
Saturday 10 October 2020

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Friends,

A busy day here today as we prepare for the arrival of Paul's Parents, Lucy kindly took me food shopping yesterday, it was her first experience of doing a BIG food shop, those trolleys that fit onto your wheelchair aren't really big enough for a family shop!  We managed though, with a precariously stacked mountain we made our way very slowly back to Lucy's car....a Mini....Challenge no 2 ! We managed to fit it all in, including the wheelchair!! 

We had quite a lengthy power cut when we got back from shopping, it really made me think of how unprepared we are these days for them.  When we were younger I remember that we had a special cupboard in the Utility room where we kept things like candles, matches and torches, batteries etc. for emergencies like power cuts.  I always remember them being quite exciting, I think my Dad always made them fun to prevent us from being scared, he used to make funny shadows with his hands on the walls. We have had a few little power cuts of late so I think that I will look out all of my big candles, find the torches and have the batteries altogether, I also have a portable power bank for my phone, laptop etc. and keep them in a special cupboard in the utility room just like my Mum and Dad did.

Michele's Calendar

Hands up, how many of you had forgotten about the Calendar kit that our lovely Michele kindly sent out to us?!  I had forgotten about it, but in fairness I have kind of been busy, I know a lot of you have had a lot on too.  
To be honest I know that some of you weren't quite sure how the calendar worked so Michele has finished hers so that we have some lovely Inspiration......

January, February, March

April. May & June

July, August & September 

October, November & December 

Thank you so much Michele for inspiring us all to get started on our 2021 Desk Calendars, they would make great stocking filler gifts. XXX

What ever you are doing this weekend ladies be sure to wrap up warm, there is a definite chill in the air.

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    It's very wet and cold here this morning.

    MIChELE I love your calendar and what you have done with it..
    Mine is sat on my desk waiting for me to photograph it.
    I'll do my best this week to do so.

    Off this morning for our weekly M&S shop and then a quick cup of coffee with Jim's Niece who we haven't seen since the beginning of March!!! I will be nice to catch up and then a quick visit to the bank to pay a couple of large bills and back home to recover.

    The CAFE is OPEN; the biscuit and scone tins are full so help yourselves.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thx k you for sharing the pictures of my calendar. I’ve kept each month quite flat but you could make each card quite 3D and store the ones not in use out of the case. M
    We have very strong winds (45mph) plus rain her this morning. I’m going to the butchers & Co-op then I have a hair appointment . I’m sure we’ll be in total lockdown from Monday when the government makes its announcement. The cases are really increasing quite fast certainly in this region.


  3. I love the saying My house can certainly look like that most of the time For instance I have 3 crochet projects on my sofa let alone what’s lying about in my craft room
    Your calendar is gorgeous MICHELE and thank you for sharing your ideas It has certainly helped me
    Just getting ready to go and visit the grandchildren - happy times
    I hope you have a lovely time with Paul’s parents and remember what we’ve all said please
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your calendar Michele, and those pretty papers. Thanks for sharing. Mine is in the craft cupboard waiting to be done, fingers crossed it won’t be long until I get a chance.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend with your in laws, Sandra.
    Enjoy your visit with the grandchildren, Karen.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I to have craft projects waiting to be finished.
    Your calendar looks great Michele. Mine is sat on the side waiting for me to start. I might do some Groovi for it and perhaps some peppers. The calendar is only bite size to what I usually do so I just need to see what fits.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend with Paul’s parents.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  6. Morning ladies,well can't say it is a good one for being awake most of the night as Sandra know (we should have a midnight zoom hihi) so feeling a bit zombie like this morning.
    Like the saying Sandra, I'm with Karen there.
    Hope the weekend goes well and you can take some time out and let the others help.
    Karen enjoy seeing the boys and have plenty of cuddles.
    Michele, have a nice outing today. I have actually started to collect some papers I'd like to have on the calendar but not put them on yet. Yours look lovely, thanks for the inspiration.
    Janet- have fun meeting up with the niece for a good catch up.
    Be thinking of you Sonia, cuddles to Barney.

    Had lost my camera, put it away safely when clearing up one day and forgot where I put it of course so did found it in the end this morning so cc are on it's way.
    Looks grey and raining outside so neither of us wanted to go for our walk, waiting now for shopping to be delivered so we get some bagels to our breakfast.
    Have 2 more birthday cards to make and then it will be only x-mas ones made until end of November.
    Have a nice day everyone Hugs for you all and extras for anyone who need some xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Just had a nice chat with Harry and hes told me that another tooth has just fell out so the tooth fairy
    Is going to buy it I told him she came to our house so we will give it to him next time we see them
    Terry is just making lunch.
    A nice bacon sandwich
    Very dark and cloudy and started raining
    . SONIA How's your ball of fluff
    MICHELE love your calendars
    Pretty papers thanks for sharing
    . KAREN HAVE A LOVELY DAY WITH GRAND CHILDREN SANDRA HOPE weekend is going well so far xx
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Love the’s true in my case! I think we could have a catch up with old half finished challenge cards as I have loads!
    Sandra, I hope you are all having a lovely time with Paul’s Mum and Dad. But make sure you get some rest too my lovely xx
    Michele, it’s good to see some finished calendar pages as I wasn’t 100% sure of what to do so thanks fir inspiring me x
    I’m sat here with Chris jnr building Lego spaceships at the’s so hard being a grandparent 🥰🥰 I hope you are all not too cold. It is really chilly here today. Yesterday at Mum and Pops it was lovely at times. Mum is loving looking at all of your beautiful birthday cards and says thank you again for them.
    Sending you love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello All, a bit late , sorry.

    Michele love your calendar pages, hoping to start mine this week now my craft room is cleared.

    Sandra hope you are coping ok with the in-laws, try and get some rest, you don’t have to the “ super woman” we know you are.

    Daughter goes home tomorrow, it’s been so lovely to see them, can’t wait for things to get back to normal, so I can see the grandchildren.

    Sorry Sandra didn’t get chance to do c card this week, should be back to normal this week. Goodnight, I’ll wish you all a good nights sleep, hugs Lilian
