
Monday 9 November 2020

Janet's Monday Man Card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend, what did you all do? We had a lovely relaxing weekend, Paul filled in paperwork for his surgery, which took up most of Sunday afternoon, boy they want to know everything! It's all done though and we are just waiting for the day.  It's going to be a long week, the good part for me is that Paul will be working from home so that he can self isolate.

Janet has made a card for our 'Man Card Monday' feature, I am so grateful Janet, it's one less card for me to have to make and I absolutely LOVE sharing your cards on Our Blog.

Janet's card is made with papers from Stamperia, the collection is called 'Cosmos', I have to say that Stamperia seem to have only come onto the market a couple of years ago but goodness me they get it right, I just love every one of their Collections, they were first bought to my attention by Lilian, I loved them straight away, Lilian gifted me a set that I haven't been able to bring myself to use them yet. Looking closely at the papers you can see the layers of detail in each paper in their collections. I'm not sure how many of you have them but I think that you will all love them.  Janet has also has been using them to create some stunning cards and this one is no exception, just look at then detail in that background, the brilliant thing about these stunning collections is that you really don't need to add any other embellishments, every thing is included and has all the detail you need.

Thank you so much Janet for such a lovely 'ManCard', I really appreciate you inspiring us all XXX

Ladies I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs to all of  you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                      x xxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a great card quick change of sentiment and a card suitable for any occasion. Brilliant & inspirational as Men’s cards are difficult to make.

    Lazy day yesterday as it rained all day-housework all morning then we moved a few things into the loft. I spent some time relaxing in my craft room & actually made a card, my friend who returned hoots Greece is struggling right now-so much for her to sort out with the family business (a community Pharmacy shop) plus lockdown then the earthquake. I thought I’d send her a card to cheer her up-I’m calling at the Post Office on my way home.

    Can’t believe it’s Monday already-the weekend went far too quickly.


    1. Hi Michele
      That’s a lovely thought to send a card to your friend. It’s a lot to cope with during lockdown.

  2. Hi everyone
    Fabulous card Janet, love the papers they’re ideal for a male card.
    Well, I couldn’t wait any longer, after clearing my craft cupboard - as I’d just chucked everything in there before we bought Barney home - I sat and done some crafting yesterday afternoon. I’ve started on some snowflake backgrounds for this week’s challenge 😊
    Hope your week isn’t too long xx
    Lilian, I hope your back pain is easing xx
    Hope everyone had a good weekend. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    from yet another very foggy morning here.
    Yesterday didn't seem to get to the daylight stage at all.

    Thank you for showing my card SANDRA.
    I have to say that this is the second set of this theme that I have bought. The fact that they do all the sizes (12x12/8x8/6x6) make it so easy to create a card.I fell into Stamperia just like I did with LaBlanche by accident but what a happy accident it has turned out to be.

    Ihave to make a starton my CC today so thinking hat will have to be put on.

    The CAFE is OPEN and usual hours apply.All the restrictions are in place so we're all safe to visit.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  4. Fabulous card JANET
    We had a very lazy weekend We went for a walk in the beautiful sunshine yesterday and I did some card making in the afternoon after a (even though I say it myself) lovely roast pork dinner We’ll have that again tonight
    Have a good day I hope the aches and pains are easing for the likes of LILIAN LYNDA MARIA This damp weather doesn’t help does it
    Take care all xx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely man card Janet.
    I hope Benjamin will be ok Sandra. Don’t know why it looked like Barney. Probably because Barney being a puppy. Obviously spdidnt look properly.
    It was miserable last night and very foggy. It’s not much better this morning but minus the fog. I’ve just popped up to the post box ( not that I like using that one ) while we have a break in the drizzle. I had a quick walk up to the school while I was out. I’ve just seen my neighbour who was loading a motor bike onto his trailer. He was just off to deliver it to London he said. Rather him than me.
    I hope all those who are feeling unwell are feeling much better today.
    I finished two cards last night and mounted the last one this morning. I just need to mount the 3 others when I’ve sorted some background papers out. Then to start the last one of Maria’s in Maria’s Groovi class y before No 7 is delivered.
    Take dare & stay safe everyone.

  6. Hello, wet and miserable here.

    Janet love your card, not used much yet, but will get it out and have another look.

    We have the painter here today and for the rest of the week, painting the kitchen and utility, so my craft room taken over again.

    Not much else on here, hope you all have a good day, I’m off to play with my new oxide pads, which have come today. Hug Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love the man card from our Janet, beautiful papers and I do have a soft spot for wolves.
    Sending love and hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Missed the sun today it still not shining it's very damp out
    JANET your card is lovely today and
    I love the papers really nice
    SANDRA have you any news on Benji
    Hope PAUL Has filled his forms in
    OK & he is not stressed are you going with him. Do you know how long the opperation takes? I'm wishing you both all the best I will keep my finger's crossed.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    JANET lovely man card , the papers you used are great.

    We have had a relaxing day today after all the excitement of yesterday. I had thought my birthday would be a non event this year but our lovely daughters made sure it was special.

    Hope your day has been good, Take care everyone and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a lovely card Janet. The papers look beautiful. Stamperia papers always do.
    Brenda, so happy to hear you had a lovely birthday but sort to hear your sister isn’t doing quite so well at the moment x
    It s a bit cold and wet here today, not been up to much.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
