
Sunday 8 November 2020

Your Challenge cards


🎉🎈🎊🎁❤Happy Birthday Brenda ❤🎁🎊🎈🎉

Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

Please join me in wishing our very dear friend Brenda the Very Happiest of Birthdays, I know it won't be your usual family celebration but I hope you manage to skype or zoom call your family,  have a lovely day my lovely 😍 🎂❤🎊💜💖💐

I hope that you are all well and enjoying your weekend,  It was a little bit chilly outside so I stayed inside, in my craft room to be precise.  

Sundays are all about your work, Michele set us a fun Challenge,  to use the same die/stamp/E Folder to create both a Christmas and Every Day card..

So lets see what you all came up with.......


Michele has made some amazing cards for this Challenge,  2 new ones and 2 from the original post last Friday. 

The description for the first two cards :

2 more challenge cards from me. The free papers came with Creative Cardmaking magazine many many years ago! I thought the green floral paper looked suitable for a Christmas card.

Thank you so much Michele for your lovely cards and for setting the challenge for us XXX 


Two stunning cards from Janet for this weeks Challenge, I love this embossing folder that you have used Janet,  as you have demonstrated it works for any celebration  

Janet's Description:

"My Challenge cards are made using an old E.Folder from CRAFTER'S COMPANION Named 'ORNATE LACE'."

Thanks so much Janet for two fantastic challenge cards XXX


WOW  Lilian that simple Couture Creations Embossing Folder that you have used has worked beautifully.  
That Poinsettia stamp that you have used is so lovely and you have coloured it perfectly.  O absolutely love this card.
Your second card also made with that Couture Creations Folder,  this card features a pretty Poppy stamp/die cut, I love that sentiment too.

Thanks so much Lilian for creating two stunning cards despite having very sore fingers after your accident,  these two cards are simply stunning XXX


Not one or two But Three Amazing Challenge cards from Our Karen,  all three completely different.
I am so happy to see Karen stamping her cards now and two of these cards have ribbon too!  Part of me feels really proud as I was so desperate for you all to discover the joy of stamping soon after I did,  looking back the 'faux Misti" was a bit simple in design but for me it was the confidence in stamping that started me onto a journey I have not looked back on!  I hope you feel the same Karen.
Back in those days our cards were all die cut/Embossed  or on Karen's case Serif based. 
The three cards above are absolutely stunning Karen.
Thank you so very much for taking part XXX


Brenda has created two amazing cards for this weeks challenge.
Brenda's first card is a fantastic Christmas card, both of Brenda's cards use a John Lockwood Embossing Folder 'Braided Lines'.
Brenda's second is my favourite (I know I shouldn't have favourites, I love both but the flower spray on this one os just perfect)

Brenda's Description:

"I have used the same EF for both cards it’s one John Lockwood had on Hochanda a few weeks ago so are the small flowers and leaves."

Thanks so much Brenda, I love your cards, have a lovely birthday XXX 


Ladies thank you all so very much, you absolutely aced this challenge,  thank you so much Michele for setting this challenge XXX 

We have a lovely Man Card Monday from Our Janet tomorrow,  its amazing and very inspirational 😀. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Good morning all on this very misty morning
    Happy Birthday BRENDA I hope you have a lovely day and can still be spoiled a little in these mad times
    You are right SANDRA A stamping platform has made all the difference to me I’m still not confident and still waste pieces of card because I’ve smudged it or got a black thumb print on it But I am getting there
    Lovely cards ladies and thank you for the challenge MICHELE I really enjoyed it
    I will do a bit of crafting today I am in the middle of a project using new dies I treated myself to This one is about Charlie and will make another about Oscar I hope to use them on the calendar project we have too
    Take care all I hope the aches and pains are easing LILIAN LYNDA MARIA xx

  2. Morning Everyone

    BRENDA Hoping you have the happiest of birthday possible.Enjoy your special day.

    What a wonderful selection off CCs today.Each and everyone a work of art in my book.
    Thank you MICHELE for setting us the Challenge.

    Well we have yet another very foggy start to the day here so it's going to be a very quiet and easy day here.

    The CAFE is OPEN waiting for you all to pop in for a Sunday cuppa and chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.
    Place your lunch orders -it's Roast Chicken with Apple Crumble for afters.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Brenda-hope you have a great day.

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today. Thank you to everyone for joining in.

