
Sunday 25 October 2020

Your Challenge Cards

Did you all remember?

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Hello from a wet and wild Wiltshire! Oh it was a cold and dark day yesterday, you know those
days where you just can't be motivated to do anything!! 
Did you all remember to put your clocks back? My problem is working out which ones do it automatically,  i always look at my phone first and think "have you changed or not" !! 
To be honest apart from the cooker and coffee maker boiler  I think the rest update themselves.   So we are back to dark evenings!  I think that being in any kind of lockdown will be harder with the cold, dark weather, do you? 

Anyway here's something that I know will make you smile.......


A very classy Christmas card design from Lilian for our Sparkle and shine challenge, I absolutely LOVE the Embossing Folder that you have used, it's  a Couture Creations Folder called 'Timeless' (thank you Lilian) 
Your card is elegant and classy and I love it  thank you so much for taking part XXX 


Three fantastic designs from our Janet for this weeks challenge,  two Christmas cards and a Birthday card.  I love the Vintage style of your Christmas cards my lovely. 
A lovely Circus themed card for a lucky 4 year old too.
Janet made all three of her Challenge cards using her lovely LaBlanche papers,  I'm guessing that you must have a quite a 'LaBlanche' collection by now. I can see why you like them so much! 

Thank you so much for three lovely Challenge cards, I do hope you don't find being locked down too frustrating my lovely,  I guess we are lucky as we can still get most of our craft shopping on line! XXX 


A gorgeous Christmas scene card from our Maria for this weeks challenge.
Maria has used Sue Wilson’s 'Netted Star' background die, then added the snow covered trees in front,  some lovely Sparkling snowflakes and some Deer and other forest animals bring the scene to life.
Thank you so much Maria for making such a lovely Christmas card XXX 

Such a lovely design for your Challenge card this week Sonia, using some older Sue Wilson dies to create that lovely background, you can't beat Red & White on a Christmas card ! 

Sonia's Description:

"The snowflake mini striplet die is from Sue Wilson’s Festive Collection, as well as the filigree  poinsettia. I also used one of Sue’s embossing folders, which I think is snowflake swirl. The sentiment is from a Woodware stamp set."

Thanks so much for sharing a lovely Christmas card design for this weeks challenge , I know how exhausted you are sweetheart,  I hope you are enjoying your weekend XXX


Karen has created two lovely Christmas cards, both using the same Embossing Folder, 
Karen's Description:

"Here are 2 sparkle and shine cc
The blue is embossed with a CE folder and then heat embossed with Frosty Dawn CS powder with Sue W NOEL Die with a small black shadow and stuck with foam pads
The copper one has same technique on background and an Ultimate Crafts MERRY CHRISTMAS die"

Thanks so much Karen fie two lovely Challenge cards XXX 

I love how bright and cheerful both of your Challenge cards are Michele,  that cake omis brilliant! 
Michele's Description

"Finished 2 challenge cards. Pink one has silver card behind the topper, green one has gold card. Both have lots of gemstones on them. The papers are from Making Cards magazine sometime in 2017!!"

The Making Cards magazine is the only one that I have hoarded as I can't bare to part with the lovely papers.  After seeing your cards I might go and have a look through them, thanks for the inspiration XXX


Brenda has shared a beautiful Christmas card for this weeks challenge. 
A lovely red card with lots of beautiful silver Ivy falling down either side, Brenda used the same red card to die cut the sentiment and layered it onto mirror card. 
I agree with you Brenda,  this particular Ivy die looks stunning die cut in either Mirror or flat card,  I think the mirror card gives it the real 'wow' factor though.!!! 
Thank you so much for sharing this lovely card with us Brenda,  with the couple days you have had I really wasn't expecting a card, so I was delighted that you made time to take part XXX


Thank you all so very much for making such incredible cards for this weeks Challenge Ladies XXX 

Janet your comment took me right back to those old days of the blog, I think we'd all rather a luxury coach trip out to Marigny these days!  I would love nothing more than to spend a day Crafting all together,  I haven’t given up on the idea XXX

Enjoy the rest of yours weekend my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today.
    Brenda & Lilian-I’m Sorry to hear you both have family that are poorly. I’m hoping they’re improving. It’s difficult to stay up to date as no one is visiting due to the restrictions,I’m hoping they’re soon better and out of hospital soon.

