
Friday 7 August 2020

Your Next Challenge

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Well another week over, we are less than two weeks away from our holiday now so I am trying to think about getting extra cards ready for all of the days we are away, I feel that there will be lots of looking back at older cards.
I just cannot sit and make lots of cards in one day, I think I spend far too long procrastinating, decided what I am going to use, then I decide not to use it but don't put it away straight away so then have to spend about half an hour after each card tidying up.  I am in awe of those of you that can sit and make three or four cards in one afternoon!

Your Next Challenge

As a follow on from last week's 'Flowers through the Seasons' challenge I would like you all to make cards using  SUMMER flower themed cards.
You can use actual flowers on your card (well paper ones) 
You can use Flower stamps as the focal image OR Background 
You can use Floral patterned paper, I really don't mind how you interpret the challenge, I always love what ever you create.
Thank you so much for taking part each week xx

With all the uncertainty about our holiday we have done little preparation so I think that is what we will be doing this weekend.  We changed our booking to the South of France, fingers cross that it stays safe, we will be taking every precaution possible throughout the holiday.  As it's just Paul and I going I may even take some crafting bits with me, but we have a whole list of essentials to sort before I can even think about that.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two gorgeous summer floral cards. We can pretend it’s summer in our Crafting if not outside!
    Yesterday was a much better day at work despite having 2 Teams meetings , managed to leave on time for onc. I’m very glad it’s Friday though.

    Sandra-please let Paul know I’ll be thinking of him today (and you).


  2. Morning Everyone
    AH SUMMER-what is that? We had a dry day yesterday but it was very humid. It seems that I'm never satisfied with our weather
    We should be in Maigny completely relaxing and visiting some beautiful medieval fayres but we have fingers and everything that can be crossed we'll be there next Easter.

    Well another week and we're round to 'swearing' again.
    I have to send my CC off first so I'd better get a move on.

    The CAFE is OPEN for anyone who wants to pop in. The fridge/freezer are filled with cool drinks etc.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day;TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful cards today, fantastic inspiration for our next challenge.
    Thinking of you today, and hope all goes well xx
    Very hot here this morning, not a cloud in sight! I’ve bought the fan downstairs and left the curtains closed to try and keep it cool.
    Will be finishing my card today for this weeks challenge. Made a start on it yesterday, but my headache was so bad I ended up going back to bed. Fortunately it had gone when I got back up just before tea.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Summer, I haven't even managed to make Spring yet.
    Like Sonia I had a headache all day yesterday and felt so sluggish. Today is better but it's going to be a hot day so will see. OH and I had tests this morning if we have had the covid-19. It came back negative, not sure if I'm happy about it or not for now we have to still be careful if ever venturing out anywhere.
    Sandra- thinking of you both today and everything crossed for it all goes well.
    Brenda- hope John had a nice Birthday. Did you managed to have anyone coming around for coffee and cake ?
    Sonia- glad you feeling better. It wasn't very nice yesterday was it. My fibro is playing up so didn't have much sleep = a typical night. Sofa looks very inviting for a nap later.
    Try to stay cool and happy crafting everyone. Many hugs and big extra ones for our Margaret,Lynda and Sandra and for anyone who need some xxx

    1. You would anyway MARIA At the moment there’s no guarantee to immunity and if there was nobody knows for how long

  5. Hello, absolutely stifling here today, really makes feel unwell.

    Sandra, thinking of you and Paul today and hoping all goes well.

    Lovely inspiration for summer cards, must do spring first, never feel like crafting when it’s so hot.

    Hard to believe it’s Friday again, the weeks are wizzing buy, and yet I never seem to get any thing worthwhile done. Was hoping to plant my sweet William today, but feel it’s too hot for them, also need to plant my wall flower seeds.

    Have a good day all, stay cool, Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Very hot here today
    Good wishes for Paul and you Sandra
    Thinking of you both.

    Haven't got anything planned today think Terry got to finish front garden i have to get a card for Janie Sam's eldest daughter
    She is 24 Monday so must post today.
    Sending everyone Big Hug's
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Sandra I meant to say both your cards are gorgeous
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Two lovely cards to enjoy today. Thor papers I used on the first one are so pretty and the second one is something a little bit different but just as pretty.
    Thinking of you all today my lovely xxxx
    It is so hot and humid here today, too hot for me. I struggle with paper crafting when it’s so hot as I find I leave fingers prints on the card and papers. Do anyone have an answer?
    It’s lovely to see you in Lynda x
    Mum, love you and see you tomorrow xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Sue for your kind wishes
      Hope Mum is doing well ♥️🥰Xx

    2. Try talc on your hands I do that when I’m knitting AND I have swiped hands and wrists with surgical spirit in the past

    3. Thanks Karen. I will try both of those tips x
      Mum has had gout in her foot again but it is feeling much better today , thanks Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Beautiful cards to illustrate next weeks challenge Sandra. Panic panic I haven’t started this weeks yet although I did lift out some dyes and stamps that I could work around, watch this space !!!

    I did complete a comment about 1 o’clock as, but have to confess before I pressed publish, I nodded off! Needless to say when my eyes opened up again my comments had gone into cyberspace.

    You have both been on my mind today, hoping and praying the operation went well and Paul is back on the ward again. Will they be sending him home today? These days they don’t like to keep anyone in hospital longer than necessary. Hope your nerves and your fingernails stood up to all that waiting. Sending love and prayers for you both. XXX
    Went for an INR test this morning, all is well. After that we went on to Morrisons where I stocked up from there meat counter.

    Hope all of you ladies and your families are well. Sending love and hugs for everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Sandra glad Paul is home and every thing went well
    Sending you both some Hug's
    Love Lynda xx
