
Tuesday 3 November 2020

The Festive part of 2 Part Challenge


Good Morning Ladies ,

Well yesterday was a bit wet & wild here, like Lilian yesterday I got 2 loads of washing done , 1 all towels that I was hoping to hang on the line to dry for a while, so that they didn't take as long in the tumble dryer, unfortunately the rain stopped that and the wind was so strong I don't think I'd have been able to stand up, let alone peg washing out. I ended up leaving it on the airer in my wet room by the radiator for a few hours! 

It's all systems go here before 'lockdown 2' starts on Thursday,  Sophie is off to visit Lewis until Wednesday,  mostly because it's better for us to have Nobody here before Paul's surgery, Matt is also coming to collect Harley to take him to stay with him and Alex and her dog Haze, they have had a few trial runs, having Harley stay overnight to familiarise the two dogs πŸ•,  all went well so they are having him stay for a week or so, it means one less job for Paul while he is recovering from his surgery.  

I need to get to the bank before lockdown,  so frustrating that you can't pay a cheque in on line, I have a Cheque from one of Mum's accounts that I need to pay in and transfer to the executors account, we have 4 different accounts and none of them take cheques paid in on line, I called Halifax and they said if I downloaded the App to my phone  I could pay it in, so I waited a week for for an 'activation' code, got all excited, got my App activated.....only to be told that the cheque value is too great to pay in online!!!! GGGRRRRR!!  I am hoping that one of the girls will take me into town.

Today's card is one I made yesterday afternoon using both my New Embossing Folder and my New Elizabeth Designs Christmas sentiments. 

I embossed a piece of white card with the Heartfelt Creations Timeless Embossing Folder and mounted it onto a mat of (mat/brushed) Gold card and then onto a 7 X 5 inch card base. I stamped the 'Seasons Greetings ' sentiment onto the embossed card in Versamark and added gold Embossing powder and heat set.   I then stamped and die cut Heartfelt Creations Poinsettias,  I embossed in gold to match the rest of the card, I die cut some Holly Sprigs to add some finishing touches to the card,  the final touch was gold Pearls to add to centres of poinsettias.  I really like how this card turned out.    Part two the 'Non Christmas ' will feature on tomorrow's blog.

Brenda I was sorry to read the you had your Amazon account hacked, so worrying, it really pays to be vigilant.   I follow a couple of YouTube channels that fight against these 'Scammers' seem to find ways to operate these scams in so many ways, Amazon is a new one,  they usually say that someone has ordered an I Phone on your account, they then try to get you to allow them to access your computer,  they then go to your online bank, change passwords and basically hold your computer at Ransom,  demanding you pay them to release it.   There are many other ways they try to catch you too...

They call pretending to be your internet provider, saying they will suspend your service unless you click 1 to speak to an advisor!! 

Computer/Windows engineers,  they will say that they are cancelling the Security package you have installed and again they will ask you to give them remote access to your computer.  Don't ever do this. 

There are many others, including the 'We believe you have been involved in an accident that wasn't your fault ' 

Please be careful Ladies,  these people are so convincing.  

Sending Love and Hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card today. I hope you manage to get to a Bank, I find it frustrating that they’re no longer open at the weekend. I do online banking but you can only pay in a cheque using the app on your phone which I won’t do. Some Post Offices are taking in cheques on behalf of certain Banks.

    We had gale force winds yesterday & rain of biblical proportions-absolutely awful day. Work wasn’t much better-I was informed that the trainee we currently have with us caused done serious concerns last week. Another senior colleague and myself had a conference call with our boss who has asked me to record some details this week & to do more observations then she’ll assess the situation next week. I’m hoping she will tackle this problem rather than ignore it like she has done previously. Not a very pleasant situation to be honest.

    I’m hoping to have a play in my craft room this evening although I’m not sure I’ll manage to create anything.


    1. Oh dear Michele doesn’t sound good does it. Such a lot of extras to put onto your shoulders. Fingers crossed she takes action this time.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA.Simply beautiful.

    Well I managed to get the requested Seasonal cards finished yesterday and they are to be collected later today. So up to now I just have one bday card to make today.

    We too had horrendous rain rain rain yesterday.It was one of those days where I was so so pleased we live at the top of the hill as the road at the side was just like a river.At the moment it's dull and grey but no rain.
    I have at long last had a letter from the surgery requesting me to go and have my flu jab this Thursday morning. I have been pestering them since the beginning of September.I only hope that it's dry as we have to wait outside until we're called into the waiting room.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours. It's nice and warm and DRY though the brollie bucket is waiting at the
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads and loads of extras for Dear Friends in need.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.
    MICHELE I hope you have a better day at work.xxxx

  3. I love your card SANDRA It’s very classic and timeless I hope you’re able to get to the bank OK Our branch has closed Don’t know the reason I am wondering if a member of staff has covid and they’ve all had to self isolate...
    How’s the head today LYNDA less fuzzy I hope you’re feeling better today
    I hope you have a better day MICHELE
    The weather is awful here but not as windy as some of you are having Great excuse to craft
    Take care all xxx

  4. Morning everyone, dry at the moment, but forecast heavy rain.

    Sandra love your card, you’ve “ stolen my thunder” just what I was planning to do, still might, it won’t be as good as yours, love the gold.

    Sorry to read about your Amazon account being hacked Brenda, it’s scary, always somebody trying to defraud you. Hope you get it

    More stupid people washed off the cliffs yesterday, life boat and helicopter need to rescue them, will they ever learn.