    Well-we have just had a very heavy downpour. So much for the weather forecast which said dry but dull + breezy all day . It’s our last chance to fill out garden waste bins as our last collection is tomorrow. We don’t pay extra for garden waste collection but the council stop the collections over winter, they’ll start again in March.
    Hopefully it won’t rsin again and we can do a short session in the garden. Hubby is going to watch the Grand Prix and I’m hoping to spend some time in my craft room today.


    1. Hi Michele.
      We have to pay for our garden bin. £30 per year. They only miss over the Christmas period but really it’s not worth collecting during the winter. Before Pete always used to compost it down. But that’s not needed now so I paid for a bin. Take care my friend.

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a lovely way to start the day looking at everyone's inspirational CCs and we have sunshine too for the moment.
    We had downpours on and off all day yesterday.

    I want to make a start on this week's Card today - well that's my plan-we'll see what happens.

    The CAFE is OPEN and nice and warm too.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends in need.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. We to have sunshine at the moment but rain is forecast for later.

  3. Gorgeous cards ladies I love how some of us have gone back to using older stuff, papers dies and stamps
    We have glorious sunshine at the moment! Mighty cold I expect!
    I hope your families are doing OK in hospital BRENDA and LILIAN It’s not easy when visiting restrictions don’t apply let alone now
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies
    Lovely lot of cards this morning.
    Like the EF you have used Lilian, the vintage style of your's Janet, all very nice.
    After a horrendous day and night the weather is looking better this morning so a walk is next here for us.
    Extra hugs for our Brenda and Lilian today, hope your brother and sister be ok.
    Have a nice Sunday everyone whatever you are up to today.
    Hugs to all, Maria xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful selection of cards today, they’re all lovely.
    It was dry and sunny about an hour ago, but the heavens have now opened! Got to pop out to get a bit of shopping at some point, and some more treats for Barney (he’s doing well with his training 🐶) and then Mark will be watching the Grand Prix later. We had an Aldi open the other day very close to us, so might go there instead of the big Tesco. Looking forward to being able to just pop in there for the odd bits instead of having to keep going into Tesco.
    Have a good day . Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello All, sorry didn’t get in yesterday, strange day. Managed to walk into one of my new cupboards doors last night, never had a cut bleed so much, I understand the saying seeing stars now, still got a headache.

    Lots of lovely cards again today, each so different, I found it difficult to get the sparkle to show in picture .

    Hoping to do another class today, luckily they are all recorded to look at again. I seem to be much slower, than many of the others. Not sure they are really my thing, but learning new things and some nice new stamps in the kit.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Sorry Lilian meant to say I hope your headache improves throughout the day. Take dare in your kitchen.

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely selection of sparkly cards today. I haven’t done any Christmas cards with sparkle on. Better get my mapping pen & ink out and put some on I think.
    Brenda & Lilian I hope your sister & brother will soon be much improved. No visiting allowed I suppose with all this Covid about. It’s hard to keep ringing the hospital as well to find out information as I expect the nurses are so busy. Just finished some of my ironing so think I’d better get on and finish it.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    WOWSER the CC are all amazing your all so talented and not one of them the same.
    Sun is shining but it's quite cold
    I'm aching quite a bit today my
    fibromyalgia & arthritis is playing up as well all my joints ache.
    Sending everyone Big Hug's
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a beautiful selection of challenge cards so full of inspiration and each one a masterpiece.

    Lillian what a shock to walking into the cupboard door, I hope your head is ok. Have you had any news today about your brother?

    Will ring my sister in a while, she usually has a nap after lunch, I will give her a chance to come to then we can chat, although yesterday I felt it was an effort for her. So we will see. 🤞

    Lynda sorry you are aching and your joints are playing up. Sending gentle hugs xxx
    Margaret hope you are as comfortable as you can be. Sending hugs to you xxx

    Look after yourself everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx
