
Monday 12 October 2020

Challenge Cards


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and rested after the weekend, I am going to have a bit of an easy day today (hopefully).  It's been lovely having Paul's parents here this weekend, it's gone so fast, we had a lovely lunch out at Becca's restaurant yesterday, we all had a delicious Roast dinner, cooked by Becca's partner Adam. Paul's parents thoroughly enjoyed it, we really didn't want anything much else to eat for the rest of the day. 

Today I am sharing a pair of cards that work perfectly for this weeks challenge.
The first boxed card is a Christmas design, made with Christmas themed paper and Mirri card, I embellished it with some pretty poinsettias, in deep red and gold and die cut some holly branches to create the foliage.

The second card was one I made for Adam's Mum for a Special Birthday, I used a combination of Purple and an aqua colour that were both colours in the decorative paper that I used, I created a shaker Element for add interest and then used some matching coloured Foamiran to create some matching flowers to finish the look.

It looks as though both projects are made from different products but they are both made with the Card Making Magic Octagon set.

Ladies I hope that you have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two gorgeous projects and perfect fit this weeks challenge.
    You’ll be ready for a restful day today. It’s lovely having family to stay but I always found it exhausting.

    I’ll be checking the News later to see what’s been announced by the Government. It’s looking like Merseyside will be under the strictest rules.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Two beautiful cards SANDRA.I love that shape.

    Well I know we're just at the beginning of Autumn but I already don't like the dark mornings and it will be worse in a couple of weeks whenwe turn the clocks back.

    I want to start my CC today which will get me 'back to normal'.lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa etc etc.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends in needs.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Two beautiful cards for this week’s challenge
    It sounds like you all had a lovely meal out at Becca’s It is exhausting having family stay I know
    Oh MICHELE It is very worrying As soon as I heard Liverpool I thought of you Take care
    I have a day off today as we’re changing internet provider I hope it goes smoothly and everything links up especially my work’s laptop
    I finished two of the crochet projects lying on my sofa and well on the way to finishing the third one
    I don’t have anything planned I have got the items out for making a cc So hopefully I can get on with that
    Take care all Big hugs for LYNDA MARGARET and MARIA xx

      Hope you had a good day with grand children love Lynda xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Two lovely projects Sandra.
    I’m glad you had a lovely weekend with Paul’s parents. Sounds like you had a lovely time at Becca’s for lunch as well. A bit of a dull day here today but we’re supposed to have rain at some point today. I’m trying to re waterproof my Peter Storm coat. It took a real bashing on Friday and the water didn’t pile and run off like it usually does. Hopefully it’ll work and save me buying a new one.
    Take care & stay safe. Especially those up North who it seems are going to have further measures. I was astonished when they showed Liverpool full of people after the pubs shut congregating on the streets. The police on horses didn’t seem to be very effective either.

  5. Hi everyone
    Two beautiful cards today, love the shape.
    Glad you had a nice weekend and lovely meal yesterday at Becca’s. Hope you’re having a relaxing day today 😊
    Just missed the government announcement, so will listen in to the news later to see what’s happening now.
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Sending hugs xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Just been looking at the lovely
    Challenge cards again they are all lovely
    I've just had the nurse round again
    I rang yesterday as I have got a really bad sore area under my left boob it's red raw she gave some cream it did calm it down
    She said she would get the doctor to give me some barrier cream. I'm not sure what else I've got Comming at me.

    Darren rang on wats app video chat yesterday love seeing Harry he was showing us his new dance he definitely got rhythm. Then he showed me he has some dumbells Sam said he wants a six pack 🏋️‍♂️😂🤣🤣🤣
    Said he gets up early every morning
    To do his exercise routine he is so
    Funny Lovely seeing them all.

    Sandra hope your weekend was OK with Paul's mum and dad's. How are you i love your two cards love the colour palette and flowers are pretty
    Love and Hug's Lynda xxxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Two beautiful cards today, bet the recipients loved them. Thank you So much for your inspiration. My grey matter just doesn’t seem to be working at the moment so any ideas are all gratefully received.

    Pleased you got to go to Becca’s for your meal yesterday, it must have been a great treat for both you and Paul, no cooking and you got to see your lovely daughter and partner. Double bonus xx

    Not much going on here today, the weather doesn’t help the mood either, it’s that drizzling rain outside - Yuck. I forgot to listen to the new restrictions Pat, will have to catch up later. It’s bound to be doom and gloom. Have just checked the BBC news channel, didn’t digest it all but basically We will now have different levels of restrictions, depending where we live. I do wish people would grasp the fact that they are not exempt from these restrictions.

    Have a good evening everyone, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. We had some drizzle this morning, but now it’s full on rain Brenda.I haven’t heard what the restrictions are as yet either. I’m not to sure why people don’t understand the social distancing rule at all.

  8. Hello All, wet and miserable here, but not quite so cold.

    Sandra two beautiful cards, I also love that shape, might try something similar. My table is at last clear.
    Every thing from kitchen and utility put away now, did the last today, so hope to do some crafting tomorrow.

    Sandra hope you have managed to get some rest today, and the weekend went well. Really quiet here today, after having daughter and her husband down for the weekend.
    That’s all from me, hugs Lilian

    1. I’m glad you enjoy your daughter & husband down for the weekend and that you’ve finished sorting your new cupboards out. I hope you don’t have to make to many changes,

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, just a mental block! Loved all of the challenge cards.
    Sandra both of your boxes are stunning. You would never guess you used the same die set. I’m glad you enjoyed lunch at Beccas pub yesterday. I hope you get to relax today my lovely xx
    A lazy day for us today, it’s chilly and Chris has a cold and I think he has shared it with me too!
    Hope you all stay warm and safe. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi ladies.
    Two lovely card/box, love the shape.
    Glad the weekend went well and the meal at Rebecca was plentiful so no more cooking.
    Brenda -hope you feeling better,do take care if you get a dizzy spell and rest. hugs
    Michele- not looking to good this with the covid in the North and down in Northampton looks bad too. Hope you be ok and stay safe.
    Karen- hope you had a good day extra off work today.Thanks for the hug.
    Lynda- hope the nurse was able to help you. Oh how lovely to see Harry and watch him dance and more. Is his locks still missing ? OH has got them now, might have to put it in a ponytail tomorrow 😀 We still haven't been to any hairdressers.
    Sue - wish you and Chris better.Hope mamma and Pop are ok
    I had a day in bed today but mostly because of the Fibro, dull day and rain. I like Autumn, walking on a cold crispy day through crunchy leafs and Winter at times but my body do not and knew I'm not alone so I wish you all a good night and a better tomorrow 👍 hugs xxx
