
Saturday 8 August 2020

Mixed Up Saturday, featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all enjoying the weekend, although this heat is a little draining 😴!  I didn’t see much of the outside yesterday as we were at the hospital, when we left in the afternoon it was overcast and began to rain. 
I heard on the news that we are having a phenomenon called 'Tropical Nights' were the temperature doesn't get below 20°, sounds horrendous doesn't it.

The photo above is a portrait that Our Sophie drew, its a portrait of Brenda's Tortoise 'Speedy'. Brenda asked Sophie do it so that she had a unique gift for John for his birthday.  It was a challenge but Sophie embraced it, she was anxious waiting to find out what both Brenda and John thought, thankfully they both loved it. 
Thank you so much Brenda for asking Soph to do it xxx

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies, 

Diecutting Essentials (issue 67) has a summer themed free gift this month.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

Some ideas using the free gift.

First article showing lots of ideas using the free gift.

Another article with ideas using the free gift.

Great feature explaining Foiled Diecutting.

Selective Embossing-this technique looks great and makes you think about using your embossing folders in different ways.

Non card ideas using the free gift in this article.

Diecut masking-shows you how you can use your Dies to cut a shape then ink through this, using the aperture like a stencil.

Floating panel cards look complicated but this article explains how to create them & it’s not difficult.

That’s all for this week so
Happy Crafting

Love Michele

Thanks so much Michele for another fantastic Magazine Review, you have highlighted some great features. One of the best things about this magazine is that there is so much inspiration featuring the free gifts.
Thanks again my lovely XXX 

That's all for today, I hope you all have a lovely relaxed weekend. 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love the picture Sophie has drawn of the tortoise, it’s so realistic. Very talented.
    Brenda-what a fantastic idea fir a personalised gift.

    Up early to go to Morrison’s to do the food shopping then I have a hairdresser appointment at 10am. Hubby wants to use The bbq tonight do I need to call at the butchers too. Fingers crossed the weather stays ok.
    Sandra-I’m not too thrilled at the idea of Tropical nights. Having enough problems with my menopause symptoms!!

    Hope you both managed to get some sleep last night.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SOPHIE I love your art work.You never fail to thrill in that all you creat is always so detailed and true to life.

    Well I'm of for my weekly treat this morning and then straight back home.

    Thank you MICHELE for your review mag. I have those dies which were on a mag either last year or maybe the one before. Do they rotate free gifts I wonder.

    The CAFE is OPEN.HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. What a beautiful gift idea BRENDA and a superb drawing SOPHIE
    Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review I wonder JANET if they do rotate the gifts - Interesting! This craft magazine is one of my favourites
    Tropical nights? Didn’t the term used to be sultry nights but I suppose that’s too pc these days
    It’s one of my son’s friends 40th birthday today So I have made him s card He made the local news - which at the time was exciting when he turned 8 on 8.8.1988 Gosh how we remember these little things
    Off to sister in law’s this afternoon for a BBQ
    which will be lovely It saves me having to think about what we’re going to eat
    Take care all and don’t forget to drink plenty of water and stay in the shade xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Fantastic drawing made by Sophie of Speedy and a super Birthday present for John ,Brenda.
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review, always nice to have from you. Hope you be ok over the next few days with the heat even if it makes you feel pretty drained and a bit sick.
    Have a nice time at sister in laws BBQ Karen.
    Sending special hugs for you Sandra and wish Paul speedy recovery.
    Take it easy everyone and stay cool xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A stunning gift for John Brenda for his birthday.
    Lovely mag reviews as well Michele. I think I have that die as well Janet.
    I’m off to Amy’s later today for food & drink. As Livvy Is working until 9.00pm today Keith will pick me up so I can have a drink. He’ll then bring us all home and go and pick her up from Blenheim. I’m not to sure if she has her theory driving test today or tomorrow.
    Nice & sunny here today with a bit of a breeze.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I am so pleased Sandra is showing you the fantastic portrait Sophie did of tortoise for Johns birthday. Like a lot of men he is difficult to buy a present for and to find something as unique as this makes it extra extra special. Thank you Sophie, it really is brilliant, the detail is amazing, Each stroke is as light as a feather. Ladies I wish I could show it to you, I am totally in awe of her talent, she is an exceptional artist and I’m sure she will go far. Sophie I wish you well in everything you do. XX

    MICHELE Another great magazine review, this is my favourite magazine and one I subscribe to, I would recommend it to anyone.
    Hope you are now back home again after the checkup Sandra and Paul is resting as ordered.
    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Sorry Sophie I’ve just laughed at what I’ve written, I said each stroke as light as a feather - did you see any feathers on him? Ha ha XX

  7. Hi everyone
    Wow, such a fantastic drawing by Sophie, it’s amazing. A lovely gift idea Brenda - men are so difficult to buy for aren’t they?
    Fabulous magazine review Michele, some great articles there.
    Very humid here today although very cloudy and no sun. Work was sooo hot again!
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Sending hugs to you hugs xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Wow, wow, wow. Sophie you have done a fantastic job on Speedy. I saw it at the half way point and as usual your talent made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
    Brenda, what a wonderful personal gift for John. Please wish him belated birthday wishes from me and Mum x
    I keep meaning to say Sandra that you are more than welcome to show the fabulous portrait Soph did for me to give to Chris. I have to sort out three other pictures so she can do some more xx
    I’m at Mum and Pops today so can enjoy their air con. It is slightly overcast here at the moment but it was reading 27.5 degrees in the car at 12.30pm xx
    I just couldn’t stop leaving horrid finger prints on the card I was trying to use for my challenge card. I tried having the fan on me to cool me down but then it blew the card around so had a bit of a tantrum and gave up!
    I will try again for this weeks challenge using Karen’s helpful tips so fingers crossed 🤞
    Stay cool and don’t forget to drink lots of water. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA Sophie"drawing is amazing
    She is a very talented
    Pleased Paul appointmemt went well
    With constant
    Hope you both had some sleep last
    night Michele thank for your magazines review always very interesting x
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  10. Hello, sorry to be late, forgot to comment this morning.

    Sophie, your picture is amazing, you are very talented deserve to go far.

    Michele great mag review as always, I have the tim holtz dies which are very similar.

    Managed to get this weeks card done, why do I always leave it so late. Each week I say I must get my card done, next thing I know it’s Saturday.

    Sandra thinking of you today, hope all going well, Lilian
