
Tuesday 27 October 2020


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all doing OK and I am sending Special, Gentle Hugs to those that are having a struggle today, we all have those days after all.

The day just seem to disappear after Paul went to work at 1pm, first one sister called and then the other, by that time it was getting on for 4pm, so I went in to my Craft room to start on a project for a certain friend, well did I get messy, Paul wanted to know how I got paint in the back of my hair and on my face, I always find that when I attempt a 'Messy Background' it ends up being to messy or not messy enough, I think thats mainly because I don't usually 'do' messy anything!  I finally left the 22nd Version (Probably the 6th) for the night, to dry and for the glue to adhere the elements solidly in place (fingers crosses that the cats don't go in there and have a play, well that would make a different kind of texture to the background...paw prints and cat hair!! 🙀 🐾, If it all sticks well I hope to finish it and get it in the post today, wish me luck! 

Today's stunning project is one of Pat's latest Groovi cards, I did see this being started earlier in the summer and I can't find the words to describe how beautiful that scalloped edging is, bare in mind that Pat has picot cut the edge of both layers, if you zoom in you can see all of the incredible detail that Pat has embossed into the edges too.                                                                                                                Then we move onto that stunning centre piece,  e beautiful Bird house that has the most exquisite cut work detail on the roof, then you move down to those tiny flowers and leaves that have been embossed and then coloured.  Your hands must have been aching after you finished that piece Pat, so much piercing and snipping!  Its worth it though, the card is an absolute work of art, I love it. XXX

We have a few errands to run today, some paperwork today for Paul's operation etc, so I'm sure the day will fly by, I don't mind though as Paul's on late shift this week and that makes the day really long.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                      xxxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    OH PAT what a gorgeous piece of art and in one of my favourite colours too.It would look fantastic framed.

    Well the day is starting dry not like yesterday when we had constant heavy rain.So fingers crossed that it stays dry not that I'm going anywhere other than into crafting.I have been asked by the lady who I have made some Seasonal cards for if I could make some for her Granddaughter so I need to know how many etc etc.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all.
    HUGE HUGS are on their way to you all.Have a good day.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. I’m glad you liked my card Janet. I expect someone someday will receive it for their birthday.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what an absolutely stunning card. The detail on it is fantastic.

    Sandra-glad your day went quickly. I’d be intrigued if you had paint on the back of your hair + face!

    I managed to walk into the village in between heavy rain showers which continued all day. The heating engineer phoned in sick so the lady in the office has rearranged the appointment for Friday morning. We know her do I think that’s helped to get another appointment this week. We have a couple of errands to do today-we need to look st replacement windows (one for the landing) as we’re waiting fir the plasterer to give us a date to start work on the Hall, stairs & landing. Then we want a completely new staircase but finding a joiner to do the job is proving difficult.


    1. I’m glad you liked the card Michele. I’m glad you managed to get your service re booked for this week.

  3. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card by Pat, love all the intricate detail.
    Sounds like you had a good crafting session yesterday, hope the cats didn’t get in and add to the design, although it would make for an interesting card 😌 Hope you manage to get it finished.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Oh my! such a stunner your card is Pat. So delicate and beautiful.

    Finally got a diagnosis for the dizziness....Vertigo. Have to ring the chemist next door to my surgery for time to pick up the prescriptions. Hopefully they will stop the symptoms and bring some balance back into my life. My Libran scales are definitely out of sync lol

    Hoping to get back into my craft room this afternoon, I just need to tidy up the dining room first, it looks like the Borrowers have brought everything back all at once! Serious sorting out needed.

    Enjoy your day and I hope it will be kind to you.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Glad you liked my card Cheryl.
      I’m glad to hear your feeling well enough to do some crafting. My SIL in Australia suffers pretty badly with vertigo. She’s just started driving again after having a very bad dose of it a few weeks ago.

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I’m glad you all like my card today. It did take a lot of work and took me quite awhile to complete.
    I hope your appointment for Paul at the hospital goes ok today Sandra.
    Sounds like you did have a very messy play yesterday Sandra. Hope the cats didn’t get to it.
    We had quite a nice day yesterday, but it’s raining this morning. Tomorrow first thing I have a shingles appointment booked. So I hope I’m ok after that. I’m not to sure what’s on the cards today as I was going to go to Sandra’s, so I’ll probably try to finished the two projects I’ve been working on.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  6. Your card is stunning PAT A real masterpiece The patience you need as well
    I’m sure the friend will really appreciate the card and I dunno maybe paw prints and cat hair will add a lovely texture I am intrigued how you managed to get paint on the back of your head!
    I haven’t done any card making since last Thursday So really must try and do some today I had a count of how many Christmas cards I have made this year and I have 18 So I do need to make a few more
    Take care all xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A beautiful card from Pat. All that snipping must have taken you ages. No way can my fingers do that.
    Sandra, I hope you and Paul get his hospital paperwork all done and dusted. Does he have the date for his premed yet? I wish I could have seen you yesterday after you managed to get paint on the back of your head 🤣 Looking forward to seeing what it was that you were making, with or without Milo and Bellas help lol xx
    I spent a large part of yesterday trying to sort out without much success why Google is playing up again!!!! I hope I can comment here even if not using my name.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum, Brenda, Lilian and all in need xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Stunning card Pat, it is amazing how you can male it look with a few nip and tucks, I love it !
    Interesting thought to have paw prints and cat hair on a card, I have not tried that yet Lol
    Not nice outside so hope to finish a card today that need sending by tomorrow,wish I was more organised and not always so late.
    Have a nice day as poss everyone. Take care, hugs xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love your card for Sandra it's beautiful. We have had rain all day
    It's dark and horrible.
    Terry has gone to the opticians then he was going to Tesco's shop.
    Hope he isn't much longer i nead a wee.
    Love all Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    PAT your card is absolutely stunning, you have got the patience of a saint, all that intricate snipping is amazing, Thank you for sharing. xxx

    Not much happening here today, The weather has been really miserable so can’t even get into the garden, yesterday John started a new jigsaw (well it is one he had last Christmas) I thought of you ladies because it’s all food and household items from years gone by. Today we have both been working on it, but progress has been slow, just stopping for lunch and for me to call my sister. It could be on the dining table for a few more days. My sister is still in hospital she was in good form, the doctor was pleased with her so is hoping they will send her home soon.

    CHERYL thank goodness you have been able to get a prescription for the dizziness. Hope the medication helps and you are soon back doing all the many things you do.

    Take care everyone and stay safe.
    Love Brenda XXX

  11. Hello, bit late again. Gone cold again here. Heard from the painter he will be here next week.

    Pat your card is stunning, such a lot of work. Love the colour.

    Potted up some more bulbs in pots today, didn’t stay out too long as it was chilly.
    Expecting another storm tomorrow, very high seas, hope there is no flooding.

    I’ll be in tomorrow to see what everyone has been doing, hugs Lilian
