
Monday 23 November 2020

Janet's Man Card Monday


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that this Monday morning finds you well, we have had a totally relaxing weekend, which we both needed very much, Lucy did too but Sophie has been working all hours trying to finish her University Assignment, I think that this one is her most difficult piece so far, she has had to write a short story and then make an animated video that tells the story, I can tell you that I had no idea how much work goes into creating one figure and then adding in the technology to animate everything from all body joints to facial features so that the character can raise an eyebrow, smile and show emotion, there are so many elements to include I was completely confused just listening to her try and explain what she was doing.  What makes it harder is the fact that Sophie, just like her father is a complete perfectionist.  I am looking forward to seeing the final piece, I will hopefully be able to share it with all of you too.

Janet was kind enough to send me a few cards for our Man card Monday feature, I absolutely love the image featured on this particular card.  I love any scene that you can look into and imagine being there, this could be a harbour anywhere, I wonder what they have in their bucket?!  I'm not sure if this particular piece is from a Stamperia collection, looking at the amount of detail in the background, I think it could be, I am sure Janet will enlighten us.  

Janet I love your card, it would work great for this weeks challenge too, as it looks like it is totally flat, the other think I really love is the simple font of the sentiment that you have used. Thanking you so much for sending me cards to feature on Mondays. XXX

I am looking forward to getting some crafting today, I have a few new goodies to try which I am itching to try.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Sending love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                      xxxxxx


  1. Morning ladies,

    Lovely man card Janet, it's like looking at a masterpiece, so many details to catch your eye.

    Not much happening in my little corner of Somerset, this weekend was rather quiet although we did have a queue of traffic blocking the village after a bus had broken down on the first bypass then a RTA on Cannington straight the other side of the village. So total gridlock. Our traffic calming scheme obviously not working in those situations.

    Starting another two Christmas wreaths today hopefully will get them finished as well. I've been putting them off as particular colours were requested but need to get a move on with what I have in stock, than as soon as the lockdown is eased a quick visit to the Range or Hobbycraft over at Taunton for some teal baubles, ribbons and flowers to finish one off. I've tried using alcohol ink on some silver baubles but it has come out streaky so not much good for the effect I need.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what’s fabulous card, suitable for any age or occasion. It’s lovely.

    Sandro/glad you had a relaxing day yesterday.

    Yesterday was quite busy-housework all morning. Skype session at 1:30 then a short walk. We looked towards the beach and it looked busy so we avoided there. Sorted a few things out on my computer then phoned my Dad after dinner. Can’t believe the weekend is over & it’s time to start another week at work.


  3. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for showing one of my cards SANDRA.

    The papers I used are from LABLANCHE. They are from her series of THE SEA. When she launches a set of papers they come with 12x12 papers/lengths of card with ATC sized pictures which can be used as focal points/and two packs of embellishments all (usually around 72 laser cut outs)all relevent to the chosen theme and so you don't need anything to make a card.

    YEH YEH YEH I have at long last finished my Seasonal Cards.I don't want to sound too 'big headed'lol but I just have to make the money wallets needed now so that's my job for today.
    I have dreaded being in lockdown for the second time but at least I have managed to get my cards made.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all.HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. This is a lovely card Janet. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hi everyone
    Fabulous man card Janet, love the papers 😊
    Glad you had a relaxing weekend. Sophie’s assignment sounds like hard work, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it when it’s finished.
    Off to Sainsbury’s at some point today to pick up a couple of Argos orders, and to look for some yummy cakes 😊🍩🧁🍰 Need to start some Christmas present shopping too, so will have a browse and hopefully make a start.
    Hope everyone has a good day whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Not to sure we’ll be able to buy yummy cakes any more from Sainsbury’s Sonia. I’d always buy meringue nests with cream & strawberries from the deli when it was my week to bring lunch at Sandra’s. But they were talking about not opening them again. Fingers crossed they don’t.

  5. Super card JANET I love La Blanche stuff and am itching to go to a show so that I can look at them in “real life”
    I hope PAUL is getting along OK and is being a good patient Sounds like you’re going to have fun crafting with new things SANDRA I have a new (cheap) die I’d like to play with later I also want to start my calendar and have a Tracy Evans style card that I am halfway through
    Having a Zoom catch-up with a couple of friends - the ones I visit craft shows with So that’ll be good
    Take care all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely man card Janet. You can just imagine yourself there. Not wish you were here ( does anyone remember that programme ) but wish I was there. Sophie’s assignment does sound complicated though. I know that Craig & Xander like do amination stuff, but not where they have to draw people as well. It’s foggy here and very frosty. I bet it’s cold out there as well. Although it looks like the sun is trying to break through. I think I might have finished my Christmas cards as well Janet. I had a few left over from last year as well, mostly using stamps and dies though. I’ve a couple to finish off sometime and to add glitter to. Fingers crossed I don’t throw my sticky ink all over one of them this time. I usually go foe a walk after the parents have dropped their children at school, but think I’ll wait and see if the fog goes first today.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  7. Hello All, dull but dry, got the washer on, so hoping to get them dry, for two people who don’t go to work, I don’t know why I have so much washing.

    Janet love those papers you have used, can you get them anywhere different from Hochanda , not keen on the postal charges they apply.

    Well it looks as though a vaccine may be getting nearer, so perhaps by this time next year, the virus will just be a bad dream.

    Sandra, hope Paul’s eye are coming along nicely. Poor Sophie sounds like a tremendous amount of work, good luck to her.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs to all, Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    It’s so good to hear you and Paul had another relaxing day yesterday. Very much needed and deserved by you both. Knowing Sophie I can just imagine just how hard she will be working on this assignment that is something different. Like you say “ That will do” is definitely not in her vocabulary is it just as it’s not in yours or Paul’s either. I really miss seeing her work so once life is back to “normal” I look forward to seeing what she has been doing. I hope you have a nice quiet week my lovely with Paul. And I hope his eye is improving each day xx
    Janet, What a lovely card, very atmospheric. What a lot of elements you get a lot in LaBlanche sets. They all look so beautiful that it’s not surprising you love to get her sets. Well done on finishing your Christmas cards x
    Cheryl, not sure if you know but Hobbycraft are running Click and collect during this lockdown so you could order the baubles etc. that you need straight away. Some orders can be ready for collection within an hour if they have what you order in the store you want to collect from or it can be up to 3 days but that would still be quicker than having to wait until the beginning of Dec. Don’t forget to share the finished wreaths x
    Brenda, hope you, John and your sister are ok x
    Lilian I hope the dizziness is starting to settle down now x
    Lynda, hope you and CU are ok and that Sam and Darren are not feeling too bad x
    I have to finish Gems birthday card for tomorrow. Can’t believe our baby will be 26!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thanks for that tip Sue, I'd love to do that, medically I am back in lockdown til Dec 2 courtesy of NHS and the Government's Register. I would need to see the exact shade of Teal required xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    JANET what a lovely card I love those papers you Have.
    M going to try and make a card.
    This we week. I hope it works out
    SANDRA im glad you & Paul had a peasful day yesterday. Good luck to Sophie with her asyment.
    Wishing you all a better evening
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’m going to try and leave a comment using Anonymous. Can’t sort out Google but will keep trying.
    JANET love your Man card.

    Now fingers crossed - 🤞
    Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone
    Wonderful image Janet, lovely card.
    Hope Paul gets better for each day and good luck for Sophie's assignment. Glad you managed a quiet weekend.
    Hope your day have been good and you all have a nice evening. Many hugs xxx
