
Saturday 24 October 2020

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Morning Ladies,

Can you believe that we are putting the clocks back this weekend?!  
This year has just flown by, mind you I think most of us will be glad to see the back of it, I don't think it will be forgotten somehow.  I hope that we will have some kind of information so that we can move into 2021 with hope of  things getting better.

No magazine review this week so I have shared some other crafts and also some inspiration for this week’s challenge. 

First up today is Karen's Crocheted 🧙‍♀️ Witch, Katen she is brilliant, you are so incredibly inspirational Karen,  you can Crochet pretty much anything, you can instantly identify whatever character you have created too! 
Karen's Description:
"This is one of the three crochet projects I had laying around in my sofa!
Kerry Lord (Toft) has brought out some Halloween kits and as I had some green yarn I thought I would try a similar version using the Doll Emporium book I had to cobble the hat which I’m not happy with but for a a one off it’s OK" 

Thanks so much for sharing your Witch with us Karen,  I love seeing your creations XXX


This second project is one of Matt's latest Pyrography projects, it's one of the 'House Badges '  
I think he is practising so that he can create some Christmas gifts.  He is a bit like our Sophie in that he just seems to be naturally gifted when it comes to creativity, he thought that this particular piece wasn't that great, but I disagree,  I think its brilliant!   
Keep at it Matt, you have a natural talent XXX

Some Challenge Inspiration 

Blue/Clean & Simple/Ribbon


Michele's Shopping 

Michele's Description:

"Crafty purchases. I bought the card due because I loved the charity kit Christine Emberson did this month, unfortunately I bought one of the circle Dies thinking it was the entire card kit! Found the flip flop die on EBay & the seller included a free Die! The glitter glue seemed like a good idea along with the Posca pen-let’s see if I actually use them."

Thanks so much for sharing your shopping with us Michele,  I am looking forward to seeing you use those dies. Particularly that 'Circle Swing' card die.
The stickles glitter glue will be perfect for your Christmas cards, I have been using a Posca pen to 'flick' ink of my project for extra detail and texture,  I laugh as I say that as I know that you don't really like 'messy' Crafting. Thanks again my lovely XXX 

Ladies I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, I hope you all get plenty of time to relax.  
I know that some of you have no choice but to stay home, I know it will be frustrating as far as shopping goes and seeing your loved ones but I really do think its for the best, I honestly think that we should all be staying home.  

Extra hugs for Our Dear Friends that are struggling both mentally and physically right now Xxxxx 

Love and huge hugs for you all, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-love your witch, you’re very talented.

    Matt-the pyrography badge is brilliant. They’d make great gifts.

    Sue-looking forward to you magazine review, was secretly hoping to see it today so I could decide if I needed to buy it!

    I’m hoping to use my latest purchase this coming week as I’m off work for a while week. Just worked out that I’ve only had 3 days off in March, 3 days in May and one week in July so I’m definitely ready for next week!
    We have sting winds & heavy rain forecast for today-just new to pop to the shops in the village. Was thinking of going into Southport but I might wait if the weather is awful.


  2. Morning Everyone
    KAREN-just love love your Witch.She's gorgeous and what a talent you have.

    MATT-pyrography really needs a steady hand and you definitely have that. Your work of art is fantastic.

    Well it's definitely a 'stay at home' day here along with many more to come.I just hope that people see sense and behave.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in when you can.


  3. Thank you for showing my witch I used Kerry Lord’s Doll Emporium And a beak from Edward’s Menagerie Bird book for her nose I have just finished a little pumpkin using a pattern from Bella Coco crochet do her
    MATT You are so talented Your pyrography is wonderful and agree with your mum It’s brilliant
    Interesting buys MICHELE Like SANDRA I use a white or gold Posca pen to flick ink onto a piece It can be a bit hit and miss I can’t quite get the knack flicking it to end up prettier on my card than on my crafting mat! It’s great fun though
    We don’t have anything planned today The gardeners are supposed to be coming to do more on the front garden Other than that it’ll be just pottering about
    I hope your sister is getting along OK BRENDA
    Take care all xxx

  4. Morning everyone
    I love your witch Karen, absolutely brilliant !
    Matt, wonderful work of pyrography. Well done !
    Michele- looking forward to see some of your cards with this die.
    Oh I remember Janet hihi It's not too late, as soon you back there we will be over. Is the house next door still for sale ? we don't need much as long there some heating and water running for the cups of teas 😀
    It's a bit dull out there this morning but we are off for a walk so hoping the rain stays away until we are back. Nothing planned for this weekend,pretty boring me.
    Have a nice day ladies whatever you are up to. Many hugs Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love your witch Karen. You are so talented.
    A lovely badge Matt ir looks ok to me.
    I remember Janet your trips to France. There was talk of us clubbing together to buy the house next door as well.
    Great buys Michele.
    Well I got up this morning and wondering what the time was. The clocks that need changing were the same as the ones that change automatically. I was wondering why, I only realised that the clocks changed on Sat night & last night was Friday.
    I Hope Terry manages to bring you some things down to craft with Lynda. Take care my friend. It’s just started raining here so it’s a good job I’ve been out for a short walk this morning.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I think Matts pyrography badge is fantastic. I think when we make something we are our own worst critics. Matt should be proud of his work, it is brilliant.

    Karen - I love your Witch, her hat is lovely. Thank you for sharing. xxx

    Spoke to my sister earlier, she sounded in good form but did admit to still having chest pains she promised me she tells the nurse when they are bad, they seem worse during the night. Her oxygen level is being constantly monitored also other ongoing tests, can’t see her being released on for a while - but you never know.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Love your crochet witch Karen, she’s fabulous.
    Great pyrography badge by Matt.
    Love your crafty shopping Michele, enjoy.
    Such a miserable day here today, very wet and windy. Got the housework done this morning, and just been relaxing this afternoon.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Karen, I love your witch and her hat is perfect. You are definitely our crochet queen x
    Sandra, love your cards, especially the blue and white one.
    Matt, well done,your pyrography is fantastic. You really have the talent. I love the fine detail you have put into the badge, it is brilliant x
    Michele, I’m looking forward to seeing how you use these dies. How nice of the lady to add an extra fir for you.
    I have to apologise about the lack of my magazine review this week. I have the text done so just need to take some photos but I simply forgot all about it. I have a note in my desk now to remind me do it will be sent to Sandra in the next couple of days. Sorry again.
    I will be putting a note by the clocks that need changing so that only one of us moves them back! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
