
Sunday 9 August 2020

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Boy did I have a nightmare writing this blog post yesterday, for some reason every time I added a photograph the blog defaulted to underlining everything and typed in blue, I was about to launch my laptop across the lounge but quickly remembered I had a convalescing patient beside me, so I deleted everything and tried on my phone, it had the same fault. so I had to write everything and then add photos afterwards.

You have all made some stunning Challenge cards ladies, which must have been a bit of a chore in the heat of the past few days, so I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am going to sign out up here as it won't let me do it below.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday Ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you



Here are your amazing cards........


Pat designed this beautiful Groovi card sometime ago but I thought with the pretty Bluebells it would work perfectly for this weeks 'Spring Flower Challenge card. The card also features a Beehive and a tiny Bee all of the elements are so detailed and perfect.

Thanks so much Pat for sharing your inspirational Groovi Cards with us XXX


Michele has designed a pretty Spring Flower Challenge card using a bunch of Daffodils, Michele downloaded the elements for the card from a CD ROM called 'Say it with Flowers' from Ella's Design.

A beautiful Challenge card Michele, thanks so much for taking part in this weeks challenge, especially after a shocking week at work. XXX


Lilian has created a pretty Spring Flower Challenge card, using three lovely yellow tulips, Lilian has arranged them a a delicate doily which has been placed upon a gorgeous soft yellow polka dot background paper. 

Such a pretty Challenge card Lilian, thank you so much for braving the extreme heat of the craft room to take part in the challenge XXX


Karen had created two gorgeous Spring Flower Challenge cards, a beautiful Hyacinth that has so much dimension and interest and a Stunning tulip that Karen had very cleverly coloured with Crystal Tints, I love the effect that you achieved Karen.

Karen's Description:

'' Here’s two cc for Spring flowers

A hyacinth made using a Serif image and decoupaged with SW blossom patch dies

The crocus is made with all SW dies It’s a card of hers I found on Pinterest The crocus is coloured with CS tints on the back of a piece of acetate''

Thank you so much Karen for two stunning Challenge cards XXX


Sonia has designed a really pretty 'Spring Flower' Challenge card, it features a beautiful bouquet of tulips.  I love how you have kept the whole card in subtle tones, it really works, that background paper is so pretty Sonia.

Sonia's Description:

''I used the tulip stamp from the ‘Thanks a Bouquet’ set from Clearly Besotted, which I coloured with ProMarkers. I cut the frame with Kraft card. The sentiment is LOTV. The papers are by Trimcraft from the ‘Ps I Love You’ collection. ''

Thank you so much for such a lovely Challenge card Sonia XXX


Janet has made 3 beautiful Challenge cards, each of the beautiful in their own way. All so beautifully coloured, bright and cheerful just as a Spring card should be.

Janet's description:

''My first two cards are made using stamps from CHOC0LATE BAROQUE and feature Sweetpeas and Freesia.

 My third card is one I made some time ago using a SHEILA DOUGLAS stamp featuring a Spring time theme.''

Thank you so much Janet for three beautiful challenge cards XXX


Maria has designed a beautiful watercoloured card that features a pretty bouquet of Spring Flowers, Daffodils, Snowdrops and Bluebells.  They are beautifully coloured and the bouquet is finished with a lovely lace bow.

Thank you so much Maria for such a beautiful challenge card XXX


  1. Morning Everyone
    Oh Sunday morning always brightens the start of my day and today is no exception.All beautiful Spring cards.

    Yesterday was really a strain with it being to hot- I know I have been asking all week but yesterday was too much.
    This morning is certainly different in that it's quite grey and at the moment much much cooler.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Blogger is really playing up at the moment When I visit one I sometimes don’t get the photos come up or it won’t let me comment etc

    Lovely cards ladies and quite a few stampers! I need to practice more with stamping- maybe this week’s challenge for me I enjoyed doing the Crystal Tints one and where did crocus come in Of course it’s a tulip - just goes to show how little I know about gardening and flowers! The whole card was inspired by Sue W
    We had a lovely day at my sister in law’s We sat in the garden until nearly 9pm just chatting eating and drinking
    It’s very hot and humid here So I don’t intend to do much today after all it is Sunday - a day of rest for everyone
    I hope Paul continues to improve
    Enjoy your day everyone xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    WoW-what a fantastic selection of challenge cards today.

