
Friday 11 September 2020

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

I can hardly believe its Friday,  this week has just disappeared.  I had another full day on the phone yesterday,  i mean literally every single hour of the day I was on the phone to someone!   But these things have to be done. 

Michele's Challenge 
I was clicking around Pinterest last night (between calls) to look for a TicTacToe Challenge for this week, I then noticed a message from Michele suggesting something we had talked about when we were discussing sending Christmas cards. 
So the Challenge for this week is to make Flat/One Layer cards.
So a simple topper or die cut sentiment that would be a standard first class stamp.  
This will be a great challenge for those Festive cards or any card that you have to post. 

Thanks so much Michele for helping out when my brain was overloaded. XXX 

As always I cant wait to see what you create. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,  we planned a while ago for my sister to come up to see us, so thats what's happening tomorrow. 

Love and hugs to all of you 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Thank you for using my cards got this challenge, I’m sure everyone will come up with some great ideas.
    I’m hoping you managed to get some sleep last night & today isn’t as stressful.

    Janet-I just want to say Thank you fit the beautiful card you sent, it arrived yesterday and I didn’t get chance to look at in until yesterday evening.

    Thank goodness it’s Friday!!


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a good idea for a Challenge. I really have to stop myself these days when doing cards for posting.

    Well that's another week grown wings and has flown by.So as it's Friday you all know what I'll be doing.

    The CAFE doors are OPEN. Have a good week-end whatever you have planned.HUGS are on their way to you all.

  3. Morning all.
    Great cc for next week, thanks Michele. Love the card with hedgehogs, very cute.
    Going for a visit out to Waitrose today, weird feeling going to a shop again but hope people there are more conscious about the rules.
    Take care everyone. Hugs Maria xx

  4. A lovely challenge MICHELE I am very aware of postage costs these days especially as I don’t go to shops I don’t like having to rely on OH to go to post office to get things weighed etc but I will walk to the post box and post a letter
    I hope you managed to get a little sleep SANDRA and LILIAN eventually
    We saw the grandchildren yesterday afternoon which was so uplifting They really make me smile with pure love and joy
    I need to get a few crafty bits finished today So I’ll be heading to my craft room soon
    Take care all xx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I’m glad you had a lot very time with the grandchildren Karen.

    3. Oh Karen I remember those days when the grandchildren were very young, time spent with them was magical. It’s still lovely spending time with them now even though they are all grown ups, the youngest is 13 and oldest is 24 yikes where has the time gone Xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a cute picture of the hedgehogs and then a great one for the men. In fact both are suitable for the men aren’t they. This challenge is a great one for Christmas cards so hope to come up with something.
    I hope that you have a less stressful day today Sandra and are able to get some craft time. I’m sure tomorrow will be up and down with both laughter and tears with your sister xx
    I’m still playing with what to use for my winter flowers card. I’ve got several ideas so need to decide what to do. I’m off to see Mum and Pop in a while as usual so a good day for me.
    Karen how lovely that you got to spend some time with the grandsons. They just fill you will love and delight don’t they X😍
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love the hedgehog Michele.
    Blogger is playing up again and I had to resign in. Also put my comment to Karen in rwice, then said I didn’t have access to delete one of them.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  7. Hi everyone
    Great idea for next weeks challenge, and I love the two cards. Thank you Michele.
    I really need to get a move on with this weeks card, started it earlier in the week then got distracted!
    I hope you’re managing to have a quieter day Sandra after your busy day yesterday.
    Hope everyone having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello all,

    Great idea for this weeks challenge Michele, two pretty cards, these days I always try and keep them flat, although I think it takes away some of the creativity.

    Sandra hope you’ve had a better day, today.

    I’m shattered, you just don’t realise how much stuff you have in your kitchen.

    Hope everyone is keeping well, Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Two lovely cards today both great for men and would go through the post without having to be weighed.
    I don’t know where the time has gone today, been busy but not very productive, have been in contact with my sister every day this week, it’s so worrying when you are not able to visit family in hospital, she still on oxygen and there are issues with her water retention, she is very blotted, so quite worrying. But there is nothing we can do. We hope tomorrow to make a video call to her, if it’s successful it will be great.
    Sleep well dear friends, love Brenda xxx
