
Saturday 21 November 2020

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well and enjoying the penultimate weekend of November,  I cannot get my head around how fast this year has gone!!        Having said that I won't be sorry to see the back of 2020, I'm pretty sure you all feel the same, although we have all managed ok under the restrictions,  the hardest thing being not seeing your family and friends, I am  a little bitter that I was robbed of precious moments of what was to be my Mum's last year. along with what will be almost 5 months of not being able to see.!  Seeing him suffer has been the most painful experience.  

Today will be a day of rest and recuperation for Paul, he won't have a 'good' eye for a few days so he is forced to take it easy. Hopefully his recovery will be fast. He has spent the week getting ahead of work so he should be good for 2 or 3 days. 

On to todays features.....


Karen treated herself to Kerry Lord's latest book, which I think us a well deserved treat, especially to celebrate getting your new job!!   As with all of Kerry Lord's other books Karen couldn't wait to get started, her first two projects are pictured above, such a perfect Seahorse and Starfish, I love tge colours you have chosen too.  I can't wait for you to make the Nemo fish.!!  Thanks so much Karen for sharing your latest makes with us XXX

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies,  

Decided to treat myself to the latest issue of Simply Cards & Papercraft. Look at the lovely free gift.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First feature using the free gift, they make some lovely cards.

More ideas showing that they’re great for non Christmas cards too.

Great kinetic cards using the free gift.

Article on Debossed die resist technique, produces a lovely finish.

Fancy fold  card but ones that fold flat for posting.

Interesting ideas making you own wrapping paper & gift tags. I think I’d prefer the look if you used large number dies to create your own stamps (or number stamps)

Nice idea but it seems like a lot of work.

Follow on article from last month, this one used 3 colours at the opposite sides of the colour wheel.

Mixed media techniques & mediums used here to create some fantastic backgrounds. This article should suit quite a few of you.

More ideas.

I’m sure we’ve all got stamps in this style & could recreate this look.

More ideas.

Interesting article on using stencils but masking part of them off to create a different look.

This gives us some more ideas of how we could use those stencils I’m sure we all have tucked away!!

Article for  you ladies who like to get Inky! How to create your own ink pads.

Sneak peek at the free gift next month. Great fir new year, special birthdays & mens cards.

That’s all for this week so
Happy Crafting..

Love Michele

Michele won a Prize

Michele won a prize ftom a magazine, who doesn't love a free gift?! I know it's not your usual style but it's quite pretty,  in fact you could make all the cards up and give them as a little Christmas gift to someone that doesn't get to go to the shops.               Thanks for sharing your prize with us my lovely. 

That's all for today ladies, my nurse duties are calling, I have to keep track of what drops gor which eye for the next few days!! 

Have a lovely weekend,  

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Everyone
    Oh KAREN I love your new book and your first two characters are just lovely.

    Thank you MICHELE for your latest Mag Review.It looks a really good informative mag too.

    I'm hoping for a quiet day though I have to say most days are all alike.

    SANDRA- I hope PAUL has a good week-end and that he behaves though I know that will be difficult as most males don't know how to do that lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours and the cake tin is full so help yourselves to lemon drizzle. The best thing about this cake is that it's CALORIE FREE LOL.
    loads of hugs are on their way to you all.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Karen-love your crochet, looking forward to seeing what else you create.

    Sandra—hope you all got a some rest last night. Good luck with the eye drop regime.

    Off to tesco soon to do the food shopping. We have yet another very windy day here but no rain so far.


  3. Thank you for showing my crochet makes I had some birthday money and I thought I would treat myself They’re quite dinky and don’t take a lot of yarn Great for using leftovers Quick to do too I made a jellyfish last night and started a pelican! I’m building up to a Nemo fish Thank heavens for Aldi yarn
    Thank you for the review MICHELE It is so so helpful
    I’m glad PAUL is home Good luck with the nurse duties!
    I’ve got up with the idea of cleaning our carpet It’s amazing how dirty it looks Is it because we’re spending so much time at home? But I’m slowly going off the idea as the machine is quite heavy Maybe if I get it out OH will take over 🤣
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I’m glad to hear that Paul’s eye op went okayish yesterday. And hope the nursing duties go okay.
    Karen I love your ocean knits they are gorgeous.
    Thanks for the mag review Michele. I do like reading them.
    Lilian I hope you feel better soon.
    It’s quite dull and windy here today. I’ve been for a walk this morning. I was up in my very messy craft room doing another Groovi card from Maria Moorehouse’s class. I saw Karen & Livvy pull up. Livvy had been making a baileys cake so they brought me a piece down, and some raisins soaked in rum. Karen said they were going into a cake but thought they tasted to nice to go in a cake. I gave them my shopping list as they were going into Asda, then they were going to drop some cake off at Amy’s. I must owe them big time as apart from paying for some bottles of Baileys when they were on offer, Keith hasn’t taken anything for the bit of shopping he’s done. I’ve plenty in so I haven’t been shopping since this second lockdown. Fingers crossed it brings the numbers down up North and everywhere else they had large numbers.

  5. Hi everyone in the cafe' today.
    I'm deffo see you later for a coffee and lemon drizzle cake,thank you Janet, oh how yummy and to have a catch up.
    Love your new family members Karen, you are so good at making anything from the books you bought. Will you make the lobster too ? he look fun.
    Thank you Michele for the mag review. Nice stamps and other projects in there that I like very much. Congrats for winning a prize. I won something a month or so ago from Craftworld but had to contact them for have not seen or heard anything more. They say the prize have been sent out but I haven't got it yet....
    Sandra- hopefully you all can have a nice ,relaxing day after all you been doing lately. Put the phone off the hook and help nursing Paul back to himself.
    Thank you for the e-mail, it helps to know I can help in some way as you ladies to to me.
    Pat- you very lucky to get food delivered plus cakes, I love baileys and we have just ordered a bottle of Amaretto to have over x-mas so not teetotal hihi.
    Lilian- hope you have a better day, take it easy.
    Lynda- hope Sam and Darren be alright, thinking of you all.
    Had a good walk earlier and we beat the rain so that was nice not to get wet. Next is Brunch after shower so best get a wiggle on. Afternoon I'm thinking of putting a bag together for the little ones a few doors away with some papers and pens I'm not using anymore, bit box is overflowing.
    Have a nice day everyone. Love and hugs ,Maria xxx

  6. Hello, watching the tennis from the O2 year end finals.

    Wet and dark here today, so depressing, hate dark days.

    Karen love your sea creatures, they are so small, must be tricky. Need to find something to do while I’m sitting here, R won’t let me do anything.

    Hope you are ok, hugs Lilian

  7. Hi everyone
    Karen, love the starfish and seahorse, so cute. Looking forward to seeing what else you make xx
    Michele, great magazine review and I love those freebie stamps. Enjoy them along with your prize - well done xx
    Hope Paul is recovering well and you’re having a relaxing day xx
    Hope you’re all having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
