
Sunday 11 October 2020

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying the weekend,  we had a lovely bright sunny day but it there was quite a chill in the air. Paul put some washing on the line to dry in the sun but it was obviously to cold as it didn’t dry at all.

You have made some lovely cards for this weeks Shape Challenge that Karen kindly set for us.
So without further a do, let's look at your designs.....


Three fantastic designs from Karen, the first card is an upgrade on the original card that Karen shared to inspire us when we launched the challenge, Karen has added that lovely Vase and flowers to her lovely background, they give a real focal point to the card, it works perfectly Karen.
Karen's second card was made from a piece that she coloured in a colouring book. 
The third card is a design I really love, using four different embossing folders and matting them onto gold mirri card, then adding the 'Noel' in the same Mirri card.  It looks very modern, I love it !!

Karen's Description:

Card 1:  I’ve added to the original card I sent you as it did look a little stark (especially in the photo!) I have added a Tracey Evans stamp and added the vase which is triple embossed and the flowers which have a little bit of glossy accents in the centre all stamped/cut from the leftover Barbara Gray paper

Card 2:  I made this one this afternoon 
I used a page from a colouring book I added a small black frame to create a spotlight and coloured it in with some very old pencils and added some Tim Holtz stickers

Card 3: Here’s another cc 4 squares using different embossing folders and one of the layers of Sue W NOEL die Matted onto gold mirri card I might do more like this and perhaps only one if the embossing folders

Thank you so much Karen for choosing this weeks Challenge and for designing 3 fantastic cards XXX


Wow Wow Wow Pat, 3 absolutely stunning Groovi Design cards that you have created for this weeks challenge.  Each one of those stunning designs is an absolute work of art.

Your first card features both intricate embossing and stunning cutwork, a gorgeous Christmas card.

The second card is just WOW, I love the arch/tag shape and that elegant hand snipped border is STUNNING !  I absolutely love that chair design too.

The third card features beautifully coloured birds, pretty pink Blossoms and once again so stunning cut work.  You must be so proud of your designs they are amazing! 

Are they Maria's designs or SHAC projects?

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge Pat, your cards are 'to die for'!! XXX


Two amazing cards from Michele for this weeks 'Shape' Challenge, I love both of your designs Michele, the first one is amazing with the Washi Tape and the stars, so trendy!  Your second card is a great design too, creating a Snowflake from squares of snowflake paper!  Brilliant !!

Michele's Description:

Two challenge cards from me. First one is just 5 rows of washi tape & 5 stars cut out of metallic textured silver card, mounted on white textured card. Second card is a square of linen textured card mounted on a grey background. 8 grey squares with 8 slightly smaller red patterned snowflake paper, arranged as shown. Ribbon & bling to finish the card.

Thanks so much Michele for designing two amazing challenge cards XXX


Two fabulous cards from Our Maria for this weeks 'Shape' challenge, wow Maria I love both of your cards, they are perfect for those 'pesky men' too. Your colour themes work so well with your designs too! 

Maria's Description:

''One card is made with rectangles, the dies are from Christina's card making magic.

Had some card in my bit box that look like diamond shapes so mad e a kite

out of them.

Hope the cards are alright''

Thank you so much Maria, I am so grateful that your camera managed to appear in time for you to share your cards today XXX


Sonia has made a fantastic Birthday card for this week's shape challenge, choosing Circles as the shape choice.  I love both the paper and your design Sonia.

Sonia's Description:

''The patterned paper was double sided, so used one side as the base, and then die cut various size circles from the other side. The flower die is from my stash and the sentiment from LOTV.''

Thank you so much for sharing your card for this weeks challenge, I am sure that this past week has been an absolute whirlwind with little Barney to constantly chase after, he is absolutely gorgeous XXX


Ladies thank you so much for supporting the challenges each week, I really appreciate your efforts every week. 

I hope that you all enjoy the rest of your weekend, 

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today-I love them all.

    We have a pleasant start to the day -sunshine & a light breeze so we might be able to go for a walk.


  2. Morning Everyone
    It's always a joy to open up on a Sunday morning and today is no different.A beautiful selection of CCs and all so so different.