    My card was quick & easy to make. When I’m struggling for inspiration I often return to mycraft CDs.
    Yesterday started out very grey & damp. Got very warm by the time I was sat in the hairdressers. I spent sometime in my craft room finishing 2 commissioned cards then decided to sit out, by this time it was cloudy & breezy. It stayed fine so we had our bbq and the sun come out-hurrah.

    Housework today then I might spend an hour in the garden weeding.


  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Once again we had a beautiful display of spring cards. It always amazes me that not one is the same every week.
    Dull and a bit windy here today and breezy. But was gorgeous yesterday. Keith picked me up at 4.10 after asking could I be ready to go over to Amy’s at 3.50 which I was. We had to go over to North Leigh to take Sophie’s car back to her after Keith had serviced it for her. She was meaning a stall at an event that her friend Cara was holding in aid of Breast Cancer. Sophie was going to stay at Amy’s so she could have a drink with us. We sat out in Amy’s garden until 11.00pm it was so warm. I was able to have a drink as well which was nice. Keith went and picked Livvy up from Blenheim at 8.30. I wondered why they were working so late. I didn’t realise that Blenheim Palace started serving evening meals at 6.30. I just always assumed when the house & park shut everything shut. All the posh people eat there Nanny or people that are marking a special occasion. Fine dining at its best apparently.
    Hope Paul is improving Sandra.
    Stay safe everyone out there.

  5. Hi, very hot here again today, last night was unbearable, not much sleep, up watching Utube.

    Special cards again from all of you, Pat your groovi card is just beautiful.

    Not doing much today, venison for dinner, so not much work. Hope you all manage to keep cool, we are forecast thunder storms tomorrow and you know how they upset me. Have a good day,Lilian

  6. Hi everyone.
    Lovely challenge cards all around. Pat-sweet groovi work and Karen, love the colour on the tulip.
    Sonia- love the paper you have used for your card.
    I hope Paul is ok and you both managed some rest during the night.
    Did our walk this morning at 8.30am for know it would be a warm day again. I don't I could have gone much later.
    OH is watching the racing while I am on the lappi checking my e-mails and will talk to my parents later this afternoon. They have been out again with their mobile home and been visiting family up north and in my old hometown. Sadly a few of my old neighbours have gone but non through the covid.
    Not much will be done today I think and no cooking. Son buying in some pizza for tonight, not the best but will be nice not to have to cook.
    Have a nice day everyone. Love and hugs for you all. Maria xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous cards today from everyone, love them all 😊
    Another hot and unbearable morning at work 🥵, mind you it did start off cloudy and quite cool and there is more of a breeze here today. Waiting to see if we get the storms they are forecasting from Tuesday. Fingers crossed, it might clear the air, and I love a good thunderstorm!
    Not doing much this afternoon, will just sit with my feet up - literally.....I got bitten on top of my foot the other night whilst sitting out, and I think it may be infected. It was so itchy last night, and you know what it’s like when you just have to scratch it 😬 well it started weeping, and now the top of my foot is red and swollen 🙄
    Hope you’re all having a good day and taking it easy in this heat.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra sorry I didn’t get my card finished, I was getting on really well when John called from the garden can you spare a moment ( famous last words) that was my afternoon gone to pot. Anyway ladies you have all certainly done Sandra proud with you beautiful cards. Such a lovely breath of Spring xxx

    Very hot today, the temperature here is 29 degrees, ok as long as you don’t move!
    It’s cooler in the house than the garden. Hope you are all managing to keep cool.

    Enjoy the rest of your day, Love Brenda xxx
