
Thursday 6 August 2020

Thursday Throwback Spring Card

Good Morning Ladies,

How can it be Thursday already, it was a very quiet day in our house yesterday as everyone was out at work, I just don't enjoy the empty house, isn't it funny how different we all our, I know that some of you would love a totally quiet house with no distractions but I would much rather listen to the girl's music from upstairs or have them sat with me chatting.  

Today's card is one that I made last year, the lovely yellow flowers make me think of Spring, although I'm not sure what the flowers are or if they are actually 'Spring' flowers.  This is one of my most favourite colour combinations.
The Stamp Set that I used for this card is called Beauty Abounds, I just stamped the two fancy flourishes in Pear Pizazz ink and colour the tiny flowers yellow.   I die cut the oval/scalloped oval in matching colours and stamped the sentiment (from the same stamp set in matching Pear Pizazz ink.
I finished the card with a flurry of tiny yellow butterflies.
I hope you enjoyed seeing it again as much as I did.

I am looking forward to seeing Sue today as Paul and the girls are working again today, so I will really appreciate the company, we do have quite fun too! 

I have been trying to stick religiously to our healthy eating plan but my goodness I have felt hungry this week, I didn't feel like that at all last week, I thought that having the 'Overnight Oats' with loads of fruit in the morning would really keep me full till lunch time but I had to really resist snacking yesterday, I usually resort to eating a banana at times when I am really hungry, just to tide me over until the next meal, but I would never eat more than 1 in a day as they are quite calorific I think.  
I might make a big fruit smoothie today as I find those quite filling and I make sure that they have lots of healthy thinks in like spinach or kale, greek yoghurt, lots of frozen berries, and a banana to help thicken it, I add seeds in to, chia, pumpkin, hemp and sunflower.  I will have it fresh mid morning and then freeze it and eat some as snacks in between other meals. 
Sophie and Lewis made a Banana Loaf yesterday and it is taking every ounce of my will power not to go and take a slice! 

I hope that you all have a lovely day ladies,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra- what a lovely card & perfect for the Spring section of the challenge.

    I love the house when it’s quiet as it’s a complete contrast from work which is busy + noisy all the time.
    I’m not so keen on the nights when hubby’s away though.

    I’m hoping for a better day today. Got a Teams meeting 1-2pm but other than that I really need to catch up with emails & paperwork.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDDRA.Such pretty colours.

    Well yesterday was a complete washout.We had rain for most of the day and it was quite chilly too. It's still very dull and grey but at least for the moment it's DRY!!

    I have to get my CC photographed today and my hairdresser is coming this morning so I'll be wrapped up in a very large bin liner etc etc.I have to say that it's worth it.
    My glasses were delivered at18.30 last evening by courier so I can now see better lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card today, love the colours too.
    I love having the house to myself - not that it happens very often! Mind you, I always find there’s something to be done before I can fully appreciate the time to myself.
    Had a bad night last night and after eventually getting to sleep at about 3.30 have woken with a headache. Just glad I’m off work today. Was planning on crafting, but we shall see.
    Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hope your headache is better and you can have a nice day at home, take care x

    2. Hi Sandra and ladies
      Love your cards spring is in the
      hope all goes well for Paul this morning morning BIG HUG'S FOR YOU BOTH
      I AM Going for my strip wash get back later
      Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

    3. Thanks Maria. Hope you’re headache didn’t last too long and you had a good day xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful card and in perfect spring colours. It's lovely.

    Michele- take care and remember,the weekend is soon here.
    Janet- good service to get the glasses delivered. I hope they last some years. Expensive but a must have. Hope you got better weather soon.
    Not sure about you ladies but didn't sleep at all last night. It was raining on and off so windows had to be kept shut and it got so humid and sticky so went downstairs at sat watching tv with the fan on. Also this morning during our walk it was still muggy and it have given me a headache.
    Liked to make a cc but so far with what I tried to do have gone in the bin. Get a grip woman, I'm saying to myself but do I listen ?
    Have a good day everyone, huuuugs ! xxx

  5. A lovely spring like card
    I’m a bit like MICHELE in that I do like my own company but do like having OH around I feel more relaxed and safer/protected I suppose (especially at nights)
    It’s dry but overcast here I started a couple of cc’s yesterday and will try and finish them today Tried something new to me Wonder if it’ll work
    Take care all Thinking of you xx

  6. Hello, misty here, but very warm, hope it cools down tonight.

    Sandra very pretty card, love that stamp, so delicate.

    Too humid to do much today, I might go and sort something out for the morning.

    I too love my own space, with R being away working a lot of the time , and family left home, got used to being on my own. He is home all the time at the moments as all of his meetings are cancelled.

    See you all tomorrow, hugs to all, especially Sandra and family. Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies

    Beautiful card ! Love the colours you have used.

    It been a busy day today, it’s John’s birthday (also SIL Peters) quite a few phone calls wishing him a happy birthday, then Debbie and family came over this afternoon, they haven’t long gone home. It’s been a lovely days.

    Think we will both sleep well tonight, take care ladies and stay safe.
    Love and hugs Brenda xxx
