Love the man card Michele x
    Sandra, so glad you managed to get everything done and dusted. Sorry you’re really struggling though. Please take it easy my lovely xx
    I’m at Mum and Pops today’s and Mum sends her love to you all. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I think it’s safe to comment, I can see my name next to where blogger says Comment as: it hasn’t had that for several days.

    Michele I love your man card.

    Take care everyone, Brenda xxx
