
Friday 21 August 2020

My Own TicTacToe/Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the weekend.

We have nothing planned as you can imagine, trying not to think of what we 'should have been doing' however I am happy to be sat here with Paul 'hopefully ' on the mend!! 

We have lots to do in the garden to keep us busy!  Weather permitting of course, the larger veg protection cage i constructed earlier in the week is holding up to all weather elements.  We are expecting some very strong winds this weekend so fingers crossed it will stay put!  I also want some time in my craft room. 

Your Next Challenge 

Now, I just couldn't make my mind up for this weeks challenge,  there were so many things circling around my brain but I couldn't comfortably choose 1, I like to choose things that all of you will enjoy taking part in.

With that in mind I looked at so many TicTacToe grids but there was always something that didn't work, so I made my own TicTacToe Grid !! 

Just choose any 3 categories and have fun!! 

I cant wait to see what you come up with, it's extra special this time as it's my own version. 


I would love for you to let me know what categories you'd like to have included in the next one.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge for us next week. How clever are you, creating your own Tic Tac Toe-that’s going to be so useful.

    We have very strong winds plus rain, although it’s meant to stop raining soon!

    Goodness-I’m very glad it’s Friday!!


  2. Morning Everyone
    Love love the look of next week's CC SANDRA.

    We had the most glorioous day yesterday weatherwise.Sun from early morning to after tea and WARM so much so that we were ableto have everything open for a change.
    Well this morning -back to normal wet/rain and very damp.

    Another week over and we're on the last week in August!!!
    'Swear' word day for me and hopefully sending off my CC which I didn't get around to yesterday.

    The CAFE is OPEN so help yourselves.
    HUGS to everyone.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Great challenge and I love that you’ve designed your own tic tac toe.
    Very windy here today and just started raining. Turned very hot yesterday afternoon while we were sitting out in the garden with my parents and Marks mum.
    Catching up with a bit of housework today, and then my brothers are coming round this evening - weather permitting!
    Hope you all have a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  4. Great challenge SANDRA
    Please don’t overdo the work in the garden
    Tea on the lawn was lovely Our newest neighbours joined us I love hearing the gossip about previous residents!
    We don’t have anything planned OH is working tomorrow Having haircut this afternoon I wonder what she’ Think of my attempt at colouring my hair!
    Hope you’re feeling brighter today MARIA and hope LYNDA and MARGARET are on the mend too
    Take care all

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Like your own tic tac toe. Yesterday turned out quite warm. Very very windy here. It looked like rain when I got up. But the sun is out now.
    Amy & Matty decided to go to Bourton On The Water yesterday. All the car parks were full. Normally they’d park outside Bourton & walk in. But it was heaving with people she said so they turned straight around and came home. She’d come over to her Mums to take amber out for a celebratory meal. I went up to see them. Livvy was cooking their tea. Keith tried to take over. Turned the chicken over with the tongs and left them in the pan. My word did she tell her Dad off as anyone picking them up could burn themselves.
    Amy was talking about everyone going to the zoo at some point. Livvy said you’ll need to get me a wheelchair if you do as she can’t walk very far with her hips. She’s having tests done and been given medication for them and will start some physio next week. She also has Gilbert’s syndrome which she doesn’t manage properly as you need to eat. She does eat but not as she should. It’s not usually diagnosed until your well into your teens. She said I know what it feels like to be an old lady nanny and laughed. Cheeky girl.
    Maria I do hope your feeling better today.
    Lynda did you manage to speak to your physio.
    I hope your feeling a bit better today Margaret.
    Stay safe & take dare everyone.

  6. Hello from a very battered Cornwall, gales during the night, slightly less now. Very heavy rain, and high spring tides, two sea rescues yesterday, in fortunately one man died, why don’t people take heed of warnings.( soap box away)

    Great challenge for next week, clever you designing your own grid. Few ideas floating around in my head, ( there is plenty of room )

    Hope you all keep safe and have a good day, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Great idea Sandra to design your own tic-tac-toe and I can see there is something there for everyone. You do make your poor brain work hard don’t you. Ha ha
    Hope all is well in the Riley household, and number one patient is on his best behaviour. 🤫

    The weather up-and-down the country seems so variable, yesterday we had full sunshine the whole day in fact I did three machine loads of washing and it was all dry ironed and put away by early afternoon. Now today I wouldn’t have chance to put in the washing machine on, although the sun is shining as I talk, it has been so dull and windy. But I mustn’t complain because we are relatively sheltered where we are. Lillian sorry to hear of yet another fatality in your area. Why do people not take heed of the warnings? So many people seem to think that warning signs are not relevant to them, then they pay the price !!!

    Wishing everyone a lovely weekend, I hope the weather will be kind to you.
    Take care and stay safe, love Brenda XXX

  8. Hi everyone.

    Well done making your own tic-tac-toe design, it looks very good and will do my best to join in.
    Try to have a relaxing weekend and not too many jobs taken on.
    Wind took 2 of our garden chairs and they were rolling around so noisily so that got me up early this morning and it been windy and raining through the whole day. It's been a long day but did some cards so happier about that.
    I wish you all a good weekend and many hugs are sent for you all xxx