    Hope your day goes well, Lilian

    1. I wish they’d make people pay when they need rescuing after going out in very bad weather and getting into danger unnecessarily.
      Take care Lilian.

    2. They both died, so no payment

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Great cards Sandra.
    Wow we had torrential rain yesterday while I was in Hilltop garden centre. Then it came out sunny but windy. We still had more rain throughout the day though. I must go to the bank f the post office today as well Sandra before lockdown.
    It’s good to hear that Harvey will be with Matt again. Hopefully it will now be permanent and you won’t have to look after him throughout the day.
    I’m sorry to hear your Amazon account has been hacked Brenda.
    Hope your feeling better today as well Linda.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I love today’s card Sandra, really classy design, love the sentiment so much so I’ve just been looking at the new Elizabeth designs - might just have to place an order!!!

    We were up early today, I has an 8:30 appointment for a steroid injection in my left shoulder (normal I’m not even dressed at that time) hope it works, the last time I had one the relief lasted about 5 months. 🀞it will give me some relief for a while.

    Great that Matt is taking Harley home, it will be one last thing for you to worry about. I’m sure Paul although he probably enjoys walking him will be pleased that he hasn’t got to worry about that for now.

    LYNDA hope your head is feeling better today. Take care, sending hugs for you and Terry. xxx

    Hi Margaret, hope you and Alan are coping during this lockdown, hugs on there way to you xxx

    Michele hope your day is better than yesterday. xxx

    Lilian i wish people would not be so stupid heading for cliff tops when the weather is so treacherous and then putting other peoples lives at risk when they need to be rescued. It beggars belief. Hope you and R are well. xxx

    Take care everyone and stay safe, Love Brenda XXX

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra,like the EF.
    Weather here is a bit peculiar ,one minute it is sunny and then it goes pitch black and rain so we didn't go for our walk again this morning. Did some swearwords instead, why did we buy a glass stand for our Tv I never know but I hate the thing for it sucks dust towards it as soon I wiped it.
    Lynda- hoping you not as dizzy today my friend, it's not nice when that happening. You take care x
    Michele- Hope work is better today and you can go home a bit brighter and maybe make some crafting tonight. I'm in the process to cut out some decoupage bits for the calendar but not sure if I use them for the card is quite stiff and not so easy to cut. It hurts my hands using the small scissors.
    Just listening to the news and a shooting have been done in Vienna and four people have died. Is it not enough the world have the covid to deal with, feeling very sad.
    Have a nice day everyone ,take care of eachother and stay safe ! Big hug Maria xx

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe Today. I’m struggling to comment so trying to do it by replying to your comment Maria. I hope it works this time as I I’ve lost three already as my keypad freezes so can’t even save the words!
      I love today’s gorgeous and elegant card. The sentiment is beautiful. Both the font and the size work perfectly on the ef.
      It’s good to hear Paul is working from home. At least he can be earning while having to self isolate ready for his op. Such a shame that all of the girls won’t be working, especially Becca. Such a worry as Lockdown is very much needed but just wish it didn’t affect finances as it does. It will be strange for you not having Harley at home. I wonder if Milo and Bella will miss teasing him? 😊 xx
      Brenda, I’m hoping the jab brings your shoulder some relief. And I also hope your Amazon account gets sorted very quickly. Mum is ok thank you and sends her love x
      Lynda, sorry you had a migraine. You have my sympathy. They really are horrid aren’t they. X
      Lilian. It is disgusting that so many idiots don’t stop to think of others when they put themselves and their brave rescuers in peril. We will always be thankful that the air ambulance was free when one of Chris’s both others had a massive heart attack up on Dartmoor. If they had been saving these type of idiots he would definitely not be here today! The bigger the fine they should have to pay the more it might make them think first x
      I still have absolutely no inclination to craft. . My desk if full of half finished cards. I may clear them all away and try and make a simple stamped card to try and kick start my mojo. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi everyone
    Love your card today, and great to see the embossing folder used 😊 The white and gold is stunning. Looking forward to seeing your second creation tomorrow.
    Turned cold here now, but at least it’s stopped raining and not so windy. Think we’ll be waking up to a frost tomorrow morning!
    I hope everyone manages to get all the bits done you need to before lockdown on Thursday. Mark popped to Tesco last night for a couple of bits, and said they were out of toilet rolls (not that he went in there for that) so it seems people are stock piling again and emptying the shelves 🀦🏼‍♀️
    Hope you’re all well. Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hi again
    Maria I forgot to say that I need a new large (12” x 12” ) guillotine too but can’t find one that gets good recent reviews. I think I will end up getting it from our Swindon Hobbycraft as I know they will happily give a refund if necessary. Sorry can’t help why your glue has gone runny. I started using Aleene’s original Tacky Glue after Cosmic shimmer started watering their glue down so much. Sandra tried Aleene’s first and I now love it too. You can get it in Hobbycraft but you need to be aware that there is another glue that looks very similar so make sure you look at the label closely. It must be getting popular as it is so often sold out online so good luck if you decide to try it. It has a strong hold and dries quite quickly xx

    1. Thank you Sue for coming back and answer my question from the other day. Must look for that glue for the one from Cosmic shimmer is dreadful and just makes me annoyed when using. The size of guillotine I'm looking for is a smaller version. Will wait with that tho for need some other things first. Hope you ok and in not too much pain xx