    We have a dull start here and it's quite chilly too.We had a lovely coffee with Jim's Niece and her two. They have really grown so much since March.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours so pop in. Today's lunch menu is Roast Pork with jam roly poly for afters.Place your orders.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Thank you ladies I hope you enjoyed the challenge Your cards are amazing
    We had a fantastic time with the grandchildren yesterday They make my heart burst with pride and so much joy
    I would love some roast pork JANET and I’ve probably mentioned this before but I did have a chuckle when you said “afters” We always called it afters It was never pudding or dessert!
    It’s a lovely bright day here but very cold I should get out there and go for a walk BUT the nail has eventually come away from the toe I injured earlier in the year and is a little sore So not sure if it’ll take pounding the streets at the moment
    Take care all and thank you again for taking part in the challenge I really appreciate it xx

    1. We always called it after as well Karen. I to have a funny toe nail. The chiropodist though it might be a fungal infection. So she recommended putting some chip shop vinegar on some cotton wool and outing it on my nail for 15 mins until she saw me again in 5 weeks. Well I lost a bit on nail length wise a few weeks in. Then my old nail started to come away. So she’s cut that out but I do have a new nail growing. So that’s a bit sore as well.
      I’m glad you had a lovely time with the boys.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Wow love the cards that are on display today. The 1st & last one is a design that Maria created, but the inside work is my own. The middle shape was on Groovi Worldwide, but the inside is my own design. I need to put some papers behind that one.
    Wow did I get wet yesterday. Karen messaged me to say Sophie had arrived so to come up. Well I put my waterproof coat on went out the door and the heavens opened. By the time I got to the top of the road my trousers f socks were wet through. After having a cup of tea Livvy whose taken a few days off from work asked her Mum to go out in the car with her. Karen wouldn’t so I said I’d go with her. Karen hasn’t driven since passing her test which was years ago. Anyway Livvy was fine driving. She’s been driving virtually everyday since she started to work at Blenheim. Of course she’s not been able to take her test since March but she was ready then for her test.
    Sandra I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend with Paul’s parents. I’m assuming there going home sometime today.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards today 😊 Love them all.
    This weeks gone so fast, and I’m back to work tomorrow, although I’m then off Tuesday and Wednesday as working next weekend. Marks going to have the mornings off and then go to work when I get home. Barney has settled really well, and although still early days, we are getting into a routine with him.
    The sun is out and looks set to be dry for most of the day here.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  6. Morning everyone.
    Love to see all the cards this morning and as always they all look great. Thank you Karen and glad you had a nice time with the little ones x
    I'll see you later Janet for the lunch, it sound very yummy. Today's job tho is tidying up and digging up some plants in the pots, might look in to get some winter pansies instead.
    OH just cut the grass but told me it is way to wet to do any digging so perhaps we go for a walk this afternoon.
    Have a lovely day everyone and many hugs for all xx

  7. Hello All, dry but cold here.

    Lovely cards again today, will try and get one done this week.

    Daughter has gone back this morning( London) , she is driving as they don’t fancy sitting on the train for five hours wearing a mask. So lovely to see them if only for a short time.

    R is cutting the grass, it’s still growing so fast, I’m being very lazy just sitting watching the tennis.

    Things should be back to normal soon, need to get some new flooring, not sure where to go. Hope you have all had a lovely weekend, Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Ladies I love your challenge cards, they are all so inspiring, I was saying to myself as I scrolled through them this morning, I wouldn’t have thought of doing that or that. It’s one of the reasons this blog is so special, not to forget all the brilliant inspiration Sandra gives us.

    Sorry I haven’t been in for a couple of days, Friday I was having dizzy spells on and off all day, I put it down to my AF playing up more than usual and overdoing the previous day. Anyway it seems to have calmed down, well best as I can expect, So I mustn’t complain.

    Daughter and Ciara came over this afternoon, Ciara is finding it different at home now sister and brother are away at university.. she has spread herself around ,doing her homework in brothers room as he has a big desk and a nicer view from his window. Mind you during lockdown she used the spare room as her classroom. Just hope siblings don’t suddenly cone home.!!!

    Goodnight ladies, sleep well. Love Brenda xxx
