
Sunday 22 November 2020

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all enjoying the weekend, we had the most relaxing Saturday ever, Paul found it very uncomfortable going into rooms that are well lit so we spent most of the day on our bed, either listening to Audible books or I was watching YouTube videos.  It was really nice to totally relax, we only had one phone call and that was Paul's surgeons secretary to check how Paul was feeling, which was really kind.  Hopefully he will be a little more comfortable today, fingers crossed as I felt so bad every time I put his eye drops in as he really struggled to open his eye.  We are planning to have an equally relaxing day today, although I would like to do some crafting.

Lets get to the best part of the day...............


A beautiful Christmas card from Brenda for our Inspiration challenge this week, I think that we either buy a die/stamp etc after seeing someone use it or we buy it because we like it and then look round for inspiration. So this weeks challenge had been easy as it something that we all do.  
I love the simplicity of Brenda's design, allowing the image to take centre stage, in this instance it really does work with the sentiment that Brenda has used.

Brenda's Description:

"My card this week is inspired by Pam Simpson she use this Poppy Die called Stained Glass Angel, she embellished hers with Poinsettia but I kept mine plain. I have used blue and white glitter paper for the focal point, the background paper is from a pad that no longer has its cover !! 

Thank you so much Brenda for taking the time to sit and make a card for this weeks challenge despite having a trying week, creating cards is so much more of a challenge when you have anything on your mind, so believe me I truly am grateful to you my dear friend XXX


Janet was inspired to make her stunning Vintage Santa Christmas card by a card that she saw on Pinterest (shared above).  We all find so much inspiration on Pinterest but I wouldn't like to count the amount of hours I have lost browsing pinterest!

Janet's Description :

"I have used papers and embellishments from STAMPERIA TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS papers.I have also added the sample from Pinterest which I used for inspiration"

Thank you so much Janet for such a lovely, traditional Christmas card XXX


Karen has created another one of her Personalised Cards that really do make receiving a card such a special experience, the fact that you have gone to so much trouble to make a card that means so much to the recipients. I really love this card Karen, all of the inky detail in the background add so much interest. 

Karen's Description:

"Here’s a cc I was inspired by a card on Pinterest using a map for a Bon Voyage card
A bit of tweaking in Serif and I used a paper from the Indigoblu mag which I over stamped using Broken China DO I edged the image/sentiment in DO too"

Thank you so much Karen to taking part in this weeks challenge, your card is amazing, I bet Clare and Oliver absolutely loved it XXX

Lilian made this card for her Granddaughter Mimi last year, the papers are of course by Stamperia, that Reindeer is just so beautiful, the amount of detail that Stamperia include in their designs is incredible.

The inspiration for Lilian's card is the film Frozen, which Mimi loves to watch, I bet she was absolutely thrilled with her card Lilian, thanks so much for sharing it with us XXX


Maria has chosen a couple of different 'Fancy Fold' cards for this weeks challenge, I absolutely love both of your cards Maria, the first card has a beautiful topper by Hunkydory, featuring those darling Robins, if  there is one bird that makes me smile it's a robin, they seem so daring when you are out in the garden, they come so close looking for food.  Anyway back to Maria's design, I love the Mountain/Valley folds on your card, it makes such an interesting design.  
Maria's second card is a Arrow fold, these cards look so effective, especially with the design you have gone for Maria, the shape of the card really highlights that pretty snowflake, I love the tartan/plaid paper you have used too.

Maria got the inspiration for her cards from Pinterest.

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge, your cards are stunning Maria XXX


Michele has designed a pretty 'Swing' card for this weeks Inspiration Challenge, I really love the design that you have created, so clever using the different coloured little die cut pieces to make sure that all of the elements of your card tied together. 

Michele was inspired by a feature and the free gift in Issue 35 of Die Cutting Essentials for her card this week.

Thank you so much Michele for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX


Sonia has deigned an amazing Christmas card for this weeks Inspiration Challenge, the deer you have used is so pretty, I think I have this Spellbinders Deer too, I can't believe how well it matches that pretty Scandinavian style paper pad that you have used, they work perfectly together and that soft blue and red compliment to Kraft card so perfectly.