    Over the years I’ve been given a lot of craft stash plus I have a huge amount of mine. I make cards because I enjoy it and it’s a way of escaping the stress of my job. As there’s no visitors allowed in the hospital I had an idea-I world supply a box of cards to the hospital Chaplain who could write a get well/birthday/thinking of you card to anyone who was feeling lonely. I finally got chance last week to Dies to the chaplain who thought it was a great idea. I just thought it was a way of paying back the kindness I’ve had. My crazy friend said it was going to be a “chore “ but I disagreed-I make more cards than I’ll ever need so hopefully they’ll cheer someone up.

    As predicted we have rain here today-housework then crafting I think today.


    1. That’s a fabulous idea MICHELE

    2. Very kind idea , it’s always lonely in hospital, with no visitors must be worse

    3. Such a lovely idea Michele. It’s sure to put a smile on many peoples faces 😊 xx

    4. That's a very good idea as not many people can get out and buy. You are very kind.
      Very sorry I didn't make any cards for this week cc. I have a couple sitting on the worktop but just couldn't get them done, so sorry x

    5. A fantastic idea Michele. It’ll brighten up the day for recipients.

    6. Lovely idea Michele, I know this thoughtful gesture will be appreciated by everyone.

  4. Morning ladies,

    Such a lovely array of cards this morning, I love the Poppy one so apt for today.

    I still have bouts of vertigo that stop me from moving about so much I can't wait for it to go permamently. I shall be wearing my Granddad's medals with pride as the village stands at our front doors for the 2 minute silence. We have a bugler at the War Memorial to announce the start of the silence then sounding the Last Post afterwards. I wonder how many people will be out in support?

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Brenda, have a lovely day xx
    Love all of your cards today, they’re fabulous 😊
    Sorry, no cards from me again this week. I was sure I had some I could use, but going back through my blog, I’d not shared them. I have a folder of all my cards on Marks Mac, but just didn’t get a chance to look. I’m actually itching to do some crafting, but little Barney is keeping us busy, but I think I’ll just have to decide what I’m going to do and just get out the bits that I need - no more leaving everything laying around!
    I hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Morning ladies
    A very Happy Birthday Brenda ! Hope you have a good day.

    Beautiful cards ladies, love them all. Some lovely EF's and Lilian's coloured flowers, very nice x
    Not doing anything today, had a really bad night and so did OH so not even a walk as the rain is coming down pretty hard outside.
    Have a nice Sunday my friends and many hugs for you all,some extra's for anyone who need some. Maria xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Brenda. I hope you have a lovely day.
    Great cards on display today. All the ladies have done Michele proud.
    It’s quite miserable here today. I finished blending 3 Christmas cards this morning and will be mounting them onto cards later today. I’m sat watching the snooker at the moment. Karen brought me quite a bit of fruit yesterday that Olivia brought home from Blenheim. Olivia had also made some tarts with the fruit and a crumble mix oh top. It was very yummy I must say.
    Take care f stay safe everyone.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    WOWSER some really gorgeous carfs
    For this week challenge
    Still got all aches and pains had a dose earlier.
    We had a lovely sunny day but chilly.
    BRENDA I HOPE YOU HAD A LOVELY BIRTHDAY. SORRY I never sent you a card but I haven't been able to make any cards. This year as I can't get in my craft room
    It's been a year this month I got the Bug in my left hip.And haven't
    Been able to walk properly since
    I hope the doctors can give me some answers why next week.
    SANDRA Has Paul got his results back yet.
    Sending everyone Big Hug's & Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello, sorry I thought I had posted this morning.

    Lovely cards today, I am really enjoying using my e/fs again, used to use them a lot before die cutting.

    I have serif but don’t use it much, used to use it, but forget all about it now. At the moment R has my laptop to use for his zoom meetings.

    Just finished roast pork for dinner, now to clear up, really missing my dishwasher.

    Painter here early tomorrow, to paint the kitchen at last. All that will be left then will be new flooring.

    Brenda hope you had a lovely day, sorry card will be late.

    That’s all for now, Lilian

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Thank you so much for all of your birthday wishes and cards, you made my day feel special. xx One of our SILs arranged a virtual tea party, it was lovely daughter son-in-law and all the grandchildren together. (Three at uni and four households) such a lovely treat.

    I started this message about 6 o’clock, I had a phone call from my sisters superior saying they are rather concerned about her, she seems to be getting very tired although is eating. She has said a few times recently how exhausting life is. In normal times I would be getting myself up to Loughborough !!

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
