
Thursday 10 September 2020

A White on White Christmas challenge card.


Good Morning  Ladies,

I hope that you are well, how can it be Thursday already?  Well this week is just going to be a blur, as you can imagine the last couple of days have been spent mostly on the phone, sorting things for Mum, they new Covid rules have made things even harder.  We have a lot to work through but we hope to get it all sorted as soon as possible.

I started making this card on Tuesday and I managed to sit and finish it between calls yesterday, I have always found crafting a great distraction, you can still think about things but have your mind busy at the same time and unlike some things you can pick up and put it down as you please.
I used Sue Wilson Hexagons to create the base of the card and the poinsettia's are Heartfelt Creations 'Sparkling Poinsettia' I wanted a hammered or textured card for the base but the nearest I had was watercolour card but I think it works ok.  The poinsettia I stamped onto parchment and die cut and layered, I did the same with the Sue Wilson Holly Branch, the Merry Christmas is from Ann Marie Designs. I finished the card by adding pearls to the centre of the flowers and added a few to the Holly, it doesn't really show in the photo but I added 'Wink of Stella' clear sparkle to the petals and sentiment. I kind of like the all white look, although it isn't 'traditional'.

Please stay safe my lovely friends, this dreadful pandemic seems to be gaining momentum once again, although hardly surprising with the behaviour of some people!  (soap box 🗃 away)!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a gorgeous card SANDRA and in one of my favourite shapes too.

    Stay strong my Dear Friend and take one day/one hour at a time.You're all in my thoughts and prayers.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-stunning card & yes, Crafting is the perfect distraction. It’s something that you can just leave then come back to whenever suits.

    I’m working from home this morning as I have a video appointment with the musculoskeletal team at 11am and there’s nowhere I could have any privacy at work!

    My friend is back in hospital-query sepsis! I feel so sorry for her as she’s had so many problems with what should have been fairly routine surgery.


    1. Hope your appointment goes ok Michele. Fingers crossed your friend doesn’t have sepsis.

  3. Hello All, blue skies again this morning.

    Sandra what a beautiful card, love the real wintery feel . It would would make a lovely birthday card( minus sentiment ) for those who have birthdays around Christmas.

    Glad you are managing to to some crafting as well as all the sorting you have to do.
    Take care of yourself and remember we are sending you lots of hugs , wish I lived nearer for you, although now we couldn’t meet anyway.

    We are still busy emptying the kitchen it’s a mammoth task, my craft room as now become a temporary kitchen.

    Have a good day all, take care as the virus is on the March again. Lilian

    1. That is a mammoth task Lilian. Good luck with using your craft room as a kitchen.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A beautiful card. I love the white on white and parchment for the flowers and foliage adds a lovely different texture. I’m so glad that you were able to craft yesterday between phone calls. As you say it is so helpful especially during such a sad time. I hope all of the arrangements are coming together and COVID restrictions don’t cause you too many problems. It looks like another lockdown is getting nearer and nearer doesn’t it. That is just what we all thought would happen due to so many people’s selfish and thoughtless behaviour!!! Gentle hugs are sent from Mum and I xx
    I introduced middle grand daughter to using water with Distress Oxides. Watching her face as the water spread it’s magic with the ink was wonderful 🥰 I forgot to take a photo of all of the pieces that she made but she was delighted with them and is already planning on what else she can do next time she comes over.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  5. Beautiful card SANDRA I am so pleased that you felt like doing some crafting It certainly is a much needed distraction It’s why a lot of us do craft
    I can remember when my sister died over 20 years ago I didn’t make cards After a couple of weeks I went back to Salsa which some people may have frowned on But for that hour of concentration on a class was a huge respite I suppose The problems etc didn’t go away but for a couple of hours a week I could forget about them
    I hope you don’t have too many problems with funeral arrangements etc
    It does look like lockdown will be back What I can’t understand is we’re only allowed to see 6 people but there’s nothing stopping us getting on a plane or public transport with lousy ventilation Where’s the logic
    The weather is lovely here So I will go for a walk soon and then into my craft room It needs tidying
    Take care all Sorry to read about your friend MICHELE I hope she’s OK
    Big hugs to everyone

    1. I’ve just finished a walk Karen. I also don’t understand the logic of the restrictions either. If all the family were at Karen’s ( which they aren’t ) I wouldn’t be able to see them as they are 6. Although I can see they as they pass by with the dogs. Oh how I wish people would be sensible as it’s spoiling it for everyone else.

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely Christmas card Sandra. I’m glad you had the distraction of finishing off your card. It’s funny how everything re a funeral is now done remotely because of Covid 19. My friends brother passed away a couple of weeks ago. Of course the hospital here informed his Dr etc. And the registrar informs councils & the pension people. I found that a godsend with Pete. Hardly anything to sort out which was lovely.
    Yes it looks like back to square one re Covid. Why oh why can’t people follow the rules. Hopefully neighbours etc will inform on people having parties etc so they can be broken up and fined. Mind you that’s probably too late by then. Soap box put back in the cupboard. Met my friend yesterday for coffee at Yarnton. I expressed my concern to them as they’d put a few more tables out for people to sit on. Although they do wipe everything down when people have finished.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.
    Google is playing up again although it’s through google chrome, which I’ve been using since the last time.

  7. Morning Sandra and all.
    A stunning card Sandra,love it all.
    Know I said not to worry about the blog or stress making cards but I am wrong about that because it is actually helping doing some crafting when in pain etc. I just didn't want you to have to feel the pressure at this time.Sending hugs to you all xx
    Yes, I can see us being in lockdown soon again because of people who haven't followed the rules. It makes me so cross, for because of my OH we have been so careful, just started to go out somewhere for a coffee or a small shop and now we will be shut at home again. It's going to be a nightmare over the winter season.
    Michele- everything crossed for your friend and hope all went well for you with the video consultation.
    A nice Autumn day so had a walk too, back home the postman had been and a parcel with a Simple Cards and Papercraft was in it with lots of stamps for Autumnal cards, had been perfect for last weeks cc but at least I have something now if we are doing it again one day.
    Many hugs are being sent for you all, take care xxx

  8. Hi everyone
    Love your gorgeous card Sandra and the white on white is beautiful. Glad you managed to craft for a little while, if only to take your mind off things. Hope you get things sorted, difficult at the best of times without having the worry of a pandemic. Sending love and hugs and thinking of you all xxx
    Very cold this morning, but sun is out now and turned into a lovely day. I love this time of year, seeing the trees starting to turn in colour.
    Stay safe everyone in these ongoing uncertain times. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I love white on white it’s beautiful, it always looks so elegant, bless you for taking the time to complete it. I agree crafting is a great distraction when your heart is heavy or you have a lot on your mind. I find colouring very calming, (probably because I need to try harder) seriously any hobby that needs your undivided attention is a great therapy.

    Went out to post a package earlier then a quick trip into Croydon, it our youngest daughter’s birthday next week and I wanted to get her a birthday present, came home feeling very disappointed, so many shops the stock seemed low it just felt depressing. Will more than likely end up buying online.

    Take care everyone and stay safe. Love Brenda xxx
