
Monday 26 October 2020

Man Card Monday/TicTacToe Challenge card


Click on Picture for YouTube Tutorial

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and feeling rested after the weekend, we were lucky enough to have a lovely quiet weekend, we had a lot of rain which stopped anything much happening in the garden but that meant even more relaxing! Although I really don't mind pottering about in the garden, especially when the air is so fresh and crisp! 

Today's card is one that I made two years ago (although it only seemed like last year) I am sure that most of you have a Christmas/Fir Tree stamp that you could use to make this card, thats pretty much all you need, that and one ink pad, it literally takes 10 minutes to make.  There are two cards featured above as I wanted to show the difference between adding a white mat and not having one, I think it draws your eye in and makes the design stand out more.  I think that this card would work well for a Christmas card for a Man, don't you?

The TicTacToe Categories for this weeks challenge are BLUE/WHITE/SNOW

Here is the Technique 

I took a piece of Whisper White card and then die cut a circle to use as a moon mask, I held that in place and blended the Night of Navy ink across the card, quite heavy at the top, continuing down to about half way and then blending out to the bottom of the card.  I then Spritzed the card with a fine mist of water, I blotted it off and quickly dried it.  I then took the large Christmas tree stamp and stamped it repeatedly over the bottom half of the card, no need to mask either.
Lastly I tapped a Waterbrush loaded with Whisper White ink over the card which gave the snow effect and stamped the sentiment inside the moon. You can also use a White Posca pen for the snow, it actually gives a 'whiter' snow.
I did two versions, one with and one without the white mat, it looks so much brighter with that white mat, it seems to pick up the white in the card.
The Card measurements are as follows:

Base Card 4 1/8 X 5 1/2 Inch Night of Navy
White Mat 3 7/8  X  5 1/4 Inch Whisper white
Top layer   3 6/8  X  5 1/8  Inch

You can actually make this card any size that you choose.

If you didn't find the instructions easy to follow the Tutorial is linked above.

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two very lovely cards-I think the one with the white layer makes the colours stand out more.

    Hubby managed to cut the grass yesterday, I seemed to spend all day doing homework. We have a very breezy day here & done heavy showers of rain. The heating engineer is due at 9:30 so I’ve got masks., antiseptic swipes & spray ready. So I’ll definitely be cleaning once he’s left. My only other plan for the day is to pop into the village as I need to go to the Post Office. Might be a day in my craft room which will be a real treat.


    1. Have a nice day off and some happy crafting time Michele, always love seeing your cards x

  2. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Had a look at the tutorial Sandra, thank you for you have made a lovely card and it was fun watching how you made it. Only one problem, I got stuck watching the ones after you too so have actually been here since before 6am this morning 😟 Like our Lynda the fibro is really bad at the moment so I'm sending you and anyone else in pain some gentle hugs.
    Lilian, how are you today ? Hope you not too sore. You be careful around the home x
    After a very wet night and windy the day looking nice at the moment so we taking the car and driving out to an area/village which is lovely to walk around, it's fine were we live but just to see something different.
    For our working ladies I hope your day be ok and not too stressful.
    Cheryl, I hope you feeling better for each day and special hugs for you and also for our Margaret, Brenda and Lilian.
    Take care everyone and many hugs for you all xxx

  3. Morning ladies,

    I will certainly have a go with the challenge this week.

    I am at the moment, according to the telephone doctor's appointment, suffering from a reaction to the steroids and antihistamine tablets I took for the allergic reaction to the new heart tablet, now replaced with clopidogrel, which is leaving me feeling constantly dizzy. It's like being drunk but having no alcohol. I have to ring again this morning for another phone appointment to report it has not gone away. All I need is to see the doctor and or a cardiologist for my 1st week follow up. Apparently my surgery is claiming they have not received the discharge notes from Walsall Manor, yet they have the one from Wolverhampton regarding the angiogram/plasty.

    I hope you are all feeling tickety boo? If not I hope you soon will be recovering well.

    love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Two lovely cards Sandra.
    Pleased to hear you had a relaxing weekend, hope everyone else did too.
    Lilian, sorry to hear about your mishap with the kitchen cupboard. Hope your head isn’t too sore today xx
    Cheryl, hope you manage to get a telephone appointment this morning and are able to sort out the dizziness xx
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Two lovely cards SANDRA and yes the white mat really makes it all pop
    Good to see you in CHERYL and hope the appointment goes OK
    The front garden is coming along and make fit be finished today It’s only a tiny spot but hopefully will be a lot tidier and no lawn to mow!
    Feeling a bit washed out today and am waiting for a call from diabetes nurse to see if I need to do more re the ketones I keep having
    I hope you’re in less pain today LYNDA and MARIA
    Hopefully your brother LILIAN and your sister BRENDA had a comfortable night and are nearing going home
    Take care all xx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely easy card to make. I have a tree stamp like this Sandra. But as I’d passed most of my inks on to you I don’t think I have the dark blue any more. I have a card just finished that should do for the challenge this week.
    I’m glad you had a relaxing weekend though. It’s all you can do really when it’s rainging. I did go for a quick walk yesterday morning. However, I tried to do a couple of small walks in the afternoon but each time I stepped out the door it poured with rain.
    I hope your sister is improving and you brother also Lilian, and that your headache has gone.
    Take care & stay safe everyone and hugs to all those in pain today.

  7. Hello all, heavy rain showers today

    Sandra, love both of our cards, the white mat seems to show the colour up better.

    Not much going on here, my brother is still in hospital, not sure when he will be home.

    Hope you all have a good day, what’s left of it .Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    It's been a lovely day weather wise but rain over the weekend.
    Sorry Cheryl you're heart playing up. Hope it setalsr down & you feel better. Sending HUG'S for MARGARET MARIA AND BRENDA hope you're sister wil be better SOON. LILIAN SAME YOUR BROTHER WILL BE Better SOON.
    Hope you all have a good evening.
    Lovely card Sandra i like the one with white. Love Hug's Lynda xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely cards Sandra, I agree the white really makes the scene stand out. Most times the mount makes such a difference.

    Karen I hope the diabetes nurse called, you must be feeling really exhausted, sending gentle hugs.

    Cheryl it must be really frustrating knowing your doctor has not received your notes from Wolverhampton hospital. Someone needs to get them sent ASAP
    I hope you are able to get the correct meds soon.

    Lilian hope your brother is improving and will be out of hospital soon. It’s such a worry when we are not able to visit our family in hospital.
    My sister is still in hospital, the good news is she has been taken off the heart monitor, so must be on the road to recovery 🤞🙏

    Take care everyone and stay safe, Love Brenda xxx
