
Saturday 12 September 2020

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Afternoon, 

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend,  my Sister is coming over today and we have tickets to go to The Cotswold Wildlife park, then we are going on to Becca's pub in Burford,  she has a Beer Festival on this weekend, so we thought we would go and have something to eat with her so that she gets to spend time with Emily too. I am looking forward to seeing her although I have spoken to her more this week than ever before. 

I thought it would be fun to share our Village Scarecrow Trail with you, we had a walk around a couple of times,  they had a competition where you had to guess the name (from a list of names that had a few Red Herrings added too). 
So here we go.....

As you can see a very varied selection of creations, some not what I considered to be 'Scarecrows ', having said that it was the thought of having to produce a 'technically correct' was what put us off entering,  so next year I think we will definitely have a go! I wonder what the theme will be next year?! This year it was 'Key Workers'! 
There were collection boxes around the trail for donations,  the Charity that they were collecting for 
Is a Therapy through Gardening charity based locally, they raised around £800 which is amazing.  Such a fun idea, I was amazed at how many people visited.

Janet's Box

Janet has made another of her amazing boxes, this one is in the style of a Book.  
That Lion is so majestic Janet and I'm guessing that being made from Air Drying Clay means its really light too, perfect for smaller boxes.  This would be a great gift for a man. 

Janet's Description:
"I have added a photo of my latest box.This box is already made and is in the format of a book. The box and paints are from LaBlanche and the mould of the :Lion is from Zurie. I used air dry clay and painted it in a LaBlanche paint."

Thanks so much for sharing your inspirational project Janet XXX

Michele's Shopping 

Michele treated herself to a little bit of craft shopping this week, I will leave her Description below....

"First photo-ordered the two sets of Christmas Dies & got the stamps free. Decided I’d place a second order= the magazine as I’d seen lists of gorgeous cards made using the stamps, Die & Embossing Folder and got the stencil + stamp set free! It was an offer with CraftStash plus I got free postage."

Looking forward to seeing what you make Michele, thanks for sharing xxx

That's all for today ladies, I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the scarecrows are all fantastic. I hope you can participate next year. Hope you have great weekend with your sister.

    Janet-your decorated box is wonderful. How long does each project take you?

    I decided to treat myself to some new craft goodies in the hopes it kick starts my mojo!

    I’m going into Southport this morning for a few things then I’m planning on spending some time in my craft room. It’s breezy & quite cool with some ominous dark clouds so definitely a day for indoor jobs.


  2. Love the scarecrows You’re right some are a bit debatable in shape they look more like “guys” but what the heck It doesn’t matter I hope you take part next year Such a great way of getting involved in the community
    I hope Emily’s trip goes well It’ll be a bit emotional but hopefully some happy tears too
    Your box is beautiful JANET A lot of LaBlanche stuff would look out of place in my house BUT I do like their products and ordered some dies from them recently- the dancer ones
    Love the look of your shopping MICHELE
    I need to make a birthday card for my daughter but am struggling to know what to do as she’s not a frilly flowery person My Indigoblue mag arrived earlier this week so maybe there’ll be something in there to inspire me
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Enjoy your day with your sister Sandra.
    Lovely to see the scarecrow trail Sandra. Th eye have one in Hailey which I love to see. Yours was just a bit to far for me to come over and just have a wander,
    Lovely box Janet. It’s certainly a labour of love.
    It’s good to treat ourselves once in awhile isn’t it Michele.
    I’m not to sure what the weathers going to do today as it looks quite dull outside.
    Wow blogger has stayed at patswitney for today. Better press publish before it changes its mind.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Fabulous scarecrows around your village even if they don't look too scary. Hope you join in next year, love to see what you come up with.
    Tough day for you and your sister but hope you can sort things out together.
    Janet- your book is amazing,love the lion head. Thought of the secret garden when I saw it.
    Michele- hope the mojo be back for you with all these new things. I got the simple cards and papercraft myself and some good stamps to have but I didn't get any freebies so you did better :>)
    Just had a lovely walk in the sunshine so now time to jump in the shower before brunch and then I think it will be sitting in the garden and read for a bit today.
    Sending extra hugs for Brenda and wish you sister better and you manage to have a video call today.
    Also Lynda- I hope your pain is better and you getting on alright. Big hugs x
    Mamma Margaret- sending many hugs for you and Pop and you had a nice time with Sue the other day.
    Have a nice day everyone, hugs xxx

    1. Thank you for the hugs for Mamma Margaret. She sends you lots back too. We had a few giggles over daft things we said or did as usual yesterday. I washed her hair using a shampoo cap so Mum stayed nice and dry, so much nicer rather than needing a full change of clothes if I do it using a jug and bowl 😂
      Hope you got to relax with your book in the sunshine today xx

    2. A few clouds came over and it got nippy but yes it was lovely to have our walk and sitting outside after to collect the D vitamins. I was scared to have my hair washed when I was little so mum put a ring around my head too so no soap came in my eyes or I would have screamed the house down LoL xx

  5. Hello, sunny here today,

    Wow what a great lot of scarecrows, it’s amazing the amount of different ones with one theme.

    Janet your box is fabulous, I have a blank book box , but although I’ve had it ages never been sure what to do with it, you have given me some ideas.

    Michelle nice lot of shopping hope it works, and you get some great inspiration.

    It’s been very noisy here today, as they are dismantling my kitchen, and chipping all the tiles of the walls.

    Have a good day all, Lilian.

    PS. Sandra hope you have a good time with your sister.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I’ve just lost another comment due to finger trouble so third time lucky!
    Sandra, I love the scarecrows, so much time and effort has clearly gone into them. Raising money for charity too is great. No doubt you will have lots of tears both happy and sad as you spend time with Emily. Sending gentle hugs my lovely xx
    Michele, you’ve got some cute dies and lovely stamps. Hope you can enjoy using them when mojo returns x
    Lilian, I hope the noise and dust aren’t too bad for too long. Keep thinking of how lovely it will be when it’s finished! X
    I’m off to finish my challenge card then I have some other cards to make for both Mum and myself so that’s the rest of the day and evening sorted. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi everyone
    The scarecrow trail looks fantastic, and a great amount raised for charity.
    Hope you’re day is going well with your Sister xx
    Lovely box Janet.
    Great buys Michele, hope you manage to get your mojo back.
    Well, my mojo has gone awol again 🙄 Been very distracted this week and I tried this morning to carry on with what I’d started, but everything I tried, I didn’t like. I ended up packing everything away and done the housework!! So I’ll be going through my photos and seeing what I’ve made that will fit the challenge, sorry.
    Anyway hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Just a quick visit, we are visiting our daughter and family in Essex, other daughter and family here also. The boys are off to university next weekend also it’s younger daughters birthday mid week. So the last time we will be able to all get together. Especially with the new restrictions coming in next week.
    The scarecrow trail looks great Sandra, what a lovely way to raise money for a very worthy charity.
    JANET your box is beautiful
    MICHELE great shopping
    Sandra, Hope you have had a lovely day with Emma.

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx
