
Tuesday 10 November 2020

Blue & White Thank you


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you well, if not then I have despatched hugs to gently comfort you.

We are in full isolation mode here, in preparation for tomorrow and the few days healing after, O seem to have picked up a sore throat virus from somewhere though, I feel achy with it, I am hoping it isn't going to turn into tonsillitis,  I had underestimated that illness until the first time I had it, my goodness was I ill !! Fingers crossed this is just a sore throat and it will pass quickly. 

Today's card was a bit of an experiment, I was playing with colours,  trying to decide which colours worked with that gorgeous Sea Spray Blue and white (I am going to order another pack of that blue as I am getting low)!  

I started out by stamping in a slightly darker blue in the centre of my card, I then embossed the piece of card, this particular folder gives the card a lovely texture. I decided to use one of my lovely SU Embossed Frames to be the focal point of the card, so I added that raised up on foam pads, I then die cut a range of foliage in Sea Spray, White and like a brushed gold colour (as a trial), the flowers I used were the Heartfelt Creations Oakberry Lane one O bought last year. I arranged my stamped and die cut flowers and foliage around the bottom of the frame,  leaving most of it on show.  To finish the card I added a 'Thank You ' sentiment and some sparkle gemstones.  

So for the Challenge I Embossed and Stamped this background. 

I hope that you all have an enjoyable day,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                              xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what an absolutely gorgeous card, it’s beautiful. I hope you soon start to feel better .

    Busy day yesterday, 2 more members of staff(from my department ) tested positive for Covid. Most wards now have Covid patients & we’r pretty much full. So far we’ve not had to cancel routine surgery-let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.
    Didn’t do much yesterday evening as I felt shattered so I just read a book.


  2. I think your card is stunning I will be back Just had a phone call from Amazon.... I need to check this out! Going to Google Amazon scams

  3. Hi, dull but dry

    Sandra lovely card, love that colour blue, and the flowers.

    Karen loads of telephone scam Amazon calls, normally referring to your prime account. I’ve been told by the bank if your suspicious about a call NEVER press button one, sure sign of a scam. I must say our new phones from bt work really well.

    Painter here today, so a bitty day again, hope you have a good one, Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful card, and the textured embossing folder is lovely.
    Hope your sore throat doesn’t develop into anything more xx
    Going to do some more crafting while Barney is sleeping 😊
    Hope you get the Amazon call sorted, Karen. Agree there are a lot of scams from them 🙁
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Gorgeous card and it is a lovely colour that blue Sandra. Hope you not got tonsillitis, wish you better. Fingers crossed it all goes well for Paul tomorrow. Will think of him while I'm sitting in the dentist chair.
    Sorry to hear Brenda that your sister is not good, hoping all goes well. Nice your daughter spoiled you on your day.
    Lilian- hope you feeling some better today and the painting look nice when finished. Take care.
    Sue- wish you better too and sending a hug. It's the time now for the colds to come so I hope that all it is.
    Karen- hope you be alright reg the Amazon call. Be careful everyone with phoney calls and E-mails.
    Done our walk this morning around the lake and soon ready for some tea and toast. Hoping to start on some backgrounds this afternoon.
    Have a good day everyone,many hugs xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    KAREN hope your, Amazon account will be OK it is good you got it sorted with your Amazon account.
    SANDRA hope you get better soom
    Your card is gorgeous
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  7. As said on Messenger It was totally a scam I hate phone calls that early in the morning in case it’s something wrong with any of the family
    It did throw me being that early but I suppose that’s what alerted me too
    Funnily enough he didn’t ring me back!
    I hope PAUL gets on OK tomorrow and that your sister is OK BRENDA
    I’m sending hugs to everyone and special ones to those feeling poorly or are in pain
    Charlie’s card is done and I’ve sent you photos SANDRA Have cut some more for Oscar’s now and for the calendar

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your card, it’s gorgeous. Love that sea spray card. Please can you order me some of you haven’t done your order yet? The ef is a lovely one too. Really useful for adding that something extra without being over the top.
    Fingers and everything crossed that it is a simple sore throat my lovely. Sending hugs to you Paul will be in our thoughts tomorrow xx
    Forgot to ask how Benji is today? Xx
    Karen glad you were on the ball re Amazon scam this morning. Like you if the phone rings either late in evening or early morning I automatically think it’s going to be bad news from family! Silly really as it is usually nothing to worry about looking forward to seeing Charlie’s card and then Oscars when you have finished his x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mu
    and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Stunning card Sandra, love the Sea Spray Blue colour. Might just need some !!

    Wishing Paul all the best for tomorrow. I’m sure he will be relieved to got at least one eye sorted out. Take care xx

    My sister assured me she is fine, but is not aware her superior called me, I will give the Supervisor a tomorrow, she is aware that Anne is not giving me the full story, I know she doesn’t want to worry me.

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx
