
Monday 2 November 2020

Man Card Monday/Challenge card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all rested after the weekend, we all got some use out of our ................

I am thinking of asking Paul to modify it so that it has a hand rail, I don't want anyone trying to claim for damages if they fall while ranting!! 😂😂😉

I wanted you all to have something to smile about today, both the weather and the news left us with nothing much to smile about did it?!   So I included a cute pig 🐷 image!

We are all waiting to see what will happen with regards to everyone's jobs, Becca and the Girls workplaces will close for definite, Paul is classed as a Keyworker so he will continue as normal I guess, atleast he has the option to work from home with this new job.  I really think that this Lockdown will last longer than the month predicted, mostly because leaving the schools and Universities open will continue to spread the virus so I don't think we will get anywhere near the results we got last time. 

Janet your roast dinner was lovely yesterday, I have to say I always smile when I read your menu, I love that you say 'Afters' because that's what my Mum and her mum always said, rather than pudding/dessert 🍰!  What do you all refer to it as??

Now onto today's card, I ended up spending more time trying to decided what to use for my challenge cards than I did making the card.  I am trying to stick to 'Man Cards' on a Monday, if any of you want to make some to share I will gladly share them.  Anyway,  so I try to combine making a 'Man Card' with the current weeks challenge.  
So for this week I chose the Lovely As A Tree stamp set by Stampin up!.  
For the Birthday card I just added Mowed Lawn distress Oxide to a 'Paint effect' stamp and created a background to stamp the Fir tree onto, I then just added a simple 'The Happiest of Birthdays to you sentiment and added a piece of twine across the bottom.
I layered the card onto a piece of card that I blended the Mowed Lawn around to tie in the colour from the focal point, my card base is Kraft card as I think that works well with the fact that the stamp is a tree and the colour of the twine.  I hope you like my card. x

For the Christmas version......

I went 'Old School' for this card, using simple stamping techniques.  I masked off a rectangle in the centre of my card and added a light blend of 'Old Olive' ink, I then stamped my group of trees from the 'Lovely as a Tree' stamp set, I then placed the card in the Stamparatus Stamping tool and stamped my large Christmas tree (from the same stamp set), I re-stamped the tree several times to give a darker image.  I then added my sentiment which is from the new 'Colour Your Season' Stamp set.
I added a piece of narrow Old Olive ribbon and tied a simple knot, I mounted the decorative layer onto a piece of Old olive card and then onto a Very Vanilla card base.

I hope that my cards give you a little inspiration to get yours started, I have a few ideas for this challenge!

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Two great cards as inspiration Sandra. If you could add a safety risk on the Soapbox I’d very much appreciate it as I’ve neglected checking the First Aid box for a while.

    Managed to get my bits of shopping done yesterday without getting wet plus I got petrol & checked my tyres-back two needed air.
    Long Skype session with my in laws then I made a couple of card then phoned my Dad in the evening.

    I’m off into work early as a colleague has asked to give me a handover from last week-I think there are a few issues with staff not doing what they’re asked...!! Could be a fun day. Let’s hope is goes quickly.


  2. Two great cards and ideas for the challenge I have made a start I just need to find my desk and finish them - a lot of stuff from my daughter’s move has been dumped in my craft room!
    That piggy image is so cute and cheered me up
    I agree I think lockdown will be longer than 4 weeks That’s great news that PAUL can work from home Not so great for BECCA and the girls
    Good luck MICHELE I wonder what changes will be made at my place of work
    Take care all
    BTW It was always “afters” when I was a child (not that we ever had any except at Christmas) but nowadays I say “pudding” but don’t know why/when I changed

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love the pig photo. Just the thing to cheer us up. Great man cards as well. I’ve just met Livvy & her boyfriend up the street as I was going to post a card. The restaurant he works at can do takeaways. Blenheim will close for the month or longer as the case may be. Windy here today but sunny at the moment.
    We also said afters, so I seem to split between that and pudding.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  4. Hello, sunny, very windy but very heavy showers, washing out, washing in.

    Great cards for inspiration today, Sandra. Love the little pig, my aunt had a farm , I used to love holding the week old baby pigs, although the sow kept an eye on me. They are the cutest babies.

    Planted more spring pots this morning, not sure what I’m going to do this afternoon.
    Going to make fish cakes for lunch, see you all later, Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love the two cards Sandra, something about those trees that I like a lot.
    Aaaah love the piglet in boots, thank you for putting a smile on my face.
    We saying pudding here if we have any, that's incl ice cream and fruit salad too.
    Had a outing in to town this morning. Went to Specsavers, quickly visit in to Primark and to Iceland for some bits and pieces. Unfortunately the market is not open on a Monday or I would have bought some double sided tape back home. The glue I got left is so watery, don't know what happen to it.

    Have a good day everyone and hope everything goes well for you Michele and Karen at work. Love and hugs for you all xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Great inspirational cards for this weeks challenge and of course the ‘dreaded’ masculine cards! 😉
    Aww love the cute little piglet 🐷 Wonder if I can get some wellies like that for Barney?! ☺️ So difficult drying his little paws when he’s been out, as he’s such a wriggler 😂
    Still very windy here, but dried up now after this mornings rain. Quite cold though and they are forecasting frosty mornings!
    We always refer to it as ‘pudding’ - not that we have them very often, but it’s a nice treat when we do.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Two great cards today Sandra , Thank you for the inspiration. Love the little piglet in his red wellies. I could have done with the soapbox yesterday!!!

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, what a brilliant selection of challenge cards on display. I had just sat down in the afternoon to look at the blog, but first checked my emails, there was one from Amazon Confirming my order, I hadn’t ordered anything, any orders that I placed recently had all been filled, when I checked on the Amazon website there were five invoices, I can tell you my AF went over the rooftops. I tried to telephone them but the number was constantly engaged and I have continued to ring today. I did get an email from them saying they thought someone had accessed my account and they cancelled all orders but there are still two left open, so today gave up ringing Amazon and rang the bank to stop payments should they try and take the money from the account. So in the last 24 hours I don’t feel I have achieved anything. Doesn’t life get frustrating at times.

    Sandra I was so pleased for you that Paul’s new job will allow him to work from home. Sorry about Sophie, Lucy and poor Becca who has got bills etc to pay. I just can’t see an end to the current situation and like others feel this lockdown will go on longer than four weeks.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sorry I. Didn't get in yesterday I had a bad migraine I Laide on my bed most of the day. Just feeling a bit of a down day with a fussy head
    I had a phone appointment with the arthritis nurse. Just to let me know that my blood tests from from end of September were all ok.

    Very strong-winds and rain all day
    I hate the dark evening's.

    Lovely card's today Sandra.
    All the challenge cards from yesterday were amazing l loved them all. Well done..
    Sending everyone Big Hug's & love
    Lynda xx