This is the card that Sonia was inspired by,  I like the design Sonia but rest assured your version is far superior, in that I prefer your colourway and your Reindeer stands out more clearly. 

Sonia's Description:

"I took inspiration from a Stampin’ Up card on Pinterest.

I die cut the Spellbinders deer out of Kraft card, and stuck to the strips of patterned paper from Studio Lights Scandinavian collection. The stamped sentiment is from my stash."     

Thanks so much Sonia for taking part in this weeks Challenge while Barney was sleeping (I guess), it must feel like having a new born again! I really appreciate you making time to join in our challenge my lovely XXX                                      


Thank you all so much Ladies, you are all so supportive, I really appreciate the lengths you go to to participate each week. XXX

I hope that you all enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Your cards are amazing ladies I spend far too much time browsing on Pinterest Not only for card ideas but crochet and knitting too Have to be a bit careful with the crochet ones as they can be in American terminology
    That’s good that you both had a relaxing day Would sunglasses help PAUL with the bright lights Is it an expected sign of recovery?
    WellI tried cleaning the carpet in the dining area and I think it looks worse! You know that bit by the door that gets the most tread I might have another go on that part later before I tackle the living area later in the week
    How’s the dizziness LILIAN Getting less and less I hope
    A pile of ironing is staring at me So I’ll be doing that first and catching up on some programmes I have recorded
    Take care all xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today. So interesting to read what inspired your cards.

    Housework this morning then we’d like to go for a walk as it’s meant to be fine all day which is a rare event here. Hubby want to have a Skype session with his Dad but we’ve not heard from his Dads wife letting us know if it’s ok.


  3. Morning Everyone
    Oh what a wonderful set of CCs this morning.
    It looks as though Pinterest is the clear winner for inspiration.

    Managed a reasonably quiet day yesterday though I have to say that I spent all afternoon on the 'tinternet' looking for gifts (books) for the Great Grandchildren for Santa as this year will be very different re presents. Though I absolutely hate money/gift vouchers this will be the norm for all older ones this year.
    Role on 2021.

    The CAFE is OPEN and today's lunch menu is Roast Pork with Lemon Tart for afters.Place your orders if you wish to part-take.

    HUGS on their way to youall. TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  4. Morning Sandra and everyone in the cafe'.

    Wonderful CC's this Sunday morning ,love them all and some great ideas.
    Pinterest is a place to look in but boy the time flies when you are on their site 😊

    Have a nice ,quiet and relaxing day everyone and well wishes are sent for our Paul, Lilian and anyone else who are in pain or feeling dizzy etc.
    Many hugs for you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Loving all of your beautiful creations today. Pinterest and Instagram are my go to places for inspiration. I can spend hours browsing them and saving ideas, yet rarely get around to recreating any of them, so this was a great challenge for me. I had hoped to finish a second card but got distracted, so I will send it over when it’s finished (not sure when that will be though 😉)
    So pleased to hear you had a relaxing day yesterday, and I hope you had a good nights sleep. Hope Paul’s eyes are improving.
    Hope everyone is keeping well. Have a lovely day.
    Hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Some lovely cards on display today.
    Hopefully you’ll have another relaxing day today.
    It’s quite sunny today but just a tad on the cold side. Been for a walk this morning. Might just be able to finish a card today. Lots of picot cutting so I keep finding bits of parchment all over the house.
    Washing is on the line, not much of a breeze though so fingers crossed it dries.

    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Where has today gone? Lovely to look at all of your beautiful cards. Pinterest is full of inspiration isn’t it.
    I hope Paul eye feels easier in the light today and that you both had another very much deserved and needed relaxing day my lovely xx
    We had Paige and Penny for the day so I was busy being shown how to use a drawing programme that Paige has on her tablet (bless her she is so patient with me, having to repeat herself time and again with never a moan) then we spent some time trying out the dotting mandala craft that she wanted to have a go at. It’s not as easy as it looks! Chris was busy playing with Penny and the time just flew by. I’m in bed now and hope to get a good nights sleep. Wishing the same for the rest of you. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Sorry forgot to post.
    Lots of lovely cards, hoping to do better next week.
    Good night, Lilian
