
Sunday 1 November 2020

Your TicTacToe Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I can hardly believe that we are now in November, we have 7 weeks and 5 days to Christmas, although I have to say that I am struggling to get excited with everything else going on, it truly shocked me when I heard that the estimated 85.000 deaths they had predicted for Winter would be exceeded, that's just unbelievable.  But then you saw them interviewing people in Nottingham about being locked down, you can see why we have the problems we do, one chap said that he was frustrated that the pub and Betting shop were closed in Notts so he travelled over the border to Derbyshire to use theirs, thats exactly why we have the problems we do!  Why don't people understand, then you have people that think its all a government conspiracy, for what??? What do they think they would get out of making this whole thing up??  Does this frustrate any of you?? I mean I understand that people are entitled to their own opinion but I just don't get it!  Rant over, Soap Box not stowed, I left it out as I am sure that one of you will want to use it !!!

Now let's lighten the mood, bring cheer to our hearts and smiles to our faces............


Three beautiful, vintage style cards from Our Janet,  2 Christmas and 1 Birthday card.

All three cards are made using Janet's favourite 'LaBlanche' papers.  

All three cards use Categories:


Thank you so much Janet for 3 stunning Challenge cards XXX


A lovely Clean and Simple Christmas card from Karen for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge. 

Karen used Categories:  BLUE/WHITE/EMBOSSING 

Thanks so much Karen for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX 


Oh Lilian,  these Christmas cards are just so adorable!  I absolutely love those Santa's! 

Lilian's first card uses one of those adorable Santa's on a tag over a lovely embossed background,  the Embossing is lovely and deep and has been highlighted with gold.

Lilian's second card uses a trio of those gorgeous Santa's as the main focus, over a simple star stamped background.  


Two fabulous cards from Maria for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge. 

Card 1 is a gorgeous snowflake card, using a lovely snowflake patterned paper and finished with a wreath of snowflakes.

Using Categories:  BLUE/WHITE/DSP

Card 2 is a lovely Christmas card in traditional colours,  I love that embossed background and those clever baubles, attached with ribbon. 


Thanks so much Maria for two lovely cards XXX


Michele rummaged through some old magazines to find some inspiration for this TicTacToe Challenge, I have to say it was well worth the rummaging Michele, your card is gorgeous! 

Michele used Categories: BLUE/CLEAN &SIMPLE/DSP

Michele's Description:

"My challenge card = Blue/C+S/Designer paper. I was trying NOT to immediately think of Christmas or Diecutting so I started  rummaging through my ridiculous amount of papers & found a lot from Making Cards magazine. This is from June 2016!"

Thanks so much Michele for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX 


Two stunning cards of Our Sonia's for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge. 

The categories for these cards......



Sonia's first card uses a lovely stamp from Penny Black called "Snowy Hamlet", its beautiful especially on the white glitter paper.

 Sonia's second card is gorgeous, i love that embossed snowy background with the lovely snowflake paper, finished with those lovely snowflakes.  

Thanks so much for two inspirational cards Sonia XXX 


Two stunning Groovi design Christmas cards from Pat for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge. 

Both cards use Categories:  


Thanks so much Pat for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX 


Ladies, thank you so much for so many beautiful cards, it always amazes me with the TicTacToe challenges, you all interpret them completely differently, all of the cards are individual.  Thanks to all of you for taking part XXX

I hope that you are all able to enjoy the rest of the weekend, I think we will all be left with a lot of uncertainty.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today. All so lovely & all completely different.

    Sandra-I’d like to borrow the soap box but if I get started on peoples stupidity I’m not sure I’ll stop!
    After my Eye Test yesterday (I got absolutely soaked just going from tesco to my car) I dropped something off at a friends. Started my car again & there was a warning light!! So now I need to investigate what the problem is. Typical it’s happened at the end of my week off rather than at the beginning.


    1. I hope the warning light was just that the tyres needed blowing up Michele. Amy said she had to change her tyre in the pouring rain as she had a puncture. I wouldn’t know where to start.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Thank you everyone for starting my Sunday off with a smile.I love Sunday morning and seeing what pieces of art have been created with the Challenge.

    I have to say that my photography this week was somewhat marred as I found I just couldn't get the clarity I wanted.
    I only used Lablanche papers for my third card and Stamperia card for the others.

    Like MICHELE if I were to start on the soap box I'd be there for the rest of the day. I've always said that the one thing wrong with the world are people.

    Anyway the CAFE is OPEN of course and today's menu is Roast Beef and Bakewell Tart for afters.Place your orders if you want lunch.
    HUGS are on their wayto you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. I love today’s cards ladies I totally agree with what you’re all saying It is so so frightening I have never felt scared like this before
    I did chuckle at your statement JANET My son, a zookeeper, used to say “this job would be perfect if it wasn’t for the public” How true it seems to be at the moment
    OH is going to help finish of the move with my daughter I am staying put because of this hacking cough I’ve been left with Maybe I will get to see them later
    Take care all

    1. Hope you manage to see your daughter & the boys later Karen. Hope the cough clears up soon,

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Some gorgeous cards on display today. Love the Santa Claus’s Lilian, I gather they were gnomes and stamps, well I think that’s what you said before.
    I agree that the world would be a lovely place without people in it. They’d be at least 3 of us on the soap box Karen.
    I had a lovely Chicken Tikka Masala up at Karen’s. Just 6 of us as per instructions. Amy was spot on thinking we’d soon have a lockdown. I was hoping it would still be regional as were quite good here Covid wise in Witney. But once again people made that impossible. I sit here shaking my head at people partying in the streets.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A wonderful collections of cards this morning.
    Love your little Santa's Lilian.
    Great idea to go throw your papers Michele, I too have loads so should make a dent on day. Hopefully nothing too much wrong with your car.
    Karen, hope your cough goes soon and you have some time with the grandsons and daughter before next lockdown.
    Scoot over ladies or we need a bigger box ! Can you hear my screams ? I am so cross at people out there who don't understand why we are going back to lockdown, don't they see the rise in people leaving around us or being hospitalised once again. I'm off the box. See you for the yummy lunch later. Have a good day everyone, many hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Wow, another lovely selection of cards today, love them all.
    Lilian your Santas/gnomes are adorable. Gnomes seem to be very popular at the moment.
    Oh Karen, sorry to hear you’re not feeling too well with a bad cough. Hope it clears up soon xx
    I’ll join you all on the soapbox about people’s stupidity! Really can’t understand why schools and universities are staying open, makes no sense. Wouldn’t be surprised if after the 4 weeks he extends it and then closes them 🙄
    Hope you’re all having a good day, despite the weather. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello, rain rain rain, here today.

    What fab cards today, my little “ gnomes “ were in with the kit for one of the on line classes, from last weekend.

    Janet love your papers, I have those, but I like smaller cards so have not used them much.

    Well we have shut down, figures here are low, but a few small clusters( group of 3/4)
    I really feel it’s the best thing, but I really think school for under 10s should remain open. Older children can do distance learning, but little ones need to learn life skills that involve being without parents and mixing with their peers. Will make room on the box now.

    Have not done much today, going to have roast chicken for tea. Using a roaster bag, not used before hope to keep my bran new oven clean.

    Karen hope your cough soon clears up, hugs to all Lilian
