
Monday 10 August 2020

A Summer Daisy Card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are well and had a lovely weekend,  ours was long and a little tiring. Paul is finding the 'posturing' hard work, being face down for 90% of the day is making his neck and shoulders really painful, anyone that knows Paul knows that he will not take painkillers!  I wish the hospital helped you with solutions to the difficulties that posturing present. We tried all kinds of combinations of pillows,  rolled up towels, the special pillow I bought was used in the mix too. 

Today's card is one that I (fortunately) made last week when I was trying to get ahead ready for our holiday!  Now that's not happening I can use them.

This particular card I made using the SU Delightful Daisy stamp set and matching punch.

I stamped the Daisy onto parchment/vellum 4 times using Versamark ink and I added white embossing powder and heat set.

TIP: When embossing stamped images on Vellum or parchment only apply heat until the powder has melted, if you overheat the embossing can just lift off of the paper.

I punched the Daisies and added a small dome of Glossy Accents into the centre of two of the Daisies,  I then added some of Pink Frogs coloured pollen, it looks so realistic.  While they were drying I prepared my base card.

I made a base card using Gray card, I then cut a smaller mat of Grey card and a yellow piece slightly larger, I took the smallest grey piece and stamped the Daisy stems on it in Versamark and heat set using white embossing powder. I assembled the card and added the Vellum Daisy flowers.

The sentiment I stamped onto a small off cut of card and the punched it out, same with the yellow scalloped circle.  I hope you like my card.

I know its  not bright and colourful but I actually like the combination of Grey  White with a hint of yellow.  

I hope that you all have a lovely day friends, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 




  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I hope you & Paul had a more restful evening/night yesterday.
    There doesn’t seem to be a picture of your card, I’m sure you can fix that.

    Yesterday was very warm-did all the housework then managed some weeding after lunch. Sat outside in the shade with a cold drink, chatting to hubby then it was time to start dinner (him not me)!


  2. Your lovely card has just made an appearance-it’s gorgeous Sandra.


  3. I love this card I think it’s the combination of colours but also that you’ve used a coloured card base and the narrowest of mats
    I do hope PAUL gets on ok today Ask them if they have any ideas especially if it’s causing pain in neck and shoulders
    I am on leave this week - only because we are being encouraged to take it Haven’t got many plans Although there is tons of jobs that need doing I was hoping to Vax the carpet sometime but it’s far too hot to even think about doing that OH is working tomorrow and hopes to be giving blood later in the week We are booked to go to the Gruffalo Trail on Thursday
    Have a great day all and stay safe in this heat x

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra. Love the colour combination you’ve used. You started this while I was over last week. Hopefully the hospital have some ideas comfortable sleep wise for Paul, and that he gets no un necessary phone calls.

  5. Hi, hot again.

    Sandra love your card, thanks for the tip re embossing on vellum, I never have any luck, always cracks off.
    Hope all goes well, and all have a good day, just new phones delivered with call blocking so fed up with all the scam call. So I will have to set all the data into it today. Hugs to all ,keep cool Lilian

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I loved all of your challenge cards ladies.
      Karen your tulip is stunning, the effect is wonderful x
      Sandra I love today’s daisies. The white, grey and yellow works together beautifully. The coloured pollen is a lovely touch. I will try and remember your tip about not overheating vellum, thanks for that. I hope the hospital visit goes well and they able to help Paul with ways to lay face down more comfortably later on xx
      It’s very hot here again today so I am having a lazy one with just doing the laundry at the moment. Keep cool ladies
      Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful card Sandra, simple but very effective 😊
    Hope you and Paul had a better night and you’re able to find a solution for Paul’s posturing.
    Really too hot here to do much this afternoon. Just sitting with the fan on me at the moment.
    Have a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Very pretty card Sandra. Love the colours together and the lovely Daisy's. Thanks for the hint how to heat emboss on vellum.
    Hope something can be found for Paul so he can get some rest. I hope you both managed some sleep.
    +34 outside right now and we knew it would be a hot day so walked this morning early. Cleared out plastic bags in the garage. Not sure how your food deliveries are coming to you but here they still come back in plastic bags and they are accumulating, anyway they are now sorted out and put into just one huge bag. That's it for today, nothing else got done. Time now to cook the dinner, pasta and burgers.
    I hope you all managed to stay well and cool over the day and will be able to get some rest during the night. Take

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I hope you & Paul had a better night sleep last night
    Wow hot I'm leaking bad i have just had the nurse in she dressed my wound it's still sore nurse said because I'm diabetic it takes longer to heal

    1. Sorry Sandra you're card is a love the colours very pretty
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Beautiful card Sandra , Love those daisies. Hope your day went well. It must have been very uncomfortable for you all as it’s been a real scorcher. At times I felt like I was melting, not much better now, had a little nap this afternoon on the garden sofa. John had put the gazebo up so so I wasn’t in direct sunlight.

    Hope everyone is coping as best as you can. Take care, Love Brenda xxx
