
Saturday 31 October 2020

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

Thank goodness its the weekend,  the weeks that Paul is on late shift are really long, with him not getting back until 10pm, this week I have been laying on the bed when he gets in and he comes and sits down with a cuppa and that's the day pretty much over, where as on earlies he's back just after lunch, we have an early start but you still have the majority of the day to spend together. I think he will be a little nervous this coming Monday though as he is starting a totally different job!!  I think he wishes he was starting after his eye surgery not before.  

The plaque pictured above is the messy creation that I was working on at the beginning of the week, I am so relieved to say that Karen loved it, which really made my day as I absolutely loved creating it.    I followed a Tracy Evans Tutorial and all of the stamps featured are her Aall & Create Designs. 

Sue's Magazine Review

Simply Cards & papercraft Issue 210 review

Free Gift

This months magazine has a really useful set of ALTENEW Bells and Boughs Christmas stamps that include sentiments, some leaves and a layered bell stamp set with matching dies all with clear instructions on how to use them and with lots of examples including several clean and simple cards, great for batch making. Also instructions for gif wrap, a tag, gif box and bag and a lovely framed picture project using some of the stamps and hand lettering there is a lettering template for this project online if you don’t feel confident enough to do it freehand)

Other articles include: 

Colour Wheel Wonders using opposing colours

Contemporary Christmas using non typical colours and shapes

Bargello, a paper weaving technique

Using Buttons, Gems and Pearls to fill in basic Christmas Shapes

A downloadable Sketch that has been shown here three different ways

In-laid die-cutting technique, using Glitters

Embossed Background using Faux-Letterpress Technique

Free Gift inspiration 

Using stamps 

Clean and Simple cards

Slider card technique 

Using Free stamps to create Gift Wrapping & tags

Lou Collins shows you how to create gifts using free gifts. 


There is an article from each of the following companies showcasing their latest releases:

Indigo Blu 

Indigo Blu gorgeous 'Botanical' stamps with a lovely journal project

Hobby Arts 

Hobby Arts 'Green Things' (Brussel sprouts) Stamps


Hunkydory Christmas Release

Heartfelt Creations 

Heartfelt Creations Traditional Festive Release


Die-cutting essentials issue 145, , which is the sister magazine of SC& , has a stained glass die and three projects using it are shown here:

That’s all for now.
 Take care
 Sue x

Thank you so much Sue for a fantastic Magazine review, I think that you and I both agree that the actual sentiments of the free stamps aren't quite as good as we first thought, but they are free and there are lots of other great features in the magazine, I am yet to try the Bargelo Technique, I know that Sue Wilson loves it and so does Julia Watts, both have created some amazing designs in the past.  
I am very grateful that you went to the trouble of writing a review for us, I know that sometimes you buy magazines that we don't usually feature so it would be great to do a review of one of those in the future.  Thanks again my lovely XXX

Ladies I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, keep warm,

Sending hugs to all of you,



  1. I love love love my plaque It is stunning in real life The photo doesn’t capture all of the beautiful layers textures and colours It is gorgeous and so pleased that you enjoyed creating it as much as I am admiring it
    Thank you for the magazine review SUE It’s always handy to know what’s inside the cellophane wrapper!
    I have a card to complete this morning that a work colleague has asked me to make But first I am going to “hang” some monsters/critters and witch from the living room window for the “new” family across the road as they have gone to town decorating their house for Halloween I thought they might like to see them as they can’t go Trick or Treating
    Big hugs to LILIAN and those in pain xxxxx
    Take care all xxxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sue-thanks for the magazine Review. Some interesting articles-think I might end up buying this magazine. As Sandra says your reviews will be a great addition to the ones we do.

    Storm Aiden has definitely arrived-we have very strong winds, no rain yet. Hubby had an email yesterday saying the Golf course was closed due to flooding so no competition for him this morning.

    I’m off for my Eye Test, Vision Express has moved into Tesco which makes parking easy. Other than that-plans which is probably a good idea considering the weather!


    PS I love the plaque you made for Karen, it’s gorgeous.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Love the plaque you created for KAREN.So much detail in it.

    Well I'm back to being house bound so no Saturday morning shopping until further notice.
    Looking at the news this morning it looks as though we'll all be in the same position by the end of this week.

    Nothing planned for this week-end so it may be a lazy one.

    Thank you SUE for your mag review.Very interesting.
    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can. Sorry the cake tin is empty though!
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    It's a horrible day heavy rain it's so dark.
    Enjoyed our video call last night
    Lisa had a lovely birthday yesterday she was49now what happened to all those years a go. It's Joseph 16th birthday on 18 th December all my grandson's are growing so fast.

    Wishing you all love and Hug's
    Lynda xxx🎃
    Stay safe xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Love the plaque you created for Karen, it’s fabulous. All the mess was worth it seeing your finished creation 😊
    Thanks Sue for the great magazine review, lots of wonderful inspiration in there.
    A very wet and windy start today, but thankfully has cleared up now. Got soaked at work going outside between apartments, when I took my shoes off when going in someone’s apartment, I trod on the back of my trousers, which because they’re a bit long, were soaking wet and spent the next half hour walking around in wet socks! 🙄😂 Don’t you just hate it when that happens?!
    Just watching the news report and waiting to be told we’re going into lockdown again 😔
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Love the plaque you made for Karen, Beautiful Art.

    Thank you Sue for the magazine review, lots of interesting ideas to use the stamps and I like the , what was it? Bargello, not sure what it is.

    Horrid day but got some cc together first thing this morning. No walking in for the rain was too much to be any fun (don't like wet socks either Sonia) and with the news today we seem to be in lockdown here from Thursday.
    Have a good evening all. Many hugs Maria xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Thank you for sharing the lovely plaque you made for Karen. Definitely a one off treasure.

    Karen I’m sure your new neighbours will enjoy your Halloween display, great way to make sure they feel welcome. xx

    The weather has been dreadful today, definitely not a day to go out and about. Now having listened to Boris we are still being confined to the indoors. Don’t think the new restrictions will change much to what we have been doing since March!

    Take care everyone and stay safe, love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sandra, Karen’s plaque is absolutely gorgeous. And it’s great that you enjoyed making it too. There is so much detail, I’m not surprised it’s even better in “the flesh” xx
    Thank you fir your kind words. I really wasn’t sure about the mag review. I hope the photos are clear enough. I did struggle with getting it to you Sandra so I hope you didn’t have too many issues getting it sorted out. I will have to facetime you so you can show me what to do next time. Why didn’t I do that earlier on this week?
    I hope you are all safe and sound indoors. We have had so much rain and very strong winds. Not a day to be going out.
    Sonia, yuck, wet socks! How horrid for you x
    Lynda, I agree with you. Where do the years go indeed? Our eldest granddaughter Phoebe started secondary school last month!!! That’s the third generation, me, our three and now Phoebe to go to the same school. Now that really is a shock. Hugs to you and Terry xx
    Gem has just got home from work and said that people are buying ridiculous amounts of shopping again. She said there really wasn’t any need to panic buy as there are plenty of supplies for all of the shops. She was meant to be having this next week off but that probably will be changed as she will be needed in the store now because of the extra customers. She had a week off booked for the end of March this year that went out of the window too bless her. But as she said there are many people in far worse situations.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx
